The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S3 Ep. 18: Transforming Sensitivity into Superpower: A Conversation with Jennifer Moore

Lynna K Teer Season 3 Episode 18

Have you ever wondered how empathy, often perceived as a vulnerability, can transform into a superpower? Join us as our remarkable guest, Jennifer Moore takes us through her extraordinary journey of self-discovery and acceptance. This episode is an inspiring exploration of her experiences, from feeling different in her early years, navigating her sensitivity in an era when such topics were barely discussed, to embracing her empathic nature and using it as a force to assist other sensitive and intuitive women.

We venture into fascinating territories of past life healing, psychic development, and the significance of self-validation. Jennifer shares her profound realizations from a psychic development course and how ancestral healing played a pivotal role in her life. We also delve into her spiritual journey unfolding in a patriarchal military environment and her struggle to balance her unique perception with conventional business norms.

In the latter part of our candid conversation, we discuss family, authenticity, prophetic dreams, and psychic perception. Her intriguing childhood experiences, prophetic dreams, and the unique relationship between empathy and understanding death provide a captivating narrative. We conclude with a valuable lesson on harnessing language for manifestation and how our thoughts and focus shape our reality. Jennifer's empowering message is a beacon of hope; to trust and believe in ourselves, even when nobody else does. So, are you ready to embrace your empathic nature and embark on this enlightening journey with us?

Check out Jennifer at Empathic Mastery.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome to the Mindset and Manifesting podcast. Today I have a special guest. Her name is Jennifer Moore and I'm going to read off of my notes because as the older I get, the less I can remember. So, jennifer, she's a mentor and a teacher for sensitive and intuitive women right Specifically those who need help controlling the empathic overwhelm. They keep some stuff in life and business and I can relate to that. She is also an energy healer and a spiritual guide and the author of the Amazon bestseller Empathic mastery, which is a five step system to go from emotional hot mess to thriving success. She's an accredited EFT master trainer for EFT International and host of the Empathic Mastery Show.

Speaker 1:

A lot of other information, a lot of education and training. So if you're interested, I'll have her information available on my website so you can check out all of the other great things that she has done. But right now I want to have Jennifer kind of tell us a little bit more about her self and her program and her book, and then I have a specific question. I definitely want to ask her about dreams. So, jennifer, take it away Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do, and then a little bit about your book and anything else that you want to share.

Speaker 2:

Okay well, linda, thank you so much for having me here. I am just so delighted and thrilled to be connecting and to be having a chance to talk. I mean, even just pre turning on the recording, I'm just like, oh, a kindred soul, so good to be here. So let's see where do we start. So you know, I have always known that, or actually I realized that I was different than the other reindeer's when I joined, when I went into nursery school, like up until that point, I had just been kind of like coasting along.

Speaker 2:

I was very, very verbal. I was a very, very bright kid. I really loved being around adults and communicating with adults. And it wasn't until I sort of like went off to nursery school and was around children that I was kind of like oh, I'm not the same as these kids are. And I remember, even at like the age of like four or five years old, noticing that stuff would roll off of other kids back. That would just penetrate me, that would just really stick and would really impact me. And I knew that I was more sensitive, that I was more reactive, that I was picking up a lot more. Just by comparing myself to the other kids around me, I could see like stuff that did not bother them bothered me, and at that point in time I knew I was different, but I didn't really have any vocabulary, I didn't have any understanding of what that meant. I just knew that something was different about me and at that point in time I mean I was born in the early 60s, and so we're talking like nursery school in the mid 60s and mid to late 60s, sort of that early stage in my life, and so pretty much the only interpretation I had was there's something wrong with you, you need to fix yourself, you need to be different, you need to be better. And it wasn't until I got to be a little bit older that I started to pursue, because I was very fascinated by all things metaphysical, all things magical, all things psychic and intuitive, and so I think the first time I heard somebody talk about what it means to be an empath I was like 18 years old, which that was like the late 70s, early 80s and, yeah, late 70s, and it's almost like that would have been pretty much like unheard of, like people were not talking about what it means to be an empath yet. So I had breadcrumbs that were dropped early along the way for me. That sort of gave me this idea of oh, there's something unique about you, there's something different about you, and it's both your blessing and your curse. So that's kind of like sort of the Cliff Notes version of you know, kind of where it all started.

Speaker 2:

What I will say about my journey is that it is not I know some people like you had mentioned sort of like coming into your awakening. I was sort of more like the got put into a pot of water and put on the stove and, as I was born, the you know like they lit the stove and like the water started to heat up, and so I kind of was never not awake like I, but I but I kind of like came into the intensity of what I am and who I am over a very, very long period of time. And so my journey has been incremental. There's been like many, many, many plot twists, there's been many moments of like twisting and, and you know, shifting and realizing things and, interestingly, I have met a number of people like you where it was kind of like you were kind of like.

Speaker 2:

It was like maybe you're like it's almost like being like a sleeper cell or something where all of a sudden it's like the, the psych, the sensitivity and the awareness you just awaken to it and so which I can't even imagine, like it's hard enough or it was hard enough to be like slowly, like kind of waiting into the deep end through my life. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be just like locked in the middle of it from the start. So hopefully that kind of gives you a start. You know I'm. There are so many different directions or places I could go. I'd be much more interested in just sort of like answering your questions.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, yeah, that'll work. You know you mentioned what you just said about being dropped into it. Actually, for me, it was kind of a relief when I realized that I was so sensitive to energy. Yeah, and I finally took a Reiki level my one and two classes a couple of weeks ago because I was like I need to figure out a way to work, utilize this energy more productively right, especially since I can physically feel it as well. So that was a step for me.

Speaker 1:

But when I realized that I was really sensitive to it and I was picking up on other things and the visions and stuff I was getting, and it finally dawned on me oh, okay, when growing up, this is why I was so different, this is why I shut down, because I felt like nobody understood me.

Speaker 1:

This is probably why I dealt with anxiety and depression, because I isolated myself right, even as an adult I've done that. And then when I see things and they're not my own right and I've given this example before I sit on the couch, one time it was on a portal day, like November 11th, I don't remember it was one of the like portal days I closed my eyes and I saw this woman and she was in a hospital bed, hooked up to tubes, nobody that I knew my shoulder was hurting and I just had this in this intuitive kind of insight to just send love and healing to this woman. So I did that. I'd never intentionally done that before, like I never intentionally had something like that happen, and intentionally sent energy out like that. I did that. The vision went away, my shoulder stopped hurting. So for me to realize that I was so sensitive to it was like for me a light bulb went off, yes, and then all of a sudden was like oh then, like my whole life sort of made sense, it starts to fall into place.

Speaker 2:

And, yeah, exactly In my book, empathic Mastery, one of the things that I talk about is, you know, the five steps, what I realized. So I wrote the book because I needed, I needed a guide, I needed something that could answer the questions that I struggled with from the time I was like, oh, a little girl, until I was like in my mid 30s and where. So I sort of started to have this idea. I wanted to create something that was a resource for, like, the care and feeding of your psychic, empathic self and like, how do you function in a world that does not acknowledge this? It does not deal with this, because I mean so much of the time, so much of the spiritual teachings that I was pursuing, so many of the things that I found. So much of it is oriented towards people who need to like, amplify their spent, their sensitivity, who want to open to their, create new, to open to receiving more information. And the challenge for those of us who are already kind of like wide open and awake, or maybe like partially awake but wide open, is that those systems basically amplify or turn the volume up on a system that's already wide, is already way too loud, and what I realized is so, and what I realized is that we need a different set of tools than somebody who needs to learn how to be awake. The other thing is that, when it comes to the sort of how do we protect ourselves from picking up all of the intensity, the thoughts, the feelings, the energy, the sensations that are coming from the world around us, we can't just put a bubble of light up around ourselves. Because I don't know about you, but one of the things like so often it was like the solutions or the answers I was getting as a kid was and a young adult was like just let it go, stop worrying about it, stop thinking about it. Just like just move. You know, sort of move along folks, nothing to see here. And oh, just like put a bubble of light around yourself. Like just put a shield up around yourself.

Speaker 2:

The problem with putting so number one, just let it go. I was just like how in ever loving HG double hockey sticks are? Am I going to ever do this? Like I was just baffled. Let it go. What do you even mean by that? Like I mean, maybe you can pry my hands open, but so that was really baffling to me because I really did not know how to let things go. But I also found that the whole advice of just put a ball of light up around it didn't really help and I would still feel really awful. And what I discovered was that the reason why that doesn't work is that it was in the wrong place in terms of the order of things.

Speaker 2:

So when I started working on empathic mastery, what I realized is that there's a series of steps that we have to take. The first step is recognize, and the thing about recognize which kind of goes back to what we were just talking about is that it's not just about recognizing what's mine, what's not mine. Recognize starts with understanding what it means to be a highly sensitive empath and why this is affecting us. So recognizing ourselves as an empath is like the first step of recognize. Then, once we recognize that, we can start to recognize when we are off balance, when we are picking something up, when we're feeling wonky or strange or out of sorts, and then, once we recognize that, then we can start to go to the next question, which is is this mine? And then the question of what's mine, what's not mine, and finally, where the hell is this coming from? Like what is this all about? Why am I feeling this way? And what of this is coming from my past lives? What if this is coming from my ancestral car, ancestral legacies? And what if this is coming from my experiences in this life? And what if this is not about me at all? But I am picking up from the world outside of me and so it's like just that ability to identify ourselves and go oh, I am a highly sensitive empath. I pick up the thoughts, the feelings, the energy and the sensations from the world around me, but, unlike a psychic or a medium or an intuitive person who just is a psychic or an intuitive, I process information as if it's my own. And you know which I just shared?

Speaker 2:

My definition of being an empath, which is an empath, is a person who is picking up the thoughts, feelings, energy and sensations from the world around them and processing it as if it's their own. The thing is, for so many of us, we grew up in families or grew up in environments where we'd pick things up and we'd pick up what other people were putting down, but they weren't willing to own it and they weren't willing to claim it. So very often most empaths were told oh, you're making too big a deal out of it. You're being you have an overactive imagination. You're being too sensitive, you're overreacting, you're taking it too personally. Stop worrying about it. You know. There's nothing going on here, you're just making this stuff up.

Speaker 2:

And so, interestingly, because this is such a common phenomenon, what I found is that it really causes us to doubt ourselves and to sort of be like oh, there must be something wrong with me that I'm feeling so out of sorts. So that first step of being like no, I'm an empath and I'm picking up on stuff that people may not be willing to own, but it really is happening here and it really is going on, and that means that I'm more sensitive to these things. Therefore, I need to respect that. But I also need to approach myself and the way I relate to the entire world differently than just trying to kind of fit in with all of the average bears. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one thing that's been helpful to me is I've really and we talked a little about Neville Goddard's work and this is really his work has really helped me in this and understanding my true nature and things like that is really becoming the observer. And I've just gone through. I've just gone through three months like a psychic development course with my coach and or not course, but coaching right and done a lot of like past life work, healing. I've done some. I had done some in meditation by myself, but it was so fascinating because there've been so many significant shifts.

Speaker 1:

And now and I was just telling her in our last session I was like this past week is like it's like steppy. It's been like steppy in, like a calm lake and then and you disturb, like all this monkey water underneath and all of this stuff has come up right Due to the kind of looking at this deeper stuff. And so all of this stuff had come up this past week. But I'm really just an observer mode. It's easier for me to recognize okay, why is this coming up right? This is mine, this is not, but it's taken. It has taken practice right and developing that skill of just kind of not kind of, but just observing and being able to Instead of reacting, like respond instead of react.

Speaker 2:

And also I had a I created a meme a little while ago that says observe, don't absorb. And I mean I came from a family where emotions, if there was a feeling, it was like stop the world, I have to get off. Like emotions trumped everything, they took over. And there's something so freeing about that ability to just observe without going down that rabbit hole of just like being completely carried away by the momentum or the riptide of emotional intensity, like it's possible to just acknowledge and to observe without just getting so carried away. I also just really wanna comment.

Speaker 2:

You were saying you've been doing a lot of past life work and I have to say that I honestly think that there is gold in them. Thar Hills, like past life work is so like there's for me, being able to see beyond this lifetime, this incarnation, and beyond sort of the current state we are in as a species, and recognize, like the long time, recognize like the you know that like this evolution and, as one of my mentors says, evolution and growth over a lifetime. But it's like it's not just over a life, it's like over lifetimes that we keep on evolving, we keep learning, we keep growing and there's something so powerful about being able to see the through line and start understanding, like, the magnitude of our existence beyond just this time and space. I've been doing I've been working on this next book, which is a channeled book. That's all about this current time and us as a species and our why so many people are awakening to be empaths and also kind of our evolution as a species, and so I've been, and it's been bringing up this one particular last chronologically, like the last life I was in before this one.

Speaker 2:

But I've been getting all these pieces of information and I'm understanding at an even deeper level, like I remembered this life, probably when I was in my mid 20s and I am way past my mid 20s at this point in time and but I'm only now understanding things where I'm like oh, that's why I do this, that's why I do this, that's why I do this, and so I just I really think that there is just so like past life regression work, past life healing work, especially not just where you go back and you remember it and then you're just like whatever, but where you go back and you really allow the energy of it to clear. It's miraculous how different our lives can be when we do that. So I love that you were talking about doing past life work, because for me that's really like the ancestral healing and the past life healing. That's where it's like if something is, if you're stuck in this life and you've done everything, you've done all the strategy, you've worked with the coaches, you've seen the healers, you've done it all and you're still repeating the same thing over and over again, I can almost guarantee you it's gonna be in one of two places.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna either be in a past life pattern that maybe you've been repeating over and over again, or it's gonna be in an ancestral pattern that's been inherited, that's been passed on for generation upon generation and like probably 50% of the time it's both. But like I really think that that's where the magic happens is when we start going back in and like clearing the ancestral lines, clearing the karmic wounds, all of that so powerful.

Speaker 1:

It's been profound for me because I had done so much, so much work on my own right healing trauma things like that and I had cleared on my own some pretty significant stuff trauma and stuff growing up and there were really two areas that I felt still felt pretty stuck in. And then you know my coach. Her name is Faith. I kept seeing her and I was like this is she really? I really resonate with her, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I reached out and the healing work oh my, it has been so, so profound, right so, and to the point that there's really we're always a work in progress, but like the big stuff is done, like anything comes up now is so minor, it's like getting into the nooks and cantees. Yeah, yeah. So I'm gonna eventually have to run my podcast, but part of my hope is that through the work that I do and that I share and my experiences is that there will be people who resonate and get to a certain point on their journey and they'll remember oh, maybe I should do some past life healing now, maybe that would be helpful.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, can we talk about the women that you work with? So, to most of the women, because I've run into this right In life and business as a child, kind of shutting down, isolating myself, and then in business, so it was a time where I was like, especially in the military, it's like go, go, go, go, go, go way in my divine masculine right, but not realizing that there were certain aspects I was avoiding and realized it was because of the energy right, the energy that was there, that I was essentially avoiding a certain aspect of myself because of the energy around it that I was just kind of couldn't.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're also not supported. You know, I mean it's like especially if you were in like patriarchal, like hyper masculine military culture, like I mean it's all just the facts, ma'am, and there's no. I mean well, I, but I do think, ironically, I think within, I think with it. I think that there is a certain like a soldier's instinct or soldier's intuition, like I don't, I think that a lot of soldiers, especially in active combat, are definitely using their intuition and like probably have a lot of woo experiences that they can't explain. But military culture is not exactly the most woo culture, so it makes sense to me that also. Like, where were you getting any support to explore that? Where was it coming out? So was the question that you were leading towards about the women that I work with?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because yeah, because what I noticed when I got out of the military and went into the civilian environment and then, you know, I had a couple of jobs and I started my own freelance business after a while and I found it difficult to. I found it difficult to, well, part of it. Now I know it's because I wasn't really doing it. That wasn't my purpose, right, but working with certain in certain sectors or people, what happens, for what happened for me was I would be able to get get work done, but then I'd have to like, literally, there'd be times or a couple of days I could do anything. I was so drained and it wasn't necessarily from the task I was doing. It was energetic.

Speaker 1:

Yes, right, because now what happens? Now I know better. Now spirit will be like it's time to rest, rest especially as a manifesting generator, right, and I'm not respond, I don't have that sequel response, right, everything from the mind. I saw very in tune with that now. But so I know that now. But many people don't know their human design. They don't know as much, they don't know enough really about their self or their blueprint or things like that to manage in the business sector and to know what works for them what doesn't work for them. And then they're dealing with the energetics behind right the people they're working with, and being an empath on top of that, like, how do you manage all of that? How do?

Speaker 2:

you manage all of that, and we live in a culture that has a lot of ideas about the formula by which you're supposed to function, by which you're supposed to succeed, and I think that anybody who is sort of for lack of a better word like neuro spicy and I think empath sort of has a certain level of neurodiversity, like not your neurotypical average person who can just follow the set of rules and go about it, that it's sort of like the things that work for the average person don't work for us, and we also only. I mean, I feel like we're in a renaissance right now, where more and more of us are having these conversations. More and more of us are saying like, like I don't care if you don't validate me or believe in me or agree with me or accept what I'm talking about. I know, this is my truth. You know, like it was funny, my husband and I were talking yesterday and he doesn't remember any past lives.

Speaker 2:

He knows he has even said to me multiple times that he chose not to remember that it's hard enough dealing with this life without having to deal with other past lives, and so he has no recollection whatsoever. Every so often I'll have a tidbit of information for him. I did a regression a little while ago where I discovered that he had been my little brother, but he's like he has no recall about it. So every so often he will say something to me like well, that's you know well, well, maybe. And I just yesterday I was saying something to him about something that I know from a previous life and he was like, well, maybe. And I'm like no, it is true, I just know this to be true and I was kind of like I'm not going to let your doubt or your skepticism or your more sort of conventional way of looking at the world define my reality. My reality is that I experienced, I made this vow in a previous life that has deeply impacted the frequency by which I reincarnate, and I was like this is just how it is for me, but it's taken me.

Speaker 2:

I grew up in a family of. On my my dad's side of the family, everybody was like atheists and agnostics and intellectuals. My mom's side of the family were all like devout Catholics, but my mom had left the church. So I was raised in an atheist family that didn't believe in any of this stuff, and so I spent my whole childhood being around people who are constantly scrutinizing, constantly questioning, constantly being like trying to poke holes in my reality and constantly just being like are you sure and you know it's taken most of my life to just being like, yeah, I'm sure, and I think this fits into kind of the question that you are gearing towards with the women I work with is that there is a journey that I find every one of us has to go through where we get to claim our authentic selves, where we get to claim our truth and we get to say this is my reality.

Speaker 2:

The other thing that I've seen is that, because we live in a culture that tends to make everything a formula like it's sort of like here's a blueprint, this is what it should look like, that very often, what I have found is that many of the women that I work with have to learn how to identify and recognize the way that they process things, the way that they get information, the way that things impact them, and I will tell you that so many clients have found their way to me and when they first start working with me, maybe they identify as somewhat sensitive or they identify as creative, they identify as spiritually curious and open minded, but after we've worked together for a while, they start realizing oh my God, I'm an empath, you know, like I'm real, I'm way more psychic.

Speaker 2:

I've had so many people that start working with me and when we first start working together, they're like I'm not really that psychic, I'm not really, I'm not really that sensitive. And after we've been working together for a while, they're like yeah, okay, I really am. And so much of it, I think, has to do with the way our culture has formulas for everything, and so often, if you're an outlier, your experience of things is not within the formula and so they're looking for. They're looking for like it's like they can't tick the boxes that they were told they needed to tick, but it's also like that coming into that ownership, that happens with the permission to explore ourselves and to examine ourselves. So, yeah, Exactly.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you brought that back around to kind of how you work with the women, because I was trying to get that. So thank you. Yeah, you know. One thing that I often say is so we can know a thing right by what we see, what somebody tells us, but you really only truly know something by experience, right Through experience. That is your truth, right, even though it may not be somebody else's, but you really only truly know a thing when you've experienced it.

Speaker 2:

And when it's embodied, when it's integrated, when there is that deeply felt sense, it strikes me it's the difference between head knowledge and, like heart, gnosis. There is a really big difference between that K-N-O-W versus G-N-O-S and that really like that gnosis, that I that deep, deep knowing, as opposed to that sort of heady knowing where we're just looking at the theory of all of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Are you ready to talk about dreams? A little bit, absolutely so. Can we start with this prophetic dream, apparently, that you have when you were about?

Speaker 2:

nine years old. Nine years old yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And the thing that I love and I will tell you. So I mean I've, since I was nine years old, I've been talking about this dream and I it was my, it was like it was one of, it was like the moment where I went. Oh, there really is something different about me. But it was only in the last year and a half, two years, as I've been doing a lot of podcasts, talking to people as the after the book came out that I had this realization. That was really interesting about the way I got the information in the dream. So I'll tell you about the dream.

Speaker 2:

So so when I was nine years old, so when I was about four, we moved from we move, or actually is three when I was three, we moved from my the south shore of Massachusetts where, like my grandmother, like my father's extended family or a lot of family members lived, and we moved away from my grandmother's property and we moved to our own house, sort of like in sort of the suburbs of Boston, and I had there was a little girl who was living right next door to me and then there was another little girl who lived the house across the street from her house, so it was like one girl's house, next house, my house, so there's like the three of us were in a row on the street and so those two girls were about six months to a year older than me and they were already bffs. But as mothers are known to do, they were like hey, she's the same age, we're just going to throw them all together. And so I got thrown with these two other little girls and, like I played with them a lot, I spent a lot of time with them, and out of the two girls, the one who lived next to me was the one that I really liked. So she was kind of like my very first bff. Well, when I was maybe I don't know like six, five or six, her family left Massachusetts and moved to upstate New York, to the Albany area, and they just disappeared. And we're talking like the mid sixties, mid to late sixties at this point in time. And so this was not a point where I mean I was too young to be a pen pal and a phone call to like from Massachusetts to New York would have been prohibitively expensive. So it wasn't like I could just pick up the phone and call her. So we completely all connection with each other just completely cut off Like there was no connection whatsoever, and so I really hadn't even been thinking about her.

Speaker 2:

And then one day, when I was nine years old, I had this vivid dream where I dreamed that my mom had died. I had this like I dreamed that it was. I dreamed that she fell over the banister of our staircase and just plummeted to her death. And I woke up just knowing something was weird. I had the worst day of my nine year old life, like I was just beside myself. I was so upset, I was so distressed, I was just anxious, freaked out, and I had just a horrible, horrible day. And then at the dinner table that night, my mom just sort of announced that she says, by the way, so, and so his mother died of breast cancer last night. And I was like, oh, that was it there. It was Like it was like direct correlation.

Speaker 2:

I dream my mom dies and I learned that my BFF, my very first best friend's mother, has just died that exact night. I've had no contact with her, but I dream about it. So here's the thing that it took me years to understand If I had just been getting like psychic or intuitive information and having like a standard psychics prophetic dream, I would have had a dream where I would have probably like, flashed on my friend. I would have seen her at her mother's death bed. I would have seen her mother in the hospital bed and I would have understood that I was seeing not something about my own life, but I was actually seeing my friend's life instead, but as an empath, because we process information as if it's our own, instead of me processing it like, oh, I'm feeling I'm picking up on this friend's and or I picked this friend's sadness. I'm picking up on this friend's experience. I'm picking up on the death of my friend's mother. I interpreted it through my own filter, so it was my mother that died. It was me that felt sad all day and, like I said, I only put that piece together in the last couple of years.

Speaker 2:

But what I did realize and I have had the experience is that for years, like up until up through my like mid 30s, even maybe early 40s every single time there was going to be a significant death in my community, I would dream that my parent, one of my parents, had died. And if it was a man who was dying, I dream my dad would die. And if it was a woman who was dying, I dreamed my mom would die. And I had a friend who, very unexpectedly, like 32 years old, healthy as a horse, incredibly, incredibly, you know, just not the kind of person like, exercised, like all of the things and he basically died from, I believe, you know, in in hindsight, he had an enlarged heart, so he basically died from cardiomyopathy very, very suddenly, just like you know, he spoke to his wife one minute. She went off and took a shower. She came back in and found him dead in bed and it was like done, but that day, or that night, the morning or the morning that he died, I dreamed my father died. And so when I learned a little bit later in the day that this had happened, I was like, of course, of course, there it is.

Speaker 2:

And so, as an empath, the challenge is that it's not as straightforward when you're getting the information. It's like it comes through in these weird symbolic language and so, like I said, anytime somebody was going to die if it was a male it was going to be it would be my dream my dad died. And if it was a female, I dreamed my mom died. And you know, and interestingly, when my father did die back in 2020, I knew it was coming because sadly he was sick with COVID and he was also quite old and like was really ready to go, so it was not coming as a surprise. But ironically, I did not dream about my father's death when it actually came time. So that's kind of the long story about how all of that worked.

Speaker 1:

That's interesting. I often keep that in mind because I have been I've been writing my dreams down since 2019. A lot of my dreams correlate with stories in scripture, right. A lot that comes from Novel Goddard's work, which allowed me to understand. I have a lot of dreams of death, but a lot of times I interpret that as dying to the self.

Speaker 1:

On the spiritual awakening process, I had one prophetic dream, and it scared the crap out of me. I dream, though, it was raining and I saw this woman's hand reach up to the paramedics. It was car crash, and I think it was two or three days later actually, I haven't written down. I was like, oh, that's interesting. Well, that was a weird dream, right, cause I couldn't see anybody's face, but I got an email that one of the individuals that worked, that we worked with they're in Maryland, him and his wife died in a car crash. So and I was. I thought, well, here was this woman, right, couldn't see her face, but she's in this car crash, it's rain. So that was really strange for me, and after that, I was really afraid for a while that I was going to continue having prophetic dreams.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I haven't had another one, at least not that I'm like consciously aware that it was actually a prophetic dream I haven't had another one, but that's. I'm glad you brought up that point about filter like filtering right through our own lens of perception, because I can keep that in mind with my own dreams. That'll further help me be able to perhaps discern right the dreams, because a lot of times I'll get inside. The revelation will come to me. I'll know what it means. Sometimes it won't, but that gives me a tool to be able to discern. So I'm glad I asked that question and you kind of explain your experience with that process as an empath, because that I'm sure will be helpful for me and my own, and sometimes I had more classically psychic dreams like I used to have the experience of, particularly when I was younger and I was dating somebody.

Speaker 2:

I would have these and like, if it was like a long distance relationship, I would have these dreams where, like somebody would come to visit me and I would call them and I'd be like I'll be, like, I'll talk about you, and they're like I came to visit you and I'm like, yeah, you came to visit me. And so where I would have these dreams where, like I had a business partner many years ago and I would dream things where he would tell me something in my dream and then, like the next day, like 24 hours later, he'd leave me a voicemail on my answering machine verbatim what he said. And so it's interesting that for me, like I've had the more classic, like just cut dry, clean, like it's much more like it is what it is, versus more of the deeply emotional things. What I would say is, for me, the distinction is often, if something is really emotional, it comes through more in that sort of weird kind of I'm filtering it through my own filters. If something is just kind of more like matter of fact, then I tend to get it as just the facts, ma'am, and have more of that kind of information. That's just, it's just very straightforward, and so I think so much of it is about just knowing ourselves well enough and also tracking the data, like you said, like having the record of, like. Oh yeah, I had this dream and then I learned, like two days later or whatever amount of time, about this accident, like that's. Another part of it is that the more record keeping we do, the more we pay attention, the more we can start like match, like putting, like correlating the data so that it makes sense.

Speaker 2:

You know, something you spoke about that I just want to acknowledge, because I've heard this from so many people, is that I've known so many people with sensitivity or the gift of prophecy, the gift of you know, the ability to see the sense things, where they shut it down because it was so scary, like they would just see something really horrible or bad coming and they didn't want to know it. Like they could, you know they could sense a death was coming or this. I don't know why, maybe because I came in. I did not have my memory wiped because of how I was born. My mom nearly died giving birth to me and I believe that, as a result of how I was born and the sort of circumstances, it was almost like you know, like there's a thing where, like you're supposed to be, that going through your birth process, you're supposed to not remember where you came from and what you did, but it was kind of like my memory didn't get fully wiped and so I came in with a lot of. I came in with a lot of memory and I came in with a lot of awareness. And so I think, as a result of that and the sense of the through line and kind of knowing that I'm an immortal soul, you're an immortal soul, we all come, we're immortals.

Speaker 2:

The idea of death has just never been the thing that it is for people who see it as final. And so for me, I've always. I've just there are just times where I know somebody's gonna die. I just know it, but it doesn't faze me. I'm like, yep, they're just gonna die. And especially it's funny with people who are really, really sick, and a lot of people are kind of rallying around the person who's really sick and they're like, oh my God, I hope they survive. And I'm kind of like you're not going to you know, and like isn't it sad that they're spending so much time and energy focusing on trying to find a cure instead of like kind of using the last months or weeks or years of their life to just be in right relation with the divine? Like it's like, how much time do we spend just fighting the inevitable Because I mean hey, to break it to you, we're all gonna die? Like that is the one guarantee of being in a human body. Is that this? We have an expiration date. So it's never been something that has like knowing about death and knowing that somebody's gonna die is not ever been something that upset me. But I know a lot of people for whom that gift and that sensitivity is like they just don't wanna know. Maybe I'm just weird, but I kind of am grateful to know and so.

Speaker 2:

But there are those things like I used to have when I was younger.

Speaker 2:

I had some apocalyptic dreams that were just like kind of like watching, like seeing down a timeline where we really kind of for lack of a better word screw the pooch as human beings. And those dreams are just like I kind of was like okay, thank you for sharing. I understand, I get the trajectory. I get where I get it, but please stop sending. Like when I saw the Matrix I think it was Matrix revolutions or like I think it was like the third episode, third of your Matrix ever saw in the series, but the last one where Neo is like in the machine world and he's like on the wasteland and like that was just like yep know it too well because I dreamed about the wastelands before, and so that was the one thing where I kind of was like okay enough, I just really please do not keep sending you there, because I just it was too painful, it was too and it's scary because it's just a timeline, it's just one possibility, right, it is just a timeline exactly.

Speaker 2:

And it's almost like the spirit is like we're showing you this timeline so you don't go down that rabbit hole. But the thing about humans and our ego and our mind is that God bless us we perseverate on the things that we do not want. There's that saying like worry is praying for things you don't want. But it's like how many of us focus on what we do not desire, what we do not want, instead of focusing on the direction of the timeline we wanna go in. And right now, I mean just look at the fear mongering, the terror, the awfulizing that is going on all over social media and the news and just so many people where they're just like we're doomed and it's kind of like, yeah, you keep talking like that. It's more likely that that's gonna happen than not, but it is, I mean time as long as it has not yet come to pass. It is not a short thing. We have a choice.

Speaker 1:

Exactly that's what I work with my coaching clients on. Is that focus? Because a lot of times they won't realize they're focusing on, like, a certain desire that they have, certain they want to manifest, or whatever, but they're actually focused on something else and it's so subtle and when you kind of in the midst of it sometimes you don't pick up on the subtlety. Yeah, so I get that, and every once in a while I'll have to take TikTok, I'll have to delete the TikTok app. Right, I have it on there. So if I get a channel message, I can go on and I can do it. But sometimes I'll get on there and something will show up and I end up down a rabbit hole with people talking about conspiracy theories or this is happening and that, and I'm like, okay, I'm done. Sure, that may be a possibility, but that's not my reality. So sometimes I have to just set it aside and be like you know what that is? Okay, I'm observing. I realize that this is a timeline, it's not my timeline. So, thank you, not my timeline, but no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not my monkey, not my circus. Thank you, vera, or monkeys and sir you know, thank you very much. I'm also really mindful of what I curate in terms of what I expose myself to, because anybody can claim to be in authority these days. Anybody can claim to have the truth, and the thing is that some people are very confident but not necessarily like, not so sure about the veracity of what they're sharing. And I think, like you know, social media and TikTok especially, like there are people who are very strong in their convictions, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's right. The other thing is, you know, as you were speaking about with your clients, like that subtlety of recognizing, like what are they trying to manifest.

Speaker 2:

I've noticed so often we are so programmed to speak about what we do not want and so much about, like looking at either thinking about I want this to happen to me or I'm hoping for this in the future, which that's not gonna bring it, because you're you know, because you're still protecting it, not here now, but then. The other thing I've noticed is so often people are doing things from a reduction, like they're thinking about what they like. There it's more of like I don't want that as opposed to I do desire this. The other thing I've noticed personally is the use of language. I've been really working very hard to eliminate the word want from my vocabulary, except if I use it very deliberately, because want literally means you do not have it. To want for something means that you are wanting for something you do not have it. So every time anybody starts talking about I want this, I want that, I wanna earn a seven figure salary this year, I want a new couch, I wanted this, I wanted that, what they are literally saying is I do not have this thing right now.

Speaker 2:

So I've been working a lot myself and then with my students of just like the subtle language tweaking of speaking about I desire this as opposed to I want this. But then the other thing, like I was working with, I've got a group of I have what's called the fairy godmother apprenticeship program, and so I was working with my fairy godmother apprentices today and we were doing some visioning and calling, summoning things in and one of them spoke about something and they spoke about. They made an affirmation about their business supporting them, but they spoke about it as a future thing and so I was like, how about you just try this on and you say such and such is supporting me as opposed to such and such will support me. Yeah, such incredibly subtle things, but what a difference.

Speaker 2:

Like are we speaking to the desire and are we speaking to the now, or are we speaking to the things we do not wish for, and are we speaking to and are we projecting all of the? Someday my prince will come, as opposed to. I am lexiously loved and blessed and surrounded with people who adore me, and I welcome my prince.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, Yep Language is huge. I got over the one. Now for me it's the hope Right, Like I hope I'll see, I hope I'll do this or see this. So I got over the one. So now I'm like working on it. It's like one more at a time that I'm noticing that I need to change that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah we have to deconstruct it.

Speaker 2:

Another one is, but you know that's a really like eliminating that, yeah, you have a eliminating the word but from our vocabulary. Or, again, very mindfully, because whenever we use the word but whatever we said before the word but we've just negated. And so if we say something like you know, I am surrounded, I live in a beautiful place and in I live in a beautiful place in Maine, I'm surrounded by nature and grace and beauty, but I live seven miles away from the nearest grocery store or, but I have a neighbor who's annoying or something. Thankfully I did not have any annoying neighbors, but you know, and so. So there's that idea of when we say something and then we add the, but after what we've just done is negated the entire front end of it. And so shifting from the word but to the word and is another really magical thing because, you know, I, I'm surrounded by nature and I really enjoy my, I really love where I live and I live seven miles away from the grocery store, like there's such a difference to that.

Speaker 2:

And then, if you are doing like I will, actually, as an EFT practitioner and trainer, I will deliberately use, but at times where I want to negate an experience. So, even though I'm feeling all of this incredible neck pain and I've been. I've been really, really stressed out about this, this, this and this and this, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We're using it in a way that is actually using the but as the negation and pushing and directing towards the thing we want. So, ironically, most of the time people use but with a positive statement and then but, an negation, but we but. We can use that word if we use a negative statement first, but to negate it and then throw in the positive possibility instead.

Speaker 1:

That's cool, interesting. Yeah, I doubt that word. I don't even think that word has been in my vocabulary. Maybe I've said a couple times that hasn't. So the fact that you brought it up, like which maybe realize I even think about that because it hasn't actually been in my awareness, which means I probably haven't used it. If I have, it's been like very rare or, and because I don't use it, people that I've coached don't use it either, because it's everything's a reflection, right? So that's so interesting. Yeah, so watch it all, come into my awareness now, or somebody, or use it around, because that's just how manifestation works. Exactly, exactly.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right. So I think that is really all of the questions that I have. But, and see, I just said it, you just said it. Yeah, now I'm going to have to be mindful yeah, I have to be mindful that I don't say it because I normally would. So we talked before I started recording that I will have your information on my website. I'm working on revamping my resource page, so it'll probably take a couple of weeks after I'm done with the recordings, so that your book I'll have that late, all your information. Is there anything else that you want to mention about how well I'll have it up? But can you go ahead and mention the best way for people to find you?

Speaker 2:

Yes, let me. So I got a system down. So bottom line and pathic mastery dot com will lead you to everything my social media handles on. Everything is Adam Pathic mastery, so you can find me pretty much anywhere on the tiktok, on the Instagram, on the Facebook. I don't do Twitter because it's just become such a divisive cesspool of like mansplaining and posing and I've just kind of been like I'm away from the Twitter but but I am in all kinds of other other social media places and if you want to get access to my book, I have a system and pathic mastery book dot com for the books and to listen to my podcast, the empathic mastery show, which is a podcast that features all kinds of highly sensitive empaths in all kinds of different aspects or walks of life talking about their experiences.

Speaker 2:

Empaths people have talked about near death experiences. People have talked about working in animal rescue. People talking about ADHD and being an empath. People talking about, you know, being mediums, like just all you name it. There is probably a podcast episode about it and that's empathic mastery show dot com.

Speaker 1:

So that would be how to come about.

Speaker 2:

the mastery book dot com and empathic mastery show dot com will take you everywhere, yeah awesome.

Speaker 1:

So that'll that'll be helpful, I'm sure, because they're probably individuals listening right now, either knowing they're an empath or have some inclination now that perhaps they may be. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And if you want to, I created a test, a quiz, a while back called that's like what's your empathic, you know? Basically like are you an empath? And if you go to empathic woman dot com, that will take or just go to empathic mastery dot com and it will lead you to the quiz as well. But you can take the quiz and it's a bunch of questions but it will sort of help you to understand and just sort of see like, oh yeah, I never thought of this as being relevant to being an empath and all that. You know, it's funny.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you ever have this experience where you kind of are expecting a particular question and then they ask it and it's not what you're expecting. But what I thought you were going to ask me was is there anything else that feels really important to say? And so what I was thinking about as I imagined that was the question was I was thinking that what I really would love to say to anybody who's listening to this podcast and who is identifying as an empath, who's like oh my God, there I am is that what I want to say to you is one is please, like, take the flail or the bat or whatever it is that you're beating yourself up with out of your hand, like put it down and please just like love, like love yourself for who you are, as you are right now. And also you are perfect, just as you are. Your sensitivity is God's gift.

Speaker 2:

You were made this way for a reason. You are who you were supposed to be and even if there are people who are saying you're too sensitive, that you're overreacting, that you're making stuff up, you know what's true and it's okay to be different than everybody else in your family. It's okay to be different than everybody else in your work environment. It's okay to be weird, it's okay to be, to pick things up and just please know that you are fine, right as you are, and that it's okay to trust yourself. It's okay to believe in yourself even when nobody else does Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. That's so beautiful, so I'm glad you added that and I'm gonna have to remember that question. Is there anything important you want to say? I'm gonna have to remember that task and future episodes I'm still because I felt like so shut down and so weird for a while. It's taken me getting used to actually interviewing and getting better because I've isolated myself right To get used to learning to interview is absolutely a process and getting comfortable.

Speaker 2:

And I will just say for anybody who's listening, who is in the sort of empathic entrepreneur world, and you're out there and you're putting yourself out into the world I have recorded literally and I mean literally in the true meaning of the word thousands upon thousands of videos at this point in time and it takes and I've done hundreds of podcast interviews on either side of the microphone. It really takes time to get there and I always find it funny when somebody's like terrified of doing their first Facebook Live or their first video, because I'm like oh honey, if you get like, if you get five viewers, you're gonna be really lucky Like we have. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect when the truth is it we have. You have to do it over and over and over and over and over again and it really is in the hundreds before you get comfortable with stuff. So it takes the time that it takes.

Speaker 1:

And I know but I'm going to remember that question and I'll write it down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I have. I mean, I have a sort of loose for my podcast. I have a loose formula that I follow and then I kind of let things flow. But I really do love asking that. You know if there was one thing that you would absolutely kick yourself for not answering or for not saying like? If you don't, if you didn't say this, you're going to regret it. What is it? And so I always like to make sure that I give my audience, or my, my my guest, a chance to say that. But it's, you know, it's, it's so fun. I mean, that's about podcasting is just the best thing ever.

Speaker 1:

This and this one way for me to meet new people and not be awesome. Yeah, all right. Well, thank you so much for joining me today.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate you so much for having me. This has been such a delight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I really, really appreciate it. So I'll have your links in the description box. People can find you and again on my website. So this will go. Of course, I'll let you know when this goes up on, you know, here on the podcast and then on my YouTube channel. All right, all right, thank you so much. Thank you, all right. Have a great day. All right, bye. Thank you.