The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S3 Ep. 15: Jeremy Torchinsky's Inspiring Story of Purpose, Health, and Spiritual Ascension

June 25, 2023 Lynna K Teer Season 3 Episode 15
S3 Ep. 15: Jeremy Torchinsky's Inspiring Story of Purpose, Health, and Spiritual Ascension
The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast
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The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast
S3 Ep. 15: Jeremy Torchinsky's Inspiring Story of Purpose, Health, and Spiritual Ascension
Jun 25, 2023 Season 3 Episode 15
Lynna K Teer

Welcome to another transformative episode of the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast! In this captivating installment, your host Lynna K Teer, a renowned spiritual teacher, and coach, invites you to delve deep into the mystical realm of channeling to uncover profound insights that await your discovery.

Join Lynna as she sits down with the remarkable Jeremy Torchinsky, a certified personal trainer, certified health and life coach, and co-founder of the ZeroDoubt Club, ZeroDoubt Club Meals, and the ZeroDoubt Podcast. In this powerful conversation, Jeremy shares his inspiring story of spiritual awakening, a journey that began during a challenging phase in his life and ultimately led him to quit his unfulfilling poker career, paving the way for a remarkable transformation.

Together, Lynna and Jeremy explore the significance of aligning with our purpose and recognizing the signs and synchronicities that guide us on our path. They delve into the profound role that spiritual experiences play in shaping our work and the importance of integrating physical health, mindset coaching, and spiritual growth for a holistic transformation. Discover the transformative power of releasing dense energy as you ascend to higher states of being.

Tune in to this episode and be inspired by Jeremy's incredible journey of self-discovery. Learn how tapping into your spiritual self can lead you to uncover your true calling and live a purposeful, fulfilling life. Prepare to be uplifted as you embark on this enlightening conversation, gaining valuable insights to guide you on your own transformative path.

Don't miss out on this powerful episode of the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast! Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-empowerment, personal growth, and spiritual awakening.

To get in touch with Jeremy, check out his website or follow him on Instagram.

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Welcome to another transformative episode of the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast! In this captivating installment, your host Lynna K Teer, a renowned spiritual teacher, and coach, invites you to delve deep into the mystical realm of channeling to uncover profound insights that await your discovery.

Join Lynna as she sits down with the remarkable Jeremy Torchinsky, a certified personal trainer, certified health and life coach, and co-founder of the ZeroDoubt Club, ZeroDoubt Club Meals, and the ZeroDoubt Podcast. In this powerful conversation, Jeremy shares his inspiring story of spiritual awakening, a journey that began during a challenging phase in his life and ultimately led him to quit his unfulfilling poker career, paving the way for a remarkable transformation.

Together, Lynna and Jeremy explore the significance of aligning with our purpose and recognizing the signs and synchronicities that guide us on our path. They delve into the profound role that spiritual experiences play in shaping our work and the importance of integrating physical health, mindset coaching, and spiritual growth for a holistic transformation. Discover the transformative power of releasing dense energy as you ascend to higher states of being.

Tune in to this episode and be inspired by Jeremy's incredible journey of self-discovery. Learn how tapping into your spiritual self can lead you to uncover your true calling and live a purposeful, fulfilling life. Prepare to be uplifted as you embark on this enlightening conversation, gaining valuable insights to guide you on your own transformative path.

Don't miss out on this powerful episode of the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast! Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-empowerment, personal growth, and spiritual awakening.

To get in touch with Jeremy, check out his website or follow him on Instagram.

IAWAKE A Ticket to Glide
Your ticket to the inner experiences of relaxation, peace and creativity.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Mindset and Manifesting podcast. For those of you who are new, my name is Lina. I'm a spiritual teacher and a coach, and today I have a special guest. His name is Jeremy Torchinski. He is a certified personal trainer, a certified health and life coach and co-founder of the ZeroDoubt Club, zerodoubt Club Meals and the ZeroDoubt Podcast. Now, we don't normally talk about fitness and nutrition here on the podcast. However, jeremy has also gone through a spiritual awakening, so I have him on today so he can talk a little bit about himself and his experiences and then, of course, anything else he wants to mention. So, jeremy, take it away, tell us a little bit about yourself and your journey and all of that.

Speaker 2:

Well, lina, thank you so much for having me on And yeah, i mean it's definitely been a journey and there's definitely different parts along the journey that I can start. But you know, i'll start with kind of the more recent one, and that was back in 2017 when I was at my low point. I was about to go through a separation. I was, you know, very depressed, anxious person At that time. I was pretty overweight. I've always liked working out. I've been in the gym since 19, ever since I decided to, you know, take control of not looking small anymore. You know, i started working out at 19. But at 2017, i was definitely at a low point and I'm in the gym working out and my mind was obviously not in the gym and I snapped my bicep right there, lifting, doing bicep, doing curls, and that was it. I needed surgery. I couldn't work out no more. It was a really low point. I thought, okay, wow, i can't get any worse. And a friend recommended I listened to a podcast Tim Ferriss podcast and they were talking about keto and how you can preserve muscle mass while at the same time losing a lot of weight, and I said, why not, let's just try it. I listened to these podcasts, fell in love with podcasts. Fell in love with, you know, the magnificence of the body, lost like 30 pounds really fast And the seeds were planted back then as far as being a coach.

Speaker 2:

But at the time I was actually a poker player. I was playing poker professionally for 15 years, did a lot online, traveled to some casinos, was a winning player, you know I mean people say that it's gambling, but for me it really wasn't too much gambling. It was more kind of like, you know, being a day trader playing stock market, the odds in my favor. So it was good money. It was easy money, but not easy money late hours, definitely not fulfilling it all because you're not helping anyone And I don't know, you know Who poker fulfills. But you know, definitely it was a tough gig to have on my mind. So you know I was beating myself up a lot and Just felt like I was chained to that profession because, again, making good money and make my own hours, it seems like it's, you know, nice, but It was. It was just felt like in prison.

Speaker 2:

And then fast forward to 2019. You know I started eating better, drinking less, taking care of my body for two years and 2019 I'm driving down to the casino, i'm actually listening to one of my first spiritual books called spirit hacking, and in this book there was a part of the book that really hit me Emotionally and I was not an emotional guy, so I didn't even know what this was, what these feelings were all of a sudden, but I got emotional. And as I got emotional, this big truck drives by and it's a spirit right on it. Never seen the truck before. I've never seen the truck after. And as I'm seeing this truck, i hear a higher voice say Jeremy, sign up for health coach, life coach, online. You can. You can get your certification and Do it part-time. And I had already looked into it but always said no, no, no, it's not for me. I can't start off at the bottom, it's too hard. I'll never be able to figure it out. How, how, how, how, how. And that day, when I heard That and saw that, i signed up, got to the casino, i signed up and I started my classes. A month later, i got a sauna, ordered a sauna little infrared sauna to go in my house and I said I was gonna meditate, start meditation and and doing all the schoolwork and Fast forward to now, march of 2020, right before the pandemic, i'm sitting in the sauna meditating and all of a sudden, i just get flashed back to childhood events of just an event where I was getting bullied, which it seemed like back then I was getting bullied all the time, right, most kids do, especially when you're Short little kid, that's, you know, underweight and coming from a foreign country, which is my parents came from Russia and brought me.

Speaker 2:

So you know it was, it was tough, but anyways, i fast forward these childhood events and I just let the emotions out that they were bottled in from back then. It was like I was looking at my Myself and and then feeling that, and then also feeling how my son is related and how others are related to the same kind of like mental game that was being played and I cried for actually the first time in, like I think, like 30 years Wow, i mean, my dad passed away. I didn't cry. My grandparents, all my grandparents, passed away. I could never cry. There was something in me Because you're taught as a young kid to just hold in your emotions, be tough, right. So, holding all these emotions and I didn't know I was, but I let, i felt like I let out, i don't know, it was like a volcano exploded and After that I walk out of the sauna and everything's different.

Speaker 2:

Like I am, i I feel like I'm on ecstasy, like I'm walking outside and the trees look different, the birds sound different, everything looks different. All of a sudden, like within a Blink of an eye, nature appears different to me, and I was not much of a nature guy before, i just kind of felt like it was a little bit boring, right. But after that experience it changed me, like physically, on the physical level, and I just dove into more meditation and I just, you know, kind of just meditated every day, make sure, for an hour and two weeks Into heavy meditation. I have another Vision. Well, actually this was my first vision and probably really my only one, where I am standing on stage sharing my story, and it's obviously somewhere in the future, but very successful, and I've helped millions of people and I'm feeling this and I just can't believe it and I'm crying again Because you know I'm.

Speaker 2:

I was a shy, timid kid who, because of the way that I held all my emotions and I didn't release by being angry at the world, i released by kind of hiding from the world. So I was just high from the world, and here, all of a sudden, i see this vision of me standing on stage And I know this is like my destiny. So you know, i'm balling again, and that was it. After that, i never played a single hand of poker again. I took my health to another level by deciding to cut out all alcohol, any sort of prescription pills. You know, though, those were once in, occasionally, still in my life, and definitely a few drinks here and there, But I but I knew that once I saw that I didn't need anything else, i know where I was going, and then it was just a matter of just letting go and Taking it one day, one moment at a time, and enjoying the process.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wow, wow. So, sets, Since that last event, in addition to your health, have you experienced different things, because we talked yesterday on your podcast about some of the things that I've experienced. So have you experienced things in the past few years on your spiritual journey that have given you additional insight into what you're here to do and kind of what this world is really all about? things like that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, absolutely Before any of these awakenings or higher levels of realization, i couldn't see any of the dots connecting. I couldn't see there's a sign here, there's a sign there, like you need to talk to this guy, you need to call this person, you need to do this. None of that. And now it's happening all the time like synchronizations or even in dreams. It's weird because now, like I just recently actually was talking to a girl who there was potential for a relationship there, but something was off and I knew that we had a past too. We had a little short past, but my intuition was kind of telling me I don't think it's right. I had a dream where she was in the dream having a relationship with another person. Okay, and it felt weird, but it didn't feel like I was jealous, it was just some sort of feeling there.

Speaker 2:

Right A week later, she's back with her ex. She's back with her ex and I mean I just feel like there's signs everywhere And the more that you're aligned to your purpose, the more this happens. And I think this happens because it builds your belief system, it makes it stronger and stronger and you don't need to question anymore am I on the right path? because when you are on the right path, you see it. You see signs everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly When I was younger, when I was about 10 years old, i knew that I would write and tell my story one day, and I mentioned this before on my podcast And at the time I thought, oh, one day you're going to tell people how you overcame anxiety and depression. But I heard that audibly, right, since I didn't realize at the time I was a clairaudient, but I heard it like an actual, like. I was here in an actual voice. And over the years I've tried different things And I have my awakening and now I'm teaching and coaching and I've written a book. I'm still editing it up and trying to get that out for a couple years.

Speaker 1:

But I one thing I realized is that your soul's purpose you cannot like, you cannot outrun your purpose. It's always there. You can try different things, but you can't outrun it because it's going to keep coming back. You're gonna keep getting nudged or seeing signs. You may ignore them when you're not aware of them, but you can't outrun your purpose, right? Eventually you're gonna do what you're meant to do. Once you become aware enough, right, you have that spiritual awakening. You become aware enough and you're like, oh, now all the puzzle pieces fit together. This is what I am supposed to do, right? Yeah, you can't ignore it 100%, 100%.

Speaker 2:

And when you're trying to outrun your purpose or not live it, you'll still get signs. The body will tell you. The body will tell you when something is off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, I explain So. whenever something comes up for me and it doesn't feel aligned, I always describe it as this kind of like. I always describe it as like this gritty feeling. It's just uncomfortable, like like, oh, this doesn't feel right And it's very evident now, right. I used to ignore it in the past because I thought, oh, this is just, you know, this is just coming up for whatever reason. Now it's like very, it's very clear, because it doesn't happen very often now, but when it does, I really know something is off. Do you get that now too? Or you just know when something's off?

Speaker 2:

You know, before I would run when something was off, right, either either drink or whatever. Just tons of bad habits. But now, if something is off, i think I'm doing a pretty good job at just like taking time to be with myself, and then it goes away because I remember, I remember what I'm doing. Yeah, and those like we talked about, yesterday.

Speaker 1:

When stuff like that comes up, it's just there to show us and give us a choice right In any given moment.

Speaker 1:

For instance, like if you had people in your life now where maybe don't resonate with you anymore and somebody was like, hey, do you want to go out? There's a part of you that could be like, okay, y'all go out, they want me to go out, kind of whatever, and then might not feel great, you may just do it to make other people happy, right, yeah. And then there's a part of you that's like no, i'm going to be completely authentic, i don't want to go out, i don't care how they feel about it, i'm going to stay home, i'm going to meditate, read a book, whatever. I'm going to do what I want to do, and that authenticity really helps to keep us aligned. So it's really important, when something feels off, to just look at it and recognize this is showing me right now. It's giving me off an opportunity to make a choice right. There's a lesson in everything that we see, that we encounter. Everything that comes up Yeah, no, absolutely, absolutely Put an agree more.

Speaker 1:

All right, so do you want to talk? I'd like to talk a little bit about how your spiritual experiences now tie into your work as a trainer, a health and life coach, and then with the meals, because when you're in certain like in professions right when you're when you're working and doing things it can be easy to get kind of caught up with this, the system or routine of things of how everybody else is doing it from like a third dimensional perspective. This is the way we do it, this is the way we've always been doing it, right. But given that you've had a spiritual awakening, how do you like, how do you approach work now?

Speaker 2:

So so I mean I approach work in a way of helping others right. So my journey really started when I started training strength training specifically because it gave me a lot of confidence, and I think a lot of people might be lacking in self confidence. You know, especially the way that they look. You know COVID didn't do anyone any justice. So you know, getting in the gym and moving your body and seeing progress, losing some fat, building some muscle, is a great way to start building your confidence and, more importantly, improving your body in the way that it works. Right. You know, clearing out some toxins, eating healthier And I think we all know that eating healthy is a direct impact on your body's performance.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so you know I help people with all of it and then the spiritual part that comes in when it comes in. But you can give yourself a better chance of having these mystical experiences or aha moments or really tapping into your higher self when you're, when you're physically healthier, when you're healthier, and then you pair that with you know, the right mindset coaching, and I think mindset might be 9095% of it. Anyways, i believe the mind causes most, if not all, of the diseases out there. So it's ultimately a computer that's been programmed from childhood And if it's been programmed it can be reprogrammed. So a lot of the thoughts that we've been programmed are just wrong. You know it's like evolution, where that's all old stuff, like we're. We're living in new thoughts and new beliefs, more importantly new belief systems, because we've we've had the experiences. So when you have the experiences you don't even need to believe anymore. You know it's a knowing. So that's where the spirituality comes in. Is you want to have more of these knowings. And when you have more of these experiences, then you have zero doubt. So that's how we came up with the name of zero doubt club. So we're helping others again through it all, not just working out, because you know, i was, i was strength training for 20 years and never put the pieces together to the puzzle.

Speaker 2:

You know you need to eat everything right. You need, you need to eat right. So we have a meal prep company. Because you know, the number one excuses I don't have enough time. So what do you do?

Speaker 2:

you go to fast food, or you mentioned, at work. You know, a lot of times at work it's just like, okay, we're ordering tacos and all this on Fridays, which is fine, it's great, but just it's, how many better choices have you made in the week? right, did you? did you make, you know, 10 better choices this week than you did the previous week? then you're improving and that's what it's about, and that's what coaching is. It doesn't matter where you are. Okay, that does not matter, it's all about. Are you on the journey to your soul's purpose, like we talked about before? Yeah, exactly, and you don't even need to know what your soul's purpose is. All you need to know is that are you becoming a better version of yourself? are you doing healthy things for yourself so you can feel good? and that's enough of a purpose already to get going, and then the rest is just going to come to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know our. So our act. We have this purpose that we live while we're here right on earth and this physical body, these things that we chose to do while we're here, but our true, like our true soul purpose is actually to awaken. It's to awaken to the truth of who we are, is what our, like our, the bottom line soul purposes. And you know, when you talk about mindset and disease, everything is energetic, right, our thoughts are energetic, etc. You're right, that is the core of all diseases.

Speaker 1:

If anything comes up for me now, my first inclination is not to go see the doctor. I'm a veteran so I would have to go to the VA anyway. I avoid that at all costs. My first inclination is not to take any kind of pills. I can't anymore. They actually make me sick. I get a lot of congestion with allergies which I'm working on manifesting, but I can't take allergy meds. I can't take any of that. It physically makes me sick. Now I can't put things in my body.

Speaker 1:

Our bodies are energetically changing. With all of the light and stuff coming in, all of the new energies. Our physical bodies are changing People who are not healthy. It's going to be more difficult because there's a lot of dense energies and stuff that are coming up now that have to be released. It's all these toxins, right? A lot of people consider them toxins. It's energy. So it's very, very important for individuals to think about their health right now and to get healthy And, like you said, eat well right, you have plenty of water, things like that Because as the energy is coming in, intensify, it's going to affect our physical bodies more and more, so getting healthy is very important.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is, and there's also the emotional energy built up.

Speaker 1:

That's what I had. That's what I had.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I felt like a totally different person after I had that emotional outburst for like 30 minutes in the sauna, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's all just stuff, all that dense energy just could. So, as the light comes in, all of that dark, dense energy, emotions, physical illness, things like that, all of that starting to get pushed out Basically to be released, because those of us on the awakening journey are going through the ascension process, right, so that affects us physically And then we can't hold on to all that stuff that we're used to holding on to. It has to be released. Yeah, so All right, i don't have any more questions for you Oh, actually I do, for your meals is that something you do locally, or is that something you do online?

Speaker 1:

Did you guys create an online company?

Speaker 2:

So you can order online, but right now we're only in Northeast Ohio, but one day soon we will be in Colorado, where you live.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I'll send you some.

Speaker 1:

We have a meal company here. When I was going to the gym they were actually right next door to the gym but I wasn't really impressed with their meals. I'm gonna have to go online and check and see what you guys. See what you guys, because I didn't know until I asked you today about the meals. Now I'm curious kind of what your meals look like.

Speaker 2:

But I think it's a big problem. Again, when we're in Colorado, I'll send you some.

Speaker 1:

Nice, all right. so is there anything else that you want to talk about today? I don't have any more questions, and it's starting to lightening outside again.

Speaker 2:

And hopefully it doesn't hail like this. No same here. Actually It's about a rain, So there you go.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, Yeah it's about a rain. No, this was great, this was fun and I'm sure we're going to do it again and thank your listeners for listening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for coming on, and having me? Yeah, and I will list your information in the description box, so anybody that wants to reach out to you. That leads me to another question, real quick Do you do online training or do you just do that in person as well? We do online training as well, Oh okay, yeah, so if any of my listeners are interested, then go online. Awesome, absolutely All right. So I will leave all your information in the description box so they can reach out to you. They're interested.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, thanks for coming on, and we'll be in touch soon.

Speaker 2:

Take care Talk soon. Thanks, Lena.

Fitness Trainer's Spiritual Awakening
Aligning With Purpose and Signs
Mindset and Spiritual Health Coaching