The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S3 Ep. 20: An Intimate Conversation with Kathy McDaniel: Unveiling Near-Death Experiences and the Journey to Recovery

September 04, 2023 Lynna K Teer Season 3 Episode 20
S3 Ep. 20: An Intimate Conversation with Kathy McDaniel: Unveiling Near-Death Experiences and the Journey to Recovery
The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast
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The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast
S3 Ep. 20: An Intimate Conversation with Kathy McDaniel: Unveiling Near-Death Experiences and the Journey to Recovery
Sep 04, 2023 Season 3 Episode 20
Lynna K Teer

Prepare yourself for a gripping conversation with Kathy McDaniel, author of Misfit in Hell to Heaven Expat, a survivor of acute respiratory distress syndrome, and a beacon of strength and wisdom. Kathy will pull back the veil of her near-death experience, transporting us through a chilling realm of personal hell, into an unexpected moment of joy, and finally towards a long but hopeful road to recovery. By sharing her transformative journey, she challenges us to reevaluate our understanding of life, death, and the divine.

During the course of the conversation, Kathy will recount her terrifying experience in what she perceived as a personal hell, filled with warzone imagery, terror-inducing creatures, and seemingly demonic tasks. However, hope springs eternal, even in the darkest hour. Her relentless determination, even in the face of fear and uncertainty, paints a picture of human resilience that is both inspiring and humbling.

Kathy's journey doesn't end there. She opens up about her long and arduous path to recovery, her quest for understanding, and, ultimately, how her near-death experience reshaped her outlook on life. Her reflections on the concept of God, the purpose of our existence, and the importance of love, mercy, and kindness will leave you contemplating long after the conversation ends. Kathy's belief in our ability to bring our soulmates to Earth is a heartwarming testament to the power of love. This episode is more than just a conversation—it's an exploration of profound life lessons intertwined with supernatural elements. Join us for this incredible journey with Kathy McDaniel, an experience that promises to stay with you.

To find out more about Kathy or to order her Book check out her website at MisfitinHelltoHeavenExpat.

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If you want additional content on awakening, mindset, manifesting, and mystical experiences, check out my blog or YouTube channel.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Prepare yourself for a gripping conversation with Kathy McDaniel, author of Misfit in Hell to Heaven Expat, a survivor of acute respiratory distress syndrome, and a beacon of strength and wisdom. Kathy will pull back the veil of her near-death experience, transporting us through a chilling realm of personal hell, into an unexpected moment of joy, and finally towards a long but hopeful road to recovery. By sharing her transformative journey, she challenges us to reevaluate our understanding of life, death, and the divine.

During the course of the conversation, Kathy will recount her terrifying experience in what she perceived as a personal hell, filled with warzone imagery, terror-inducing creatures, and seemingly demonic tasks. However, hope springs eternal, even in the darkest hour. Her relentless determination, even in the face of fear and uncertainty, paints a picture of human resilience that is both inspiring and humbling.

Kathy's journey doesn't end there. She opens up about her long and arduous path to recovery, her quest for understanding, and, ultimately, how her near-death experience reshaped her outlook on life. Her reflections on the concept of God, the purpose of our existence, and the importance of love, mercy, and kindness will leave you contemplating long after the conversation ends. Kathy's belief in our ability to bring our soulmates to Earth is a heartwarming testament to the power of love. This episode is more than just a conversation—it's an exploration of profound life lessons intertwined with supernatural elements. Join us for this incredible journey with Kathy McDaniel, an experience that promises to stay with you.

To find out more about Kathy or to order her Book check out her website at MisfitinHelltoHeavenExpat.

Support the show

If you want additional content on awakening, mindset, manifesting, and mystical experiences, check out my blog or YouTube channel.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome back to the mindset and manifesting podcast. Today I have a special guest. Her name is Kathy McDaniel. She is a former expert in real estate property management. However, I have her on the show today because she became an acute respiratory distress syndrome survivor yeah back in 2000 and she had a distressing near death experience. So Malek Kathy talked to us about her experience and then dive into really the manifestation aspect for experience and get her views on that. So we'll see how this episode flows. Kathy, I will let you take it away if you want to introduce yourself and tell us about your experience.

Speaker 2:

Okay, linda, thank you so much for having me on the program. Yes, I go by MK McDaniel when I write. I've written the book Misfit in Hell to have an expat. That's a memoir about what happened to me before, during and after my near death experience, and that was in early 2000, in late 1999. My best friend asked me if I would go to Seattle, washington to help him through a stem cell transplant for his leukemia and I agreed immediately. I was in California at the time and came up here for what we were told would be two or three months, but it ended up being almost nine months and after that time me and the other caregiver were completely fried. I mean, it was a lot of trauma back and forth, better or worse. And then he died, and it was. I was brokenhearted and tired and when a virulent flu came through I got it and in short, short order I was taken to the hospital by my boyfriend because I had passed out and anyway they got me in time to the hospital. I had no pulse when he had brought me into the hospital, so anyway they got me back alert.

Speaker 2:

They've called in my family, said she's got something like lung failure, ards, and we don't really know how to treat it because it's a syndrome. There's no reaction to drugs or anything. So we're going to have to put her into a drug induced coma While we throw the book at her and try and figure out a way to save her. And so I had no real choice in the matter. The family says well, you know, we're all here, we'll support you and the doctors. Last words to me well, we have to give you an amnesiac, to you know, put you out. And the good news is you will be unable to remember anything that happens to you while you're in this coma. And I said, okay, fine, you know, and out I went. Well, he wasn't correct, because I woke up and I was in a completely dark place. It was, it was black, it was quiet, I had no idea where I was, I couldn't remember being sick, anything, it was just like waking up in a closet. So I kind of hung out and thought, well, something's going to happen here. And eventually it did. It started to get brighter. It was kind of a reddish glow and I figured the sun was coming up. I didn't know what else to attribute it to. And then this this swirling fog thing started happening, and hearing moans and shrieks in the background and getting warm and a terrible smell, and I thought, oh golly, this can't be good. And then, all of a sudden, this voice boomed out of the fog that says do you know where you are? And I thought, hell, and this thing, just horrible, laugh, scared me to death. I turned and ran into the darkness and that's when the journey began.

Speaker 2:

It was a series of segments. The lights would come up, just scaring me, and I would find myself in a very bizarre situation. I would be usually tasked with something and then, if I didn't follow their directions or if I was being too controversial for them, I you know, boom, the lights would go out and I'd just stand still and then wait and another scene would happen. The first one was, all of a sudden, I found myself in the middle of a war zone. It seemed like all the the buildings were falling down. It was like New York City. There was rebar and concrete everywhere and there was people screaming and fires and and you know, all of a sudden, to find yourself there is quite disruptive. So I tried to find a little place to tuck in and hide. There was various creatures, people, it was just chaos going on around me and finally I tried to run and get like into one of the buildings so I could maybe find some food or shelter, and and I was climbing up on this wall and I fell backwards and I just shut my eyes because I thought, well, this is going to kill me, it's a long fall. And the lights went out. But then the lights came back up again and there was another couple of segments, but then the next one.

Speaker 2:

After that, when the lights came up, I was faced with this great, big, huge, like demon thing in front of me. That shocked me and I I just was frozen, I didn't, I couldn't move. And and he says, oh, do you want to get out of here? And that that was unusual. I thought, wow, he should have kind of a gravelly awful voice. But I said, sure, yeah, yeah, you betcha.

Speaker 2:

And he says, well, you got to do me one, one favor, and then I'll see that you get out. And I said, oh, okay, what is it? And he says, well, and he raises his hand and all of a sudden the lights come up behind him and this is a big blackberry field just as far as I could see, big canes, they're all interlocked and big old thorns on them. And I thought, uh-oh, I've been around a lot of blackberry vines in my travels here in Washington state and I know they're really difficult to get hold, get taken out. But anyway, he handed me these little kindergarten scissors and said just cut all that down and I'll make sure you get out. And I thought, huh. And I could see him chuckling and I thought, well, I knew he was toying with me and I thought, well, I've got no other options, I'll just play along, maybe I can find a way out of here.

Speaker 2:

So I started cutting and cutting and I got one finally to break off and as I went to put it behind me and I turned back around, the thing just grew all the way back to expis, all the way back, like nothing had happened. And he's really laughing. So I said, well, um, there's nothing else I can do. I just kept cutting and that wasn't fun to him anymore. And all of a sudden the lights went out and then again they came up.

Speaker 2:

One particularly bad place was a completely bright too bright place with white walls and white ceiling and white floors and two doors on either side of me and I thought, oh, great doors. But when I looked up there was another one of those demon things. He was running down the hall at me and I thought, oh, I have to make up my mind which door I'm going to go in. But when I turned back around he had been really fast. So he's right in front of me and he says you've got a new job. And I thought, oh, now what? And he says all you got to do is go in that room over there, take what they give you and come back in front of me into that room on the other side and put it down back and forth back.

Speaker 1:

This is your job.

Speaker 2:

And I thought, well, at least if I go in one of these rooms, possibly I can find another person and they can get a back door out of here. So I went into the room and when I got in there I was looking around and I thought what's all this? There was all kinds of gurneys, kind of all stacked up and there were people on stools in front of the patient, and it was. I stood and it was like their legs were up and I thought what are they doing? And so one of the doctors stuck his hand up and waved it and I just stood there and he turned around and yelled and said hey, you, you know, this is your job, get over here. So I went over and he said well, put your arms out. And I did. And he put something that he had taken out of this woman onto my arms and it was all bloody and broken and he'd been doing an abortion. And I thought, oh my goodness. And he says well, get out of here, get, take it out of the room.

Speaker 2:

So I was in shock and I went into the hall and just looked up at this demon and he says what do you stand in there for? Go put it in the other room and, again in shock, I went over and when I went to put the baby, what was left of it down? All I could see was piles and mounds of all these little bodies everywhere. It was a huge room. I was just heartbroken and disgusted. And I came back out and he says don't, doodle, get back in the other room. And I said no, I'm not going to do that. It's disgusting, it's, I'm not going to. And he says oh, no, no, no, you have no idea what's going to happen next time if you say no. And I says I don't care. And he just, he had this little stick, he raised it and I just covered my eyes and there's lights. And the lights came up and this happened over and over. And I did. I got on this road. There was this crazy road. I never knew when it was going to show up after the lights came up, but it was just dirt and it went two directions and as far as I could see, straight ahead was just dirt and rocks and more dirt and more rocks. And at the horizon it was like a fire coming up. It was like I don't know, like a grass fire was coming my way or something, but that was the only light there was.

Speaker 2:

I did a lot of walking on that road. I always went to the right, thinking that eventually it would lead to a way out, or at least to some people or something, and I kind of joked with myself which is tough down there, because there's no sense of humor. I walked on it so often and the scenery just didn't change that much. I thought, maybe this is a huge treadmill, you know, and I'm never, ever going to get out, I'm just going to keep walking on this thing. And I walked and walked.

Speaker 2:

A couple of times I ran into people that were alive, which is very strange, because, well, to me at the time it wasn't that strange, because I didn't know I was dead. You don't know you're dead because your soul is you. So I was still conscious, I was still me. I never, you know, had an accident or anything. I never occurred to me that I was anything other than me. I was just in a strange place.

Speaker 2:

So I did see one of my very good younger relatives there and she was on the side of the road and there was this other man sitting in a chair watching her on the other side of the road and when I saw her I thought, oh my gosh, you know, I'd been down there for a long time. There's no real time, it's just kind of this eternal now thing. But I was tired, I was thirsty, I was hungry, I felt alive and she was cooking this huge banquet there was. She was putting out all these plates of sumptuous foods and everything smelled good and it was lovely. And she kind of ignored me and I called her name and she just looked up and she didn't recognize me and I my feelings were kind of hurt over that, but I thought, whatever, she's busy. I said, gee, if you get me just a little plate of anything and a glass of water, I would be so, so grateful. And she looked at me and she said this is for the important people and turned her back on me and I thought, zing boy, that hurt. And I thought, well, what's all that about, you know?

Speaker 2:

And I kept walking down the road Near the end. I didn't know it was the end, of course, but I was on the road and I could see a group of people. It was so dim down there it was hard to see more than shadows unless you got right up in front of something and I thought, well, that's funny. It was probably about I don't know 15 people and they were just walking all around back and forth across the road and I thought, well, I wonder why they're doing that. And as I got closer I could see that they were I don't know. They look like bad conditioned, homeless people. They were rags and they were growling and bumping into one another and I thought, well, either they were drunk or sick or something. But there was no way to go around them except by getting way off the road and I was just afraid I'd lose my way if I didn't stay on the road. So I thought, well, if I can just walk through them, I'll put my eyes down, I'll limp and I'll growl and maybe they'll just think I'm one of them and I'll get to the other side.

Speaker 2:

I got about halfway through this crowd and they all stopped. They just froze in the positions they were in and I thought, uh-oh, I've been discovered. And I stood real still and the ones that looked like they might be female kind of went to the outside of the other sides of the road and left the men and with me in the middle and I knew it was going to be ugly and one of them pushed me and another one knocked me down and another one kicked me, and then there was this horrible sexual assault situation with all these creepy guys. They were all like lepers they had their skin was like falling off and they were like half human or something. And then, finally, uh, one of them, they started backing off and one of them got real close and I remember his breath being just awful and I saw this churka skin just ready to fall off his face. And he says we've all got AIDS, and now you do too, and you can't die. You're just going to suffer and get worse and worse. And he laughed and backed up and I thought, oh my, oh, my gosh, what am I going to do?

Speaker 2:

And this lady demon steps out of the crowd and says, okay, you're with us. And I said okay, and at least I would get me away from these guys. And so I stood up and gathered my clothes best I could and started following her, and she had a group of other ladies there was probably 10 of us all together and she says okay, and we came to the edge of the forest, where this road had been, and now, as far as we could see, it was just tundra, it was snow on the ground and nothing but white and blowing wind and cold. And she says get a single file, follow me and don't try anything, just stay behind me. So we did, and as we started off, again no time, it was snowing really bad. It was hard almost to see the person in front of you and we just walked and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked and walked and by the time she says, okay, we're here I remember the snow was chest high, so that's how long we had been walking and there was this old cabin or shack or something, and she says okay, go on in. She opened up this creaky old door and we went in and at least we were out of the storm and we were sitting on the floor just kind of huddled there. And she says okay, now we wait for customers.

Speaker 2:

And we all knew what that meant and we thought, oh man, here we are in the middle of nowhere. And I said to her I've been here a long time and I'm about ready to give up, and this is a particularly heavy situation. This is what's going on that I don't know about, you know. She says oh, it's Christmas on earth. That's always the worst day on hell. And I thought hell, and we're all looking around at one another and I thought, oh my gosh, I had no idea. The weight of that just fell on me and I thought I was still mad and I thought I'm just going to take her off. Is what I'm going to do, because I'm not giving up.

Speaker 2:

Sin had been like telling me. You know something that I learned in my religion that despair is the unforgivable sin. You know, that was in my head. So despair, I could not despair, I had to keep going. And so I thought, okay, it's Christmas, you know, sing a Christmas carol. So I started off with my favorite, which was A Way in the Major, and started singing the first. You know a couple lines. And she just turned around and said shut up. And I sang the second line, you know way, in a manger, no crib for his bed. And the other girl started singing along with me. And then I got to the little Lord and as I started to say the next word, she jumped at me like a spider and shrieked and I closed my eyes and the lights went out and then the lights came up.

Speaker 2:

But this time I was in this indescribable bliss, this joy, this comforting light. I felt like every molecule of me was just saturated and this love and I was just floating in it and just everything that had happened before was gone. It was nothing I could even think or conceive of except being in this utter joy. And it was so wonderful. And as I tumbled it it seemed like the light was kind of solidifying and making into like a room. But it wasn't a room, it was, I don't know, like a church, maybe, with maybe marble, white walls. It was still kind of fluffy looking.

Speaker 2:

And as I looked up I saw my friend that had died the month before and the last time I'd seen him. Of course he had leukemia, he'd lost his hair, he was all swollen and purple and everything, and he looked wonderful, he looked great. I just stared at him and he's laughing and I thought to myself oh, he doesn't know he's dead. And he started laughing so loud and I thought well, I didn't say that out loud. I shouted oh my gosh, if he's dead, I must be dead. And oh my gosh, there's only one place this can be. And I was so excited and something caught my eye out of the corner of my eye and I turned and I saw this big table with a huge book on it and it was open about halfway. And he said I knew he'd been showing me something in that book and it was really important that I remember and I couldn't remember. But I thought I said to him what are we doing standing here? Come on, take me in there. It was like a door he was standing in front of, let's go. Let's go see some stuff. I want to go on. He's got kind of closer. He wouldn't let me touch him and he said no, mary Kay, you've got too much left to do. And I thought, oh what? I could only mean one thing they were sending me a hack or whatever. And I just, oh my gosh, are you kidding? I said no, no, no, I'm staying here. I stamped my foot and crossed my arms and he just kind of smiled, shrugged his shoulders and the lights went out.

Speaker 2:

So I had a short little walk back down this lovely stream. There was kind of a, I think, a time out room for me, because I was really mad and by the time that the lights came on differently than where I was. They were like way too bright and I looked up and I could see these people milling around and it was hot and I couldn't talk and I thought, expletive, I'm back in hell again. And then one of those people turned around and it was my daughter and she says mom's back and I thought what's going on now? I couldn't move. I had that trach in my throat. I had lost all my muscle mass. I weighed 86 pounds so I couldn't move anything. The next day the doctor determined I could blink and move one finger. That was it. The rest of the muscles were gone.

Speaker 2:

So they're shouting and screaming and hopping and being happy and I'm still a little disjointed here. I've been in a lot of crazy places. What? I wasn't sure this was real, and how did I? What's going on? And I was really angry. I was really angry especially when my mom said gosh, we had this prayer circle going around the globe. We brought you back and I thought, oh you, terrible woman, I'll get you for this, I'm gonna make a will.

Speaker 2:

And of course they didn't understand where I'd been and I had been three weeks, almost three weeks, in a coma and I stayed another week in the ICU and they finally found a rehab hospital to put me in for a month so I could learn all walking, talking, crawling, going up down steps, buttoning, swallowing. I was like a baby, I couldn't do anything and that was a very depressing time for me. And thinking here I am 53, I quit my job to well, actually I haven't self-employed, but I quit my business to come take care of my friend. Now I have no job. I've got what am I gonna do with myself? I can't even move. So I had been dating somebody for several months while I was there and he asked me to marry him and I had been told on this road back by some ladies that I was to tell this man that we should live together. And so before I, we even got a discussion about that and he says no, you can't take care of yourself, I love you, let's get together. So we did.

Speaker 2:

It took a long time just to be able to get any semblance of normality in my life, at least a year. And then I could not shake what had happened to me. I couldn't forget what had happened in that hellish place. I mean, I remember heaven. That was awesome, but the others just haunted me. I think I was a Catholic and we've been taught since we were very young that you don't go straight to heaven. St Francis or Mother Teresa, they'll go straight shot. Maybe one of the popes, but everybody else had to go to purgatory, which was like hell, except you got out once your sins got burned off. I mean, this was from the time I was a little child, so I totally believe that, and I believe now that I know now that God is all loving and forgiving and would never condemn or judge anybody, no matter what my religion taught me. It wasn't true.

Speaker 2:

I was able to, through a series of synchronicities, 10 years later to be able to find the IM's group up in Seattle. That's the International Association of Near-Dest Studies, and they've been up there 40 years and there's a lot of really cool formerly dead people that I got to meet and share stories and go up to the meetings once a month. And after a while I said, what's wrong with me? That you guys all had lunch with Jesus or was flying with the angels and I'm in freaking hell. And so they said, well, that happens to quite a few people, they just don't like to talk about it. And I thought, gee, why not? Yeah. So I found a couple of books written by people who had had that you know, the Nan Bush and Howard Storm and just clung to them and they eventually, you know, got out. But I still couldn't understand why it took another oh golly, well, 10 more years.

Speaker 2:

It was 20 years after that that I finally wrote my book, because I finally met enough people to determine that there are so many people that have these near-death experiences. I just got a quote from somebody that's an expert the other day. They said worldwide right now there's 400 million people that have had near-death experiences. 16.5 million have the near-death experiences. They're only about, you know, it can be as low as four in 10 or two in 10 that have them, but we all seem. I know now some people that have done some. David Jarelli has done a lot of research on it and a lot of other people too, but there's a lot of people that had these segments and when I've been able to talk to some of these people, it seems like there are things that happened in their lives or there were beliefs that they had.

Speaker 2:

I always knew I'd go to hell, or I was taught I would go to hell. And then I thought, well, I must have made my own hell. I believed I was gonna go there and it took me 20 years to figure out that every single one of those segments in there had been an awful, hellish experience for me on this earth. So I took them and made them bigger. The first one when I found myself in that New York City thing. I had been in the 1989 earthquake and Santa Cruz I used to live there and that was about seven point and it brought the town down. It fell down. I was downtown when it happened, in my office under my desk, and there was fires and people screaming in the alarms and when I looked out the you know the buildings had caved in. So I know I took that horror with me and made that number one. When I got into hell and again with I was raped, and when I was a young woman with two little kids by a rapist in my house. So you know we all have bad things that happened.

Speaker 2:

So I'm, I am convinced now that I manifested my own hell. You can't manifest heaven. There's nothing to compare with that glory and joy and bliss that you get there. But my mission, I think, was the too much left to do, which kind of confused me, when I couldn't even breathe when I got back, was to come back and warn people or to tell them or to give them the good news that, no matter what your family, your religion, your culture has taught you about the afterlife, if it has anything to do with, if you do that, you're gonna go to hell, or if you don't believe what we believe, you're gonna go to hell. I say run. That is not true and that people do need to be careful of manifesting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, careful of your thoughts, how you react to things in life, what you're focused on. Yeah, exactly, I have a question because, as you were talking, I was getting information about your experiences. Sometimes it happens that people share their dreams. Symbolism will come through. For me, it doesn't always, it comes through. Same with my own dreams A lot of times it will come through, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it will come through like months or like years. After I have this, I have the dream. So my document holder fell.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever read Neville Goddard's work? Do you know who Neville Goddard is? No, what's the video title? Yeah, just Neville Goddard. He gave lectures between 1948 and 1972 when he died.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of you were saying, reminding me of some of the things that he talked about in his experiences and stuff where you know, seeing people who were dead that they didn't know that they were dead right, who were young and healthy they're not the same as when they passed. The demons that you saw reminded me of one of the dreams that he shared when he encountered a demon, and that demon, for him, was a accumulation of all the negative beliefs and all of the negative things that he had created in his life. So some of the things that you were talking about reminded me of some of the things that he shared in his lecture, which I thought was interesting. So, and I like your take on the manifestation aspect of it and how, after all of that time, it took you a while to kind of realize that there were it was just manifestation things that you had experienced.

Speaker 1:

Right, and the thing is with the information that we received through all of our experiences, the mystical type of experiences, etc. The answers, the information doesn't come all at once. It's like fitting the pieces of a puzzle together and sometimes it takes a while, you know, for us to kind of realize things. So I'm glad you were able to realize that you just realized that you're not going to hell right Now. You know not to manifest more of those unloved experiences and stuff. So what is your view now on life, death and God?

Speaker 2:

I drifted away from my religion. I'm spiritual now rather than religious. That's very common for people who've had near death experiences. I'm not afraid of death anymore. I look forward to going home. That's home. My dad's passed away three years ago and we're still very close, I have. You know, you pick up extra perks when you get back and sensing spirits and that sort of thing is easier now. Yeah, we have a good time and let's see.

Speaker 2:

I just think that I learned from being in my group that I really believe that we're all. We all start off as souls in heaven and I think that we come down here to learn things, experience things, and I've been told from various sources that Earth is the toughest gig to go to when you want to reincarnate. I mean, there's lots of other planets, lots of other universes. You can go anywhere you want to. I believe we bring our soulmates, we make a plan and we come down together and I don't that way. I don't feel like I'm a victim anymore. You know, if I've planned everything that was going to happen to me, it was for a purpose. It was to learn something, it was to help somebody else learn something, and I can let go of that. God, why are you picking on me kind of stuff that I did? Why aren't you answering my prayers? You know it's not. God gave me free will and I can come down here and follow my plan or I can make adjustments when I see fit and there's no, there's no bad thing that can happen because it's my life and I'll go back and get a life review, which I wasn't there long enough to get last time.

Speaker 2:

But people say it's really quite fascinating to see your entire existence some say from the time you're conceived to the time you die and to see, to remember all of that. And then the tricky part is they turned it around and so now you feel what it was like to interact with you. You know, if you were a kind and gentle person, sometimes you get to feel the warm fuzzies that that person felt when they were interacting with you. If you were being short with somebody or cruel with a statement, ouch. You get to feel that pain and how it felt. And that's not a judgment, that's just karma. You know what you put out. You get to feel coming back and it's not. It's not a punishment or anything like that, it's just learning, and I think you're right about the puzzle pieces, that's. That's so much what I believe. I mean there's so many thousands and millions of people that go over and come back and they've all got a little tiny piece. You know, because our little human brains can only remembers, you know, or you know talk about or you know say so much of this ineffable. You know you can't explain it. Somebody who's been there will go. I know what you mean. You know you don't have to finish that sentence, but so we're all in this together and it's all going to work out just fine. Earth is probably never going to be perfect, so we can let go of that. We can do what we can to be kind.

Speaker 2:

I was asking God when praying rather fiercely when I got back. I did not want to go back there and I said you know, whatever I did the first time wasn't right. So give me something positive. I'm tired of the thou shalt not. So I was told over a series of months to be loving, kind, merciful, forgiving, encouraging, grateful, non judgmental and useful. So I, if I put that in my mind every, every morning when I get out of bed and just you can't remember all of it, just loving and kind, if it's so interesting to go on to a.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're in the grocery store and some body's got you know 95 things. They're in the 15 only line, you know, and people are starting to grumble and getting a mob together, you know, and just to think, nope, I'm not going to join in on that. I'm going to be loving and kind and I've been, for whatever reason. This lady screwed up and she's in this line. I'm not going to make it worse for her. I'm not going to make it worse for her Because somebody bumps into you say, oh, I'm sorry, you know. Can you know, are you okay, rather than you jerk Watch what you're doing, that you can change that a?

Speaker 1:

million times a day, and it just makes your life a lot easier. And everybody else is around here too. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, yes, we're all coming back to that place of love, right to be here to learn the things that we're learning, to overcome, to stop the patterns rise in states of consciousness and again to come back to the truth of who.

Speaker 2:

We are right, we're all aspects of God and God is love, infinite love, right, and that's what we're here really to remember is love and we're so fortunate, like you say, to awake like that, and I hope a lot of people out there don't have to get near death to have that happen. If they can just hear it often enough from you, from me, from other people, maybe they can kind of lighten up a little bit and life isn't all that serious. It's very short. I mean we think 100 years is a long time, but it goes by pretty darn fast. I mean I'm hitting 77 now and it's gone by really fast.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I would not have thought you were in your 70s. You look so young Wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, good genes. You know, I've got it from my folks. But somebody said to me oh, that's because you went on the other side. They reached it at the clock and I thought I never heard that one before. But I think you know.

Speaker 1:

So we haven't talked much about your book. I know it's a memoir, so yeah, is that just about the telling of your experience, or do you go on the more?

Speaker 2:

things than your book. I think we're all a product of our genes and our parents and grandparents and their parents, that all kind of. I think it's filtered down somehow and whether it's, you know, like, in my family there's a lot of alcoholism. So that gene is in my body, my children's body, with all those things, if there's been abuse in a family or whatever. I think. I don't know how that works, but it seems to kind of trickle down.

Speaker 2:

So I went to my great grandparents, you know, and they were dirt farmers in Oklahoma. They had a hard life man, so I went with them, and then my grandparents, which weren't much better, and then my folks and then my family and I've got kids and grandkids. You know, it's just interesting to see how that works. So it's all about me before, during and after and you know the themes that you can see going through. And it's not just my life, it's everybody's life. It's got a lot of humor in it because I am basically an upbeat person and my family's kind of crazy. So it's it's kind of entertaining and there's very you know, 10 chapters, I think, of the Helsing and then what I've come to to believe and understand and share.

Speaker 2:

It's got 4.5 stars on on Amazon. I'm hoping more people that read the book will put the reviews in us writers and we need to go to all the trouble of writing and we need to have some feedback. You know if it's good, bad or indifferent. It really helps if you go ahead and go on Goodreads or Amazon and just either put a star or writer review. It's it's very helpful.

Speaker 1:

I will do that when I buy the book. I have one, two, three years will be the fourth book because all the people that have interviewed lately it's just a book shop because and I said this on last couple of episodes I've been so busy putting courses and stuff together and rebranding that I didn't get around to purchasing the books before the interviews, which I was used to doing. Yeah, I've got this handful of books I'll be able to dive into so um, so when I purchased the book, when I read it, I'll definitely give it a review. I believe in that. I stopped three books that I'm working on. When the time is right, I'll get them published, put them out there, so I totally get that right. Reviews help, yeah, so I will definitely. I will definitely do that, and then I'll also get the information listed on the resource page of my website as well as.

Speaker 1:

I rework that, because so much going on. I know you do my goodness.

Speaker 2:

It's all right. You got a course correct. Every now and then you know and go where you're led.

Speaker 1:

Yep, exactly. Well, is there anything else that you want to mention before?

Speaker 2:

we go. I think it's it's been, it's been nice. I really appreciate you having me on the show.

Speaker 1:

I'm really happy for sharing your experiences. I found that fascinating and some of your insights so I really appreciate that. And then the. So this episode won't actually go up until the first week in September.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'll make a note, so send me a link so I can put it on all my social media.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'll go up on the YouTube channel and then I have a link to your book. So if anybody wants to check that out, then sure, and they can do that. Awesome, all right. Okay, thank you so much, all right.

Near-Death Experience and Manifestation
Journey Through Hell to Bliss
Near-Death Experience and Personal Hell
Reflections on Life, Death, and God