The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S3 Ep. 21: The Transformative Power of Psychic Healing with Faith Streng

September 11, 2023 Lynna K Teer Season 3 Episode 21
S3 Ep. 21: The Transformative Power of Psychic Healing with Faith Streng
The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast
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The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast
S3 Ep. 21: The Transformative Power of Psychic Healing with Faith Streng
Sep 11, 2023 Season 3 Episode 21
Lynna K Teer

Get ready for a transformative journey as we welcome Faith Streng, a third-generation psychic healer and Reiki master, to our podcast. Equipped with unique gifts including clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircensience, and claircognizance, Faith's enlightening insights on psychic healing are set to revolutionize your understanding of spirituality and personal development. She takes us through her process of integrating past life healing with chakra balancing and cleansing for a holistic healing experience.

As we journey further, we delve into the intriguing world of subconscious healing and past lives, shedding light on the crucial role our subconscious plays in shaping our realities. You'll gain insight into Faith's Cosmic Joy Club, her one-on-one sessions, retreats, and mentorship programs. Discover how her techniques encourage deeper community ties and inspire the nurturing of intuitive gifts.

The podcast concludes with an exploration of the strength found in joy and manifestation. Faith urges us to take a moment to listen to our inner voices and identify the teachings that resonate. She underscores the importance of creating community and connection in our spiritual journey. With her wisdom on cultivating joy and the vitality of expressing our truths, you are sure to feel empowered and inspired to continue your journey in personal development. This episode is a must-listen for those seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey and the transformative power of psychic healing.

To find out more about Faith and what she offers, check out her website at  FaithStrengHealing.

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If you want additional content on awakening, mindset, manifesting, and mystical experiences, check out my blog or YouTube channel.

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Get ready for a transformative journey as we welcome Faith Streng, a third-generation psychic healer and Reiki master, to our podcast. Equipped with unique gifts including clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircensience, and claircognizance, Faith's enlightening insights on psychic healing are set to revolutionize your understanding of spirituality and personal development. She takes us through her process of integrating past life healing with chakra balancing and cleansing for a holistic healing experience.

As we journey further, we delve into the intriguing world of subconscious healing and past lives, shedding light on the crucial role our subconscious plays in shaping our realities. You'll gain insight into Faith's Cosmic Joy Club, her one-on-one sessions, retreats, and mentorship programs. Discover how her techniques encourage deeper community ties and inspire the nurturing of intuitive gifts.

The podcast concludes with an exploration of the strength found in joy and manifestation. Faith urges us to take a moment to listen to our inner voices and identify the teachings that resonate. She underscores the importance of creating community and connection in our spiritual journey. With her wisdom on cultivating joy and the vitality of expressing our truths, you are sure to feel empowered and inspired to continue your journey in personal development. This episode is a must-listen for those seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey and the transformative power of psychic healing.

To find out more about Faith and what she offers, check out her website at  FaithStrengHealing.

Support the show

If you want additional content on awakening, mindset, manifesting, and mystical experiences, check out my blog or YouTube channel.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome back to the Mindset and Manifesting podcast. I'm really excited today and I can't hold it in. I thought I could. I'm so excited I have a special guest. Her name is Faith Streng. She is a third generation psychic healer and she does past life healing. The manifestation coaching is involved with her work. Again, I'm so excited because I have worked with her.

Speaker 1:

I did a month of her Cosmic Joy Club and her three month intensive for some healing. I was at that point on my journey where I had a couple things in regards to time and finances. I was like what's going on here? I know what I'm doing, what's going on? When I found her on TikTok, I immediately resonated. I was so drawn to her, immediately resonated. That took me about a month and I kept thinking they need to work with her. Finally I did and it was the best experience. It was life changing for me. I'm really excited to have her on Faith. Take it away. Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you do, how you help people, and we'll just go with the flow.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for that beautiful introduction. I am so pleased to be here. I've been looking forward to this and it brings me so much joy to create in the entrepreneurial space with my clients and those that I have worked with. It just makes my heart explode. I'm so excited for all the people you are helping who are going to listen to this high frequency podcast. I'm just so grateful to be here.

Speaker 2:

I am a third generation psychic healer. My grandfather and my grandmother and my mother were all healers, even though they would not have used that word for themselves. My gifts are clairvoyance, clairaudience and claircensience and claircognizance, which means that I see things, I hear things, I feel things and I know things. I am also a Reiki master. In my sessions, I combine past life healing with chakra balancing and organ cleansing. I also do talk to many different high frequency beings angels and spirit guides, ancestors, fairies, star beings, ascended masters. In my sessions, I am helping my clients to, layer by layer, level by level, remove the false beliefs that are remaining as a result of trauma from this lifetime or another lifetime, which ultimately makes it easier to become the joyful and deliberate creator of your own reality. I have also seen, as a result of those I've worked with intensively.

Speaker 2:

The inspiration for starting my three month mentorship program was that a natural consequence of this work is an opening up and expansion of the psychic abilities. Our natural state of being is psychic. When we are doing these deep levels of healing, our channels just start opening up and it allows us to receive more, to be more in tune with these subtle energies around us, which just creates a feeling of more support, more interconnectedness, more joy and more faith, which we know is crucial when we are stepping into creative leadership. I do offer one-on-one sessions, I host retreats and I do my three-month intensive and my group coaching program. I just opened a subscription service because it's also really important for me to create community with star seeds and old souls all over the world, because so many people are going through this paradigm shift alone. It was really important for me to bring people together, which has also been a really exciting part of my work that I was not expecting when I started my business.

Speaker 1:

I saw the subscription service today on your website I was like that's something I should be able to pull off right now while I'm in this transition phase. A lot of my listeners, especially on YouTube, know this kind of like the job situation and stuff. I'm still not stressed Good.

Speaker 2:

Good for you, good for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm still not stressed. The healing is just nice. A lot of stuff come up. The healing is still working right. Even after the sessions, the healing continues. Something came to mind while you were talking, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you work with people who have already had some level of healing work correct Therapy, things like that Because, given your work, having somebody who hasn't had any healing at all, just based on my experience, I would think having some sort of therapy and doing some healing prior to actually coming to you is very, very helpful because it's so deep, right and so intense and that's why I found you, because I had already had a lot of that healing done. But do you ever work with anybody who has not had any type of healing work or do you really prefer that they're at a certain point in their journey?

Speaker 2:

I will have people who find me from time to time, usually from referrals, who may not be in the space as my usual clients, and I am able to meet people where they're at when that happens. But my zone of genius really kicks in when people do have a background in personal development and or spirituality and because the anchor of so much of my work is past lives that it can be really, really, really challenging to investigate and even be aware that there have been traumatic experiences in other lifetimes. When we are still processing our trauma from this lifetime and also when we are still in that trauma healing, in that heightened emotional state, it is very difficult to remove yourself and observe with the third eye perspective, to kind of zoom out and see the bigger, bigger, bigger picture which this work requires and asks of us. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense. Can you talk a little bit about the work specifically that you do, like how I don't even know the right question to ask, but how you go about doing the work really? I mean, I know because I've experienced it, right, but as you're working with people, like how the information comes through, how you're like how you're actually able to help in the healing process through, you know, with past lives and stuff based on what you do, because I know there are a lot of people out there and I did, and I, a couple years ago, I thought I thought it was all kind of woo-woo too. I was like, yeah, right, and now no, I'm like, oh, okay, I get it. Nothing surprises me. I don't think anything is weird anymore, right? Um, so can you talk a little bit, like about your process and how You're able to heal people? Or, if, how you've been able to heal people, what kind of? However, you want to Talk about that?

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely. And you know, I think one of my gifts as a healer is that I am very earthbound. I am aware that what I share Sounds Wacky. I have an awareness of that and I can laugh at myself, and I can Channel aliens and also enjoy Netflix. I can, you know, go out and pay a Celebration and have a party with my fairy friends and then also go and get a cocktail and feel really good and aligned about that.

Speaker 2:

Now, you know, everybody's different, but so, because my work is all about Learning to love the human experience, because that's what we're called to do, we chose to be here. We chose to incarnate of all of the Infinite different incarnations we could have and all of the different Dimensions of the multiverse. We chose the human body and there's so much to love and appreciate about it and about this planet and about Pleasure. So so many of us have a resistance to sensuality and pleasure because of no old Puritanical beliefs, you know, ancestral beliefs, etc. Etc. But so I am very rooted in this earth experience, along with channeling into the astral realm. And so a lot of people when they think of Psychics which took me a very long time to embrace that word, because when people generally think of Psychic. They think of someone who is either holding their hands over a crystal ball or Someone who is going to be able to tell you where you're gonna be in a year, etc. Etc. That you call on a phone and you pay per minute, and it was really something for me to realize that being psychic just means I am Sensitive to the subtle, I'm sensitive to energy. That's all it means. I'm sensitive to energy. We know that the human eye sees a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what is actually Before us. So how can we say, therefore, that what I see is reality, when we know science tells us there is more that the human eye cannot take in, right? We know that animals hear things that we can't hear. Therefore, there are More aspects to reality than our, our physical senses can let us know of right. So, as we tune into, you know, our, our, our clairvoyance, what we are seeing, you know, when our eyes are closed, what we are seeing in our mind's eye and, using our other psychic abilities, we are actually able to tune into a more complete experience of what quote-unquote reality is.

Speaker 2:

So, with that being said, my mother and grandmother were past life healers, so that is work I was exposed to and the body, mind, spirit connection from the time I was five years old and I started communicating with what I call spirit some people call high self or Holy Spirit, in my early 20s with my Eyeblinks. Actually, for me and that was a came from using a pendulum. I started with the pendulum and then using eyeblinks, so for me it was like in a relaxed state I'm able to ask, ask a question to my high self, and for me one blink is yes and two blinks are no. And Then, when I fully committed to my spiritual practice which, as many Lightworkers and healers can attest to that's usually not the path you think you're gonna take and when I committed to it, my psychic ability started to open up a lot more. And what happened was, as I started to kind of push myself, I found that I was combining my understanding of past lives along with the chakra system which I was introduced to in Reiki, my Reiki trainings, which is not a Traditional aspect of Reiki, because Reiki, of course, comes from Japan and the chakra system comes from India, but in the West that's how we we understand it, and so it is my gift that I am able to process and receive this information in a waking state.

Speaker 2:

So my sessions, my channeling, it's just a conversation, it's just like. It's just like this, and I will Generally start asking someone if there's anything going on with the physical body, because if there is any Misalignment or I like we'll, you'll say here in the spiritual community, dis dash, ease instead of dis ease. It's instead of disease, right, it's dis ease in the body. It has already gone through many, many energetic layers by the time it finally manifests in the physical body. So for me, and also as someone who has Experienced decades of chronic pain and a lot of health challenges in my lifetime, that's also something that I feel very called to Help people with. And so I will start by to asking if there's any specific issues.

Speaker 2:

I'll tune into the chakras and then I will use the chakras as portals to Identify if there has been trauma in other time space realities. Let's say, someone is having issues with their hip, which you know was resonates with me, that was the issue that I had for so long and we tune in and we find out that in another lifetime there was, you know, in the 1700s. They fell off a ladder and broke their hip and it never got repaired because it was the 1700s and there's still a frequency that is carrying over into this lifetime, that is causing stagnant energy. That is, yeah, just causing stagnant energy. And the conversation that then happens is I am my, I am Communicating with my guides, who are communicating with the guides of my client to facilitate healing. I am just the vessel, the healing that's happening is beyond me, and so what happens is we, we, we ask for assistance with the releasing of this density that we don't need anymore, and the healing happens Instantaneously. It happens immediately.

Speaker 2:

Now, that doesn't mean that the pain, perhaps, is gonna go away immediately, because there's all these other tangential things, but that's where we start, and so it happens immediately and we say thank you, angel babies. I call my angels, my angel babies. And then we go from there and I'll follow the thread. Is there anything else in the sacral chakra? Oh, the energy has opened up in the sacral. So now there's more energy moving through the solar plexus.

Speaker 2:

Let's see what's going on with the digestive system, and from there these conversations just start, where the manifestation Coaching comes into it, you know, and and then I may get a little nudge, maybe I'll hear a word. I'll hear in my head. It doesn't sound like it's outside of my head, but it sounds like it's inside my head. We're all here, guide or ancestor, and I'll know that there's a specific energy, loving energy, that wants to come through and be made known to my client, or Something else will Come through around their business, or I'll be called to ask suddenly Can you tell me about your relationship with your mother or your father? Because there's something there we're being asked to heal. And so my work encompasses a lot of different things and it's different for everyone, and sometimes people come in and they just want to ask me questions the whole time, which is perfect. That's as it should be, and while I don't profess to be someone you can come to to find out about xyz thing in the future Because time works the way it does I do often get information about future timelines or things that are to come, and I'm usually right not always, but I'm usually right and so I call what I do restorative spirit programming that was the best phrase I could channel that Encompass everything that I offer, which ultimately is the process of allowing the soul to rest so that we can begin the process of Positively reprogramming the mind.

Speaker 2:

We know how important the subconscious mind is for everything.

Speaker 2:

We know that if our outside world is not reflecting our inside world, period the end. There's subconscious stuff going on that we haven't been able to get to, and so my job is to help dig that up and release it, whether that's from the Akashic records, past lives, whether it's attached to the liver, whether it's in an area of the auric field, and we just pick it, pick through all of it one by one, by one by one, until we are feeling more consistently aligned, and what happens is that gratitude feels easier. At that time, communication starts to happen more naturally. We start. I watch people align with, with community and step into their Intuitive gifts. They find themselves less afraid of success and it's just really great. I was called to start this work. I didn't really know what I was doing when I started my business and it has been just so rewarding to Watch people take to this like ducks to water and how important it is to combine the physical body, the spiritual body and the emotional state of our being.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's fascinating, fascinating work because, like with you and I, I was it like it really was like going through the layers, right, and I could like I could feel it, even though it feels the right word but just getting through the layers and then you begin to realize like, wow, this is really working. It's not really tangible, right, and the moment you can't touch it, but it really really works. And then the deeper you get through the layers right, and the more healing work that's done, the more it really at least for me and many people is just how it works. It just kind of opens you up, right. So, yeah, the story you were telling about the hip reminded me of something.

Speaker 1:

I had hip problems for years, specifically my left hip, and in meditation. One night I did a past life regression on my own in meditation and I was an old man, back in the medieval times, I think it was, and I had fallen. Like I was really old and I had fallen and all these people kept, they were going, they were walking past me and nobody was helping me. But my hip was broken in this past life and, you know, after that meditation my hip didn't hurt me. This like it doesn't hurt me anymore. It probably I can't even remember now probably hurt for a little while after that, but then it stopped. Past life regression or past life If you do past life regression or past life healing it is so profound, like so profound because we carry stuff into this lifetime right, because we have to learn from it, heal from it, and I would recommend it to anybody when they get to a certain point on their journey. You can find somebody that you really resonate with and knows what they're doing is take that next step and do the healing, because sometimes you can't do it on your own, sometimes you need a little bit of a nudge and somebody who can really kind of help. And for me, I, working with you, a lot of what you said resonated with me because on a deep, you know, on a deep level we already know right, kind of what's going on with this and sometimes it just takes somebody else helping, right, helping with the healing, to kind of bring that out and and really kind of push you over the edge. So to say, you know on your on your healing journey.

Speaker 1:

You know, can you talk a little bit about, if you want to talk a little bit about, the Cosmic Joy Club, because I found that to be different than the the one on one right, because that was definitely more kind of in just working with you, one on one, more intensive. But I found it really nice to be on a call with other people as well, because for me I'm so I keep myself isolated. I got to get out of that. It was really nice to be on the call with other people right who have experienced similar things or are experiencing similar things. And then, now that you have the subscription service, can you talk a little bit about that?

Speaker 1:

Because I saw that I was so excited I was like, yeah, there's some different options now. But I kind of glanced at it because I knew I was going to go back to it, so I didn't look at it too deeply. So can you talk a little bit about those things that you offer? And I know your trip, your retreat, is sold out, so hopefully there'll be some people that will work with you and then be able to do another retreat with you down down the line.

Speaker 2:

There are definitely more retreats coming for 2024 too, so stay tuned. Subscribe to my newsletter. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. So the Cosmic Joy Club was born because I realized that. So almost all of my clients had no one else besides me to talk to about their awakening, and I knew that I was called to create a group program. I also knew for me that I don't want to charge a super high premium for my sessions. I, my sessions, are already a luxury and I know that, and I wanted to find ways for other people to create community and also ways that would be more accessible to people. So I launched the Cosmic Joy Club, which is an ongoing four week program and we meet once a week.

Speaker 2:

At the same time, I have between three and four groups a month and we meet in Zoom groups of no more than four people, and Spirit always knows exactly who needs to be in the groups. It never fails to shock me the similarities that people are going through. It's so beautiful and everybody has 20 minutes of one on one time with me. So the same work I do in my healing sessions we do in a shorter amount of time in the Zoom sessions, but the messages that come through for one will resonate with the others and, like you shared, it's so important to see the experiences that other people are going through. We need to hear other people's stories, we need to hold space for each other. That is crucial for the paradigm shift that we are experiencing, and from that we also have our Discord channel, where people keep in touch throughout the week, which has turned into such an amazing supportive community where people are sharing their angel numbers and their synchronicities and I do Reiki trainings as well, and we have some new Reiki practitioners in that group who are eager to offer Reiki if anybody is having a challenging time. We share the books we're reading the amazing meditations we've had and most people stay on for month to month, which I was not expecting, but that program has been going on for about two years now, and we also offer a different opportunity for a light worker to come in every month, so I invite a different healer to come in every month and offer an exclusive workshop to that group as well. And we've had other psychics and astrologers and tarot readers and shamanic practitioners and herbalists and so many different amazing people.

Speaker 2:

It was so important for me when I started my business to make as many connections as possible, and I knew so many amazing light workers and wanted to introduce my community to them, because I'm always very clear and transparent that I am not the only healer that my community should work with. It takes a village and so here are some other you know, kind of vetted incredible healers that I would encourage you to seek out. So the Cosmic Joy Club is a really, really, really special community of usually it's all women all over the world. All over the world. And from that I knew I needed another opportunity for people, because I can only take so many people a month. So in that and this is the, the beta month launch of the Cosmic Joy Connection, which is an opportunity to join me for live events where I will be doing healings and readings for people in the group there will be an exclusive newsletter that goes out every month introducing you to a different high frequency guide, my experiences with that month, working with them and how you can work with them. For the initial month we are opening up to the energy of Krishna and it is coming home. Opening your heart to Krishna is the name of the newsletter that will be going out, which will be very personal and very from the heart. And so then there's also an option for spiritual entrepreneurs to for the highest tier. There is an opportunity for them to come into a an exclusive mastermind program, as well as all of the other perks, which include a lottery every month for a private session with me and also a discord channel, and so the mastermind I'm really excited about.

Speaker 2:

I never foresaw myself being in a position to coach other spiritual leaders.

Speaker 2:

I don't have a background in business.

Speaker 2:

I have a little bit of a background in marketing, but but you know, until I was 32, I was like I'm going to be an actor, I'm a writer, I'm a performer, and so everything that I know about business I have learned through grit and sweat and my own self healing.

Speaker 2:

And to be able to be in a space where other leaders can come together to help each other and coach each other and evolve together is part of my bigger vision, which is a network of healers all over the world, which is already coming, so I'm really excited about that. The doors to the cosmic joy connection will close before this podcast airs, as I am again like kind of sorting out the details for this, but they will open again in the fall and and as we are getting things were mainline here, so I have a lot of ways that people can work with me. It's important to me that my work is accessible. I also have do workshops and have pre recorded workshops and trainings available for people because of what I know what it's like to want this kind of healing and not be able to afford it, and so I have these different tiers available to people so that they can work with me at just about any stage of their journey.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's so nice I need. Personally, I know how important it's going to me for me to say I won't be able to sign up until the fall, but I'm looking forward to it because I used to be the type of person who would. From a money mindset thing, I would never have imagined spending, because I had another coach as well Before I worked with you, who cost her a lot more. I never thought I would spend that kind of money working with somebody she was spiritual when India cost you cracker things like that, and then working with you for me that was a lot of money, right. But I also knew that, okay, I have to get past these money, whatever is going on energetically with the money and the time issues and things like that. So I had to change my view of what I was going to spend money on. So now I have a completely different mindset when it comes to working with people, right, whether it's a mastermind or a coach, healer, anything like that.

Speaker 1:

I know going forward because I took that leap a couple of times. Now it is so well worth it because it pays off like 10 fold and the healing work that we did is going to pay off 10 fold because, again, it's opening me up to more and more, to receive more right and to kind of know where I'm going on this journey. So if there's anybody out there with a similar mindset of, oh, I can't spend the money on this, trust me If you feel called to do it. If you feel called because you don't want to put yourself in a situation, right, where all of a sudden you're feeling fear and doubt and lack because you spent this money, if you know that it's important to you and you can do that and feel at least a sense of calm and peace and knowing that it was the right thing, I would highly recommend doing it, even at the point where I'm at now financially which I again, I'm not worried about it because I know what's going to change, but I don't regret doing the healing work, right. I don't regret spending the money or the time doing the work because I know it's only going to help me going forward, right. So I just wanted to mention that because, knowing where I was before and so hesitant especially something like working with a psychic healer or looking into your past lives, right. Most people think about well, if I'm going to spend money, I'm going to get coaching and things like that is going to be on business. So it's going to be something that's going to propel me forward and what I'm doing right now as far as work because people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on mastermind groups for business.

Speaker 1:

Healing is so important. Getting to know your soul is so important. It's probably more important than just taking a business course or a business mastermind, because you can take a course, do like a business mastermind, things like that, but if you don't get to the core of your soul, you will get. You perhaps will continue to run into issues. Yeah, so I just wanted to mention that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Absolutely, absolutely. And it's because if you are on a spiritual path and you are also a business owner, then those are not separate things. You are a spiritual entrepreneur, which means that if you are experiencing blocks in your business, it's blocks in you, and you know paying a lot of money for someone to tell you how to get clients or paying a lot of money for XYZ is not really going to help you in the long run, because if you don't know what's in alignment for you and if you're not tending to your frequency, it's not going to make a difference. I know people who've spent a ton of money on coaches and this and that and this and that and their businesses are still not flourishing as they would like them to be. Because I see the resistance that's coming up in their work. And it has been so important for me as a business owner to every time something comes up where I feel stagnant or I feel stuck or I don't have an answer for how to move forward, and I go, I go inward and because I have all these tools and I can say, okay, is there something going on in one of my chakras? Is there a past life coming up is? Is there a present life age, is there something I haven't dealt with? And as I start to do all that work, the blocks in my business continue to dissolve and dissolve, and dissolve and dissolve and dissolve, and so my business continues to grow exponentially, year after year after year. And it is important, like you said, that you are able to feel good about the money you're spending, because anybody who understands manifestation knows that it's it's less about making the right or the wrong decision and it's 100% about how you feel about the decisions that you make. So if you feel like your money is going to be well spent, that it is an investment in yourself and that's exactly what it's going to be.

Speaker 2:

I would never want someone to sign up for one of my programs and, in fact, I've told people not to not to sign up for my programs when they feel really scared about it. That's I don't. Well then, that's not right. That's not right. I want you to feel really excited and really positive about what we're going to create together and my even me I can speak to.

Speaker 2:

Offering that program was a very big deal for me and event when I was at the point where I was like this is going to be amazing. I am so excited about this. I know on such a deep level the value that I am offering to people and at that point I had also, you know, taken this a few month journey of understanding. It had never hit me before that, oh my gosh, the more healing I do, the more healing I'm able to do for my clients, facilitate for my clients. So, so for me as a business over even offering that program was part of my own healing journey, knowing the value that I was able to to, to, to create with people. And I've seen every single person who has gone through that program has said the same exact thing because we have this collective intention that we are co creating together and it is just been really magical and really transformative every single time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've had that happen with my own business, like really kind of taking a look, and I actually had. I was actually thinking about this a couple days ago. I was like you know, so many people think what can I do? What can I? What do other people want from me? Right, what can I do for other people? And this is probably more so out of the spiritual community, like looking at algorithms, things like that.

Speaker 1:

But something Dona made the other day what brings me joy? Because if I'm a line doing what brings me joy, right, I'm just naturally going to teach in a way that helps other people, right, and I may not even realize it, like people may not say, hey, this really helped me or whatever, and it doesn't really matter. As long as I'm a line and I'm doing the work of myself, right, and I'm doing what brings me joy, it honestly doesn't matter what any of the algorithms say or what other people are doing, because the energy right Will match the energy of the people that were meant to help. And then sort of the money issue, because I'm feeling that this month kind of goes out the window and I'm not going to be able to do that Because I'm feeling that this month kind of goes out the window, right, like I'm literally like, okay, if all else falls apart, it's okay, I'm not going to do, I'm not. I'm at the point in my life because I've done it so many times I'm not going to do anything that doesn't bring me joy or that I'm not aligned with, because that'll take me. If I do something out of desperation, it'll take me out of alignment, right, and then I'm not going to be able to help anybody Of my words, my teachings won't reach anybody or the right people, right, because I'm not in alignment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's all. I mean the weights it can be a lot sometimes, right that energetic weight of knowing we have such a profound kind of mission, right, that we chose to do in this lifetime, and then we just have to trust that the work we're doing right, it's going to reach the right people. And it does. Because I saw you on TikTok, right, and immediately resonated with you, right, and I've learned for me now to not react emotionally. I waited, I was like, is this still going to resonate with me? And that's another thing. When you get to really know your soul, you can take a step back and listen to yourself. Is this really right for me. Yeah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, not because it's someone who's a bestselling author or someone who sells out this or that or that your friend likes or your coach likes. There are a lot of really successful people in our fields that I do not resonate with because, for a variety of reasons and that's okay I'm also at a place where I'm able to be like okay, I see how this part of your teaching really resonates with me, but this part of your teaching I'm really gonna leave aside, and that's because my foundation of joy, of truth, of alignment is so deeply ingrained in me that I'm not threatened by something that doesn't resonate with me. I'm not threatened by people who don't believe in my work or judge what I'm doing, or who follow someone who I perceive as exploitive. That's not my business. My only thing that I can control is my frequency and my joy and what I allow in and what I project out. And, just like you said, I know that when I'm creating from a place of inspiration, because I'm feeding my own well, because I'm nourishing myself and I'm resting and I'm taking care of my body, then my infinite well of creativity can bubble over right.

Speaker 2:

And when that's true, I am and I know who my audience is. I know who I'm speaking to and, at this point in my business, I know what they want. I know what they're dealing with. So I have this awareness of what my community wants and that I'm talking to my followers. Whether I have 200 followers or thousands of followers, I'm talking to the people who have chosen to follow me. I've stopped trying to find new people or grow my Instagram.

Speaker 2:

That's where I am in my business and, knowing that again, because of my frequency, people are gonna find me. However, they find me right, whether it's a video I posted yesterday or something I put on Instagram a year and a half ago, right, somehow people, the right people, are gonna find me, because everything is energy and as people are waking up, they are aware that I need help, especially healers, and if you are aware that I need help, we just have to be open to however that helps gonna come to us. Maybe it's someone who holds the door for you at the grocery store and it just really makes your day right. Or maybe it's the healer that crosses your path on TikTok or whatever it is. But when we are aware spirit, angel babies, cosmos, the divine I need help and all you have to do is be open to however that help will manifest for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly the reason I mentioned that and I'm just now realizing is because I'm seeing listeners that some of them are stuck and this episode's not even out yet, but I can sense that. Yeah, Individuals listening.

Speaker 1:

Different points on their journey, right, but specifically on sensing a group, I'm seeing listeners that some of them are stuck and this episode's not even out yet, but I can sense that, yeah, and I don't know how many, maybe it's just a couple that are maybe feeling stuck or um, yeah, because sometimes we can feel stuck and then feel like we have to do something to get us out of a situation or to propel us forward, rather than just being still and and in grounding ourselves and really listening and communing with ourselves, with our higher self. But, yeah, I was getting that visual. You know, I've seen kind of sensing this group of individuals just listening through the podcast and thinking, you know, I need to do something. What do I do, right? Um, or feeling stuck. So I was.

Speaker 1:

So, if you can really kind of tune into what brings you joy, and I've asked, had to ask myself this question because I have forgotten. I had forgotten, like what, and I'm still trying to figure out the different things that really bring me joy because I had forgotten, you know, being isolated and just wanting to teach, and I'm like, well, shoot, that's not doing me any good if I'm not feeling joyful, right, like I love what I do, but. But I need to find a joy again. So there are a handful of things that really bring me joy. But when we're in that feeling state of joy, like gratitude, things are so much easier. And then really it gets to the point where you realize like money doesn't really become that big of an issue, because you realize it's just energy, it's just an exchange, it's just circulating like all other energy, right, yeah?

Speaker 2:

So, anyway, joy joy and you know that when you feel good, you're on the right path, which you can't not be on the right path. You're always on the right path. But you know that you are in the process of taking your power back and that good things can only come to you when you have done the work. And it can feel like work. It can be playful and joyful too, but I know it feels like work. But when you have, when you have been brave enough to follow your joy, cultivate it, spend time with it, identify it and seek it out for yourself. And when you feel good more frequently, your life can only get better. It can only get better because it's just energy. Yeah, just energy.

Speaker 1:

Yep, exactly, yeah, all right, so we've got a few minutes left and I think we've covered just about everything, and I talked a little bit more than I was expecting, but you know how it goes sometimes when things come to you. I have learned not to shut down my voice, to just speak, right. So is there anything else, though, that you want to talk about that you want to leave the listeners with before we go? I?

Speaker 2:

guess it would be. I would be remiss to not comment on what people perceive as the state of the world, because I know that that brings a lot of stress to people and it can be very overwhelming. And we are. We not only chose to incarnate in these bodies, but we chose this very specific time on this planet when we are observing young soul structures that no longer serve the old souls on this planet. We are watching them crumble down. But it is important that we continue to know that fear is fear, is fear, is fear is fear and there's no space for it. Or we are excited to be living at a time when we should not allow that, and it doesn't matter what the fear is about.

Speaker 2:

And I know, I know the very 3D reality can be very intense. I have lived all of it, but we still have a choice to believe somehow, some way, everything is always working out for me. There are infinite solutions to every problem, even this, and a lot of times people you know poo poo manifestation because they say it's selfish, right, it's self-serving, but that's just where we are as a collective. That's how we're learning about it. But ultimately, we are learning how to manifest collectively as opposed to just individually, knowing that we believe in an infinite source. If you believe in an infinite source, then there are infinite solutions to world peace, world hunger, to giving voices to people whose voices have not been heard, to restoring land to those who should be living on it, to climate change, etc. Etc. There is no problem too big.

Speaker 2:

And I hear a lot of people talking about oh, we're at this crucial point in our history and I'm like, no, we're not. I mean no, we're not. Like I see, like it's all going to be good. It's all good where we're going. It doesn't mean there's not going to be a lot of growing pains to get there, and we know there's going to be other disasters and there's going to be more people who are suffering, but it is allowing us to come together because we are waking up to our purpose, to how we want to serve, how we want to be of service, whether that is to help people who are displaced or unhoused, or whether you want to help give a voice to animals, or create innovations to conserve the resources of our planet, like whatever it is, that's what we want.

Speaker 2:

It is so important that your listeners hear the calling of how do I want to live, what brings me joy, what are my unique gifts and how can I be of service knowing that we are on here for a flicker of a flame time. We are on here for poof snap and we're gone. So it's about your journey and knowing everybody has their own stuff they're working on and that is not your business to take on. It doesn't mean we don't hold space and have compassion and be of service where we can, but it does mean it's not our responsibility to take on the perceived pain and suffering and stress of other people, because that is the teachings of the ascended masters, which is to hold space and see the divine in others, in all living beings, whether they have four legs, two legs or stems or a rock or a grain of sand, to see the divine in all things. And when that is your baseline, then that is the world that you see.

Speaker 2:

You're not able to take on what so many in this world would have you believe. So what I would just seek to leave you with is to continue to pursue your joy, to give yourself a spiritual practice, whatever that looks like, because that will be an anchor for you. That will be an anchor for you to align with the peace. That is your true nature, no matter what you observe in other people experiencing. Yeah, exactly yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right, I guess we will call that a day for this episode. Thank you so much for joining me and, yeah, I will see everybody in the next episode. I will have faith information in the description box, both here on the podcast, the YouTube channel. So if you want to reach out to her, if you're in a stage of your journey where you feel called to work with her, I would highly recommend it, highly highly recommend it, and there aren't a lot of people that I resonate with on a very, very, very deep level enough at this point that I would recommend working with, partly because I haven't worked with a lot of people, but I would highly recommend reaching out to her if you feel called to do so. All right, see you guys in the next episode. Bye now.

Psychic Healing and Past Life Therapy
Explore Subconscious Healing and Past Lives
Cosmic Joy Club and Healing Programs
The Power of Joy and Manifestation
Recommendation for Partnership With Faith