The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S4 E13: Awakening the Spiritual Body: Understanding the Physical Aspect of the Spiritual Body

Lynna K Teer Season 4 Episode 13

In this transformative episode of the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast, titled "Awakening the Spiritual Body: Understanding the Physical Aspect of the Spiritual Body," Lynna K Teer invites you on a revelatory journey that bridges the physical and the spiritual, turning the body's whispers into loud messages of spiritual awakening. Lynna, a spiritual teacher and conscious manifestation coach, intertwines ancient wisdom with rich personal narratives, offering a unique perspective on the sacred connection between our physical sensations and our spiritual essence.

Key Highlights of This Episode:

  • The Secret Language of the Body: Lynna opens the episode with a compelling exploration of how our physical discomforts, like a persistent ache in the shoulders, might communicate important messages about our spiritual path. This segment illuminates that every sensation is a guidepost towards deeper spiritual understanding.
  • Ancient Practices for Modern Souls: Delve into the mystical world of Sufi whirling and the grounding practices of yoga. Lynna elucidates how these age-old traditions serve as physical exercises and portals to spiritual awakening, transforming mundane moments into opportunities for enlightenment.
  • A Symphony of Self-Care: Lynna shares intimate details of her dietary transformation and how attuning to her body's signals has been a cornerstone of her spiritual journey. This conversation extends beyond food, touching on how a balanced regime of nutrition, exercise, and rest harmonizes with our spiritual frequencies, enhancing meditation and energy levels.
  • Crafting Your Spiritual Practice: Acknowledging the deeply personal nature of spiritual development, this episode emphasizes the importance of finding practices that resonate on an individual level. From breathwork and connecting with nature to navigating the challenges of energy work, Lynna offers insight into her own experiences and struggles, providing comfort and guidance for listeners navigating their ascension symptoms.
  • Tools for Nurturing the Spiritual Self: The episode concludes with a discussion on practical tools and techniques for supporting spiritual growth, fostering a space for listeners to embrace their unique journey and authentically express their individuality in their quest for enlightenment.

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Join Lynna K Teer on this episode of the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast as she guides you through an enlightening exploration of the spiritual body, offering wisdom, practices, and personal anecdotes to help you understand and nurture the profound connection between your physical and spiritual selves. Whether seeking guidance through the intricacies of spiritual awakening or looking for ways to enhance your practice, this episode promises to be an invaluable companion on your journey toward self-discovery and spiritual growth.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to episode one of our next 10 part series. So this series is called Awakening the Spiritual Body, where we explore the intricate connection between our physical and spiritual selves. My name is Lena. I am your guide on this journey of self-discovery and in today's episode we'll delve into the first part of our series understanding the physical aspect of the spiritual body.

Speaker 1:

I'm a spiritual teacher, a conscious manifestation coach and Reiki, too, practitioner. I have been on my awakening journey consciously for about five years now. I'm an old soul, a very, very old soul, a manifesting generator according to human design. I'm a divine blueprint holder and a divine blueprint deliverer and a key holder according to my Akash. Like I said, I'm an old soul and fulfilling my purpose in this lifetime, which is to teach and to share my experiences and wisdom for those of you on your awakening journey. I have been a teacher in other lifetimes and I've known from a young age that I was meant to teach in this lifetime. Of course, I had no idea what that really meant until a couple of years ago, and I will what? If there's one thing I know for certain now is that you cannot you cannot run from yourself If there is something that you are meant to do in this lifetime. You can't run from it. So here I am. I now support, through my coaching, conscious men and women on their transformative path. So I'm dedicated to empowering individuals by helping them to develop unwavering trust in their intuition, to really cultivate awareness and to step boldly into their true power and purpose. And my guidance, I believe, fosters deep self discovery, leading them towards lives that are authentic, purposeful and in alignment with their inner wisdom. So if you would like to work with me, I have a link on. I have a link in the description box. You can go to my website. I have a coaching tab there and you can book a session with me.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so let's get into today's episode the connection between the physical body and spirituality. Let's start there. So let's start by acknowledging, first of all, that our bodies are not separate from our spiritual selves. In fact, the spiritual body serves as the vessel for our spiritual journey, and the physical body is the tangible aspect, if you think about it, of our existence that plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. So this intricate connection between our physical form and our spiritual essence forms a foundation of our journey toward enlightenment and self-discovery.

Speaker 1:

So, source or God, whatever term I know. There are many terms used to describe this. One source, creator of all, etc. Is housed in our physical bodies or soul, right, because we are all aspects of that. One source for all aspects of God. If you don't like that term, if you have another term, you know there's nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing. The word God has been put on a pedestal as if it is something outside of us, right, and that is not the case. It's not the case at all. So we are all aspects of this one source of the creator. Okay, so, anyway, I just wanted to make that clear. Alright, so excuse me, I know I can often seem as though our spiritual selves are separate from the physical right, as if there's something out there, right on a pedestal, but that is not the case. We're not seeking anything out there. Everything is housed within us, everything exists within us. That, in and of itself, is part of the spiritual journey coming to that realization. Okay, think about it.

Speaker 1:

The physical body has been described as a temple, right, if you look at ancient texts, etc. So consider the ancient wisdom that describes our body as a temple. So this metaphor really underscores the importance of treating our physical selves with respect and care, okay, recognizing that it houses our soul, our spiritual being, just as a temple is maintained and honored. Okay, we should also nurture our bodies, understanding that it's health and vitality directly impact our spiritual growth. Okay, so at some point on your journey you'll start experiencing ascension symptoms, etc. In your physical body and they will be undeniable. So you begin to correlate your physical symptoms with your spiritual journey.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about the role of the physical and spiritual practices. So many spiritual traditions and corporate practices that engage the physical body to enhance spiritual awareness, okay, yoga, for example, uses physical postures and breathing techniques to align the body, mind and spirit. Similarly, things like Sufi whirling or dancing is another practice, right, where physical movement is used as a means to reach, you know, a state of spiritual ecstasy and connection with the divine. Right, even just being out in nature and getting in touch with nature, right, can help. So let's now let's talk about sensory experiences as pathways to the spiritual. Alright, so our sensory experiences what we see here, touch, taste and smell can also serve as powerful gateways to spiritual awakening. Mindful engagement with the world around us, okay, can elevate ordinary moments into profound spiritual experiences. It's probably the reason why I talk about cultivating awareness a lot, because when you become really aware, you begin to see extraordinary things in what would otherwise be considered ordinary moments. Okay, things like the sound of birds, the texture of a leaf, even the, the aroma you know of, like the earth after it rains, right, these different things can remind us of the beauty and the interconnectedness of all life, right, and it can deepen our spiritual connection to the universe.

Speaker 1:

I remember one of my one experience I had. This was many, many, many years ago, and I was still dealing with depression and anxiety. At the time, I went out for a walk and was just walking along the road, and I was kind of in this because of what I was going through. At the time, I was really in a questioning mode of why things were happening to me, etc. I got to a certain point In my life, though, where I stopped asking that I no longer question, right, but I was kind of I would say kind of in this heightened state of awareness. I was really in touch with, I would say, my spiritual self. Right, I didn't have the understanding back then that I do now, although, although I have known from a very, very young age. Well, let's just say I questioned everything. I knew things were not as they seemed, and probably because I'm a really old soul, so I had a deep spiritual awareness from a very, very young age.

Speaker 1:

But it took me many, many, many, many, many years to put the word and to essentially, you know, go through the awakening experience to where it all made sense. But anyway, I was out walking this one day in kind of this heightened state of awareness, and I remember looking down at this flower. I think it was a, I think it was a daisy. It was probably a daisy or one of those. Yeah, the daisies have the white petals right With the yellow center. Anyway, I looked down and I could see the aura around it. I could see the energy around the flower, which at the time I thought was really cool. So we can connect with, with nature and see these extraordinary moments, right. So, anyway, where was I? Okay, so the I said the sound of birds, the texture of the leaf, blah, blah. I'm going through my notes here. Alright, so as we deepen our spiritual connection to the universe, eventually our spiritual gifts will come online.

Speaker 1:

So I, for instance, I started experiencing ringing in the ears or dizziness a couple of years prior to my awakening, I was diagnosed with all kinds of things, but on all kinds of meditation, by the, the VA. I'm a veteran. I spent I was in the Air Force for eight and a half years. I got out because my son so my son is on the autism spectrum. Otherwise I probably would have stayed in and retired. But anyway I you know, I was put on all kinds of meditation, medication, etc. And I didn't realize at the time that I was starting to experience ascension symptoms, even the paramount menopause symptoms I was going through. Everything has an energetic cause, everything Okay, and we've given these other names to these things to describe again what otherwise are. It's just energy, right, things happening within our body. So eventually and I didn't realize at the time with the dizziness and the ringing in the ears, but eventually I would realize that I was Claire audience Okay.

Speaker 1:

Now, and this has been happening for several years now, I hear angelic tones and I hear frequencies. Sometimes I hear static, usually like as I'm drifting off to sleep or as I'm waking up, and some, and quite often, when I'm actually in the dreams, when I'm dreaming right, and I'll hear voices and other sounds like knocking and ringing and I'll, I'll hear voices like wake up or hello, things like that. A couple days ago it was really, it was really I don't know the word describe it. I woke up and I just laid there for a few minutes because I was, I was it was not intense, that's not the right word there was just. It was interesting because I woke up, I was wide awake and I just, and I kept hearing these sounds like it was as if there was distant conversation and I couldn't really make out what it was. You know, and that's happened before too, but usually it I hear as I wake up and then it kind of it kind of goes away. But this, this went on for a little while and I just laid there and and just listened, right, so I tried to block it out or anything like that. So so, yeah, our different spiritual gifts and stuff start to come online For me, for me, I, my psychic abilities are starting to come online, and that's been happening for for a few years now as well. Again, I just didn't understand it what it was, and it understand why I was seeing certain things in visions or why I just knew certain things. Okay, but this is what happens on this journey.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so let's talk about the interplay of health and spirituality. So the state of our physical health significantly influences our capacity for spiritual exploration. Okay, if you're not taking care of yourself, it makes it harder to to be in tune with your physical body and and to have a clear, like, mental state. I would say so, a healthy, energized body, right, is better equipped to engage in meditation and prayer and other spiritual practices. Okay, conversely, spiritual well being, okay, can positively affect our physical health, right, this demonstrates the cyclical nature of the relationship between our physical and our spiritual body. Things like stress reduction, right, improved mental health and a sense of inner peace those are just a few of the benefits that spiritual practices can offer, and they, they can enhance our physical well being, because, as you become more aware and more aligned, right your mental state, your physical well being, right. There you find this synergy, this alignment, okay. So everything is energetic, right, again, to include illness and disease. So you will need different things at different points on your awakening journey. So being in tune with your body will help you determine what it needs at any given moment.

Speaker 1:

It takes practice, though, to really get in tune with your body. It takes practice. Okay, one of the things that I did was I started going to massage therapy pretty regularly and really gotten to him with my physical body. So now, if something, if something comes up and I like have an ache somewhere, I don't automatically think, oh, I need to go to the doctor, my back's hurting or whatever. I don't automatically need to go to the doctor. Okay, like, okay, what is causing this energetically? What is causing this? So for me, I am still experience ascension symptoms are not as intense as they used to be, but I can usually correlate okay, what have it? What have I been doing? What is going on energetically and why am I feeling the way that I'm feeling? So for me, it's taken practice, but I'm able to kind of again find, find the causes within myself, rather than just resorting to, like a medication or going to the doctor, etc. I'm not telling you not to go to the doctor. I'm not a physician. If you feel like something's wrong, you need to go to the doctor, then go to the doctor.

Speaker 1:

For me, it's taken years to become really self-aware of my body, of what I'm thinking and how that affects my body, etc. Okay, alright. So now let's talk about honoring the body-spirit connection. So, to truly honor the connection between the physical body and spirituality, it's essential to adopt a holistic approach to self-care. Okay, and I say essential, but again, you need to be in tune with yourself, right? Have I always taken a holistic approach? No, do I always take a holistic approach now? No, I don't.

Speaker 1:

Right, I've tried to go vegan before. I'm not a strict vegan, although actually now I would say I don't eat. I rarely ever eat meat anymore. My body just can't tolerate any longer. Right, but was I always that way? No, do I always eat organic? No, do I always drink enough water? No, but I am still really in tune with my body and I still take care of my body, but not according to what everybody else tells me that I should do. Okay, some days I just some days, you know, I drink more water than others, etc.

Speaker 1:

Now, could I do better at it? Of course, but do I beat myself up? Absolutely not, absolutely not. One of the worst things we can do is judge ourselves or beat ourselves up. Okay, I do what feels right to me at any given moment. And could I do better? Yes, of course, right, but it's part of the experience, part of the learning and part of being in tune with with myself and thinking, you know, I should probably drink more water. Do I need more water today? Yeah, drink more water, right. Some days I don't feel like drinking more water, I just don't. So, anyway, do what feels good to you, okay. Even when it comes to food, I find that. So I find that eating meat now actually makes me physically ill. Did it used to? No, but again, my diet changed quite a bit over the past couple of years and I'll talk about that here in a sec.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, so you can adopt a holistic approach to self-care if you want to. I mean, of course, that would be ideal, is absolutely necessary. I would say no, right, if you are in tune with what your body and what your body needs, do what's right for you. Okay, I wouldn't eat a whole bunch of crap, though. Right, because food is just energy. Right, putting a bunch of crap in your body is not ideal. So think about attending to the nutritional and exercise needs of the body, of your body, right, but also ensuring that you provide nourishment for the soul through practices that bring joy and peace and a sense of purpose. So it's about finding balance and harmony between your inner and outer worlds Okay, recognizing that each dimension of our being influences the other. Now, I'm not saying that you need to switch up your diet right now and become vegan or eat strictly organic, although those are healthy options, it's important to tune into what your body needs.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, so for me, over the years I've started to have a versions to different kinds of foods. So within the last three to four months especially, my appetite has really reduced. I don't, I don't eat junk food, or like hardly ever. I used to eat candy all the time, like candy bars and stuff Like maybe once or twice a month I eat a candy bar now, right, chips and stuff I don't really eat anymore. I can not eat junk food anymore and then things like meat, spicy foods, things like that. I just have versions to foods now that even a year or two ago I was able to tolerate. And again, over the past three to four months, my appetite has greatly reduced. You know and I'd actually started gaining weight a couple of years ago and eventually what I realized because it wasn't coming off no matter what I did Eventually realized that it was my body's way of helping to keep me grounded during the ascension process, right, because I, because I'm going through the ascension process right now, I mean I can, I can sit still and feel my body, my mark of which is my light, my light or my spiritual body, spinning.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so all that extra weight, I think, was to help keep me grounded. I think people call it bootabally, right, because I gained a lot around my middle, but I I'm so used to the energies now that I can tolerate. I can tolerate the energies more, like I just feel energy throughout my body. Like I said, I can feel my body spinning when I'm sitting still or even when I'm standing, if I'm like standing in line somewhere the store, the bank sometimes I literally feel like I'm spinning. I'm not dizzy, I can feel my body spinning. I can feel the energy and my hands and my feet sometimes. But again, I kind of adjusted and I'm able to tolerate. I'm not able to tolerate it now, which I think is why my I've actually, in the past three or four months, lost like 10 pounds. So I think, now that my body's kind of adjusted, I I'm able to start shedding the weight that I put on, which, thank goodness, I'm happy for that.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so, so embracing this interconnectedness right between our physical and our spiritual bodies, we open ourselves up to a more profound, integrated experience of life. Really, right, where the physical and the spiritual coexist and harmony Age, enhancing the beauty and the depth of the other. Okay, alright, let's talk about the impact of diet, exercise and sleep on spiritual well-being. Let's explore how our lifestyle choices profoundly impact our spiritual well-being. Right, diet, exercise and sleep really are, if you think about it, the cornerstones of a healthy physical body and they contribute significantly to our spiritual growth. Okay, alright, so I had one second. I had something. There was something coming through about that. Yeah, I don't know, I get. So I get like downloads or telepathic insight, you could call it, sometimes when I'm reading stuff or recording or sharing information, teaching, etc. Let me look at that again. So, sleep and they contribute significantly to our spiritual growth. So, yeah, the so diet, exercise and sleep Okay, as far as our spiritual growth goes, the better we feel about ourselves, like our physical bodies, the easier it can be to do things like meditate etc.

Speaker 1:

Right, like if, say, for instance, if you were to like if you were eating crap all the time, eating junk food all the time, and then you were to sit down and meditate, but you physically felt you just did not feel great because all the crap you're eating, then your focus goes to how you're feeling rather than moving into that meditative state. Right? So that's kind of what I'm getting out here. Alright, let's move on. I knew something was coming through and I was like how do I say this the way I want to say it? So that's it right, and then sleep too. But I'm going to talk about sleep here in a second, because that for me, has been a journey, alright.

Speaker 1:

So first let's talk about diet and nourishing the body and the spirit. So the food we consume, right and not only affects our physical health but also influences our energy levels and clarity of mind. So incorporating a diet rich and like whole, nutrient, dense foods can really enhance our vibrational frequency, making it easier connect with our spiritual selves, because everything is energetic, to include the foods that we eat. Okay, mindful eating practices such as expressing gratitude for food and eating with awareness can transform meal time into a meditative experience, right, deepening our spiritual connection. It is up to you if you want to incorporate a practice like that.

Speaker 1:

I do sometimes, not every time, okay, I, there have been times have been really mindful of what I'm eating, but we develop these habits, right, growing up, of not being mindful, so it's a practice that I'm still working on incorporating being more present and mindful when I eat, okay, but that's a matter of like breaking old habits when it comes to that. So, anyway, I do feel better in the times that I've actually and I do Reiki over my food sometimes, and it does help me to become more mindful of what I'm putting in my body. So, and then being grateful for it. So it is helpful If you can incorporate that, it is helpful, but I don't want you to think that I'm perfect and I do it every time, because I don't. I would love to, but I don't do it every time, alright. So let's discuss how choosing foods that align with our body's needs and ethical values can elevate our spiritual experience, right, and then can then foster a deeper sense of harmony and respect for all life. So, since everything is comprised of energy, even the foods that we consume holds a vibrational frequency. So each individual is different, though right. So, again, rather than following along with what others are doing specific diets, lifestyles, etc.

Speaker 1:

Find what works for you If you don't want to eat animals from it because you have an ethical view, then by all means don't consume animals, right? Not everybody feels that way. Okay, if you consume, if you could, if you consume meat, because vegetables, you know, upset your stomach, which is very possible. I there are times that actually, I would say, more often than not, I love salad by spinach, mostly because lettuce actually upsets my stomach, right, and I never.

Speaker 1:

I tried to go vegan for a while and then every once in a while, I wanted to stay and I feel bad about it. I don't really eat. I really don't eat meat, though, very often anymore. So again, do what works for you. Okay, some people have ethical reasons for not consuming meat, some people choose to eat only organic, etc. All right, do what works for you. All right, I wasn't trying to go off on a tangent about being vegan or not being vegan or anything like that, because for me, I don't judge anybody for anything really anymore. Would you eat? You know lifestyle, anything like that? You know, because we're all different. We're all different and everybody is drawn to different things at different points on on the journey. Okay, and you're gonna have different spiritual and different physical needs at different points on your journey as well.

Speaker 1:

All right, now let's talk about exercise, okay, alright, yeah, so I can get off the tangent of food. So, physical activity okay, it's not just about maintaining a fit body, excuse me, it's a powerful tool for spiritual growth. Okay, regular exercise, especially forms that incorporate, like mindfulness, things like yoga, tai chi, yurkwe gong, martial arts, things like that can significantly enhance energy flow through the body, clearing blockages, aligning the chakras, etc. Okay, especially if you're really mindful what the practice is. So for me, never like yoga.

Speaker 1:

I've wanted to try tai chi and kwee gong and I keep saying I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it Me, I like lifting weights. I haven't done it in probably like a year or so, and I'll talk about that here in a second, but that's my favorite form of exercise. But again, I would love. I keep telling myself, when I have been for like a couple years now, that I want to try tai chi or kwee gong. I have no desire to try yoga, I just don't. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just for me, I'm like I really am not into yoga.

Speaker 1:

Let's see, alright, so the the energetic harmony, right, what mindful exercises can facilitate a heightened state of spiritual awareness, making it easier to access higher states of consciousness, right? So let's talk about how integrating movements into our daily routine can serve as a moving meditation, and this can be dancing, it can be even walking on, taking a walk, walking on a treadmill okay, but being mindful while you're doing it, okay. When I, when I walk on my treadmill, or I go to the park, when it's warm outside and I walk because there's a lake and I walk around the lake a couple times, I'm able to say my affirmations, my mantra statements, things like that, and just be mindful. And it does heighten my state of awareness when I do that. So I enjoy doing those things. You know, and those kind of things can foster a sense of inner peace and connection, right.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, your body, right, may also just need rest. So I have not exercised much in the past year or so, say, from like taking a walk or walking on my treadmill, etc. For me personally, I have needed a lot of rest, integrating these new energies, etc. You know, going through this ascension process, I've needed a lot of rest and purging a lot of old stuff, old dense energy, old beliefs, things like that. So there's nothing wrong if you need to rest, right, because you may need to rest more at different times, you know, on your journey of awakening. So as you become more aware of what your body needs, it really becomes easier to go with the flow. So there might be time like you may want to exercise more. That may make you feel great, right. You may want to do things like yoga or or dance or whatever, and you may feel great and that may be what you need at the time. Other times you may just need to rest.

Speaker 1:

The most important thing is being in tune with what you need, okay, and not trying to fight it. All right, all right. Now let's talk about sleep. Oh, my goodness, all right. So adequate quality sleep, okay. It's really often overlooked and discussions about spirituality, yet it does play a vital role in our ability to connect with higher consciousness. Right, we do a lot happens in the dream state. Sleep serves as a time for the body to heal and rejuvenate, okay, but it also offers an opportunity for the soul to explore non physical realms. So dreams can provide insights into our subconscious, offering guidance and messages from the spiritual world. So establishing a restful sleep routine can be helpful, including practices like meditation before bed, visualization, etc. You know, those things can enhance the quality of sleep and, by extension, our spiritual well being.

Speaker 1:

Now I'll be completely honest Again when it comes to sleep. Excuse me, I do not have a sleep routine, a set sleep routine. So at the beginning of my awakening journey I woke up every night around three am. Then it was. I started waking up between like 330 and 4am. Then I started waking up around 2am. This went on for a couple of years. I don't wake up at set times anymore, like that, right, that went on for a couple of years.

Speaker 1:

But I have a lot of dreams and I do a lot of work in the astral realm while I am sleeping. A lot of work Because really this world here is just a dream. So when I sleep I am waking from this world into another. I get woken up a lot too by the sound of knocking or ringing or by audible voices, and there are times when I need a nap during the day because I don't often sleep well at night. And of course there are times when I barely sleep at all, right, especially around eclipses, new moons, full moons, etc. I have a lot of vivid, really kind of chaotic vision. Sometimes it's like I'm doing a lot of work in the astral realm, but I get a lot of visuals and they're really rapid. I don't know really how to explain it, but yeah, I don't sleep much at all, usually for like two, three, sometimes four days. You know, our bound eclipses are full moons or new moons, so I'm kind of used to it. Now it's been going on for a while, so I'm used to it. So for me, my dream state is very active, right, it's just part of my journey though. But I would say, if you can establish a solid sleep routine you know that includes meditation or visualization before bed then by all means try it, right. And if you have trouble with your sleep schedule, then just listen to your body and rest when you need to rest.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now let's talk about integrating diet, exercise and sleep, right, for spiritual harmony. So my consciously choosing how we nourish our bodies, engage in physical activity and honor our need for rest, we can create a solid foundation for spiritual growth. But again, depending on where you are in your journey and what you need at any given time, the that solid foundation can actually seem kind of chaotic, right. But at the same time you're learning to kind of bring things into balance, right. So, again, don't worry about what everybody else is doing. What do you need at any given moment? What does your body need at any given moment? Okay, where are you at on your spiritual journey at any given moment? Okay, but be mindful of your lifestyle choices At synergistically right, each supporting the other your diet, your exercise, your sleep, any spiritual practice you have, etc. Okay, you can enhance your connection to source, to your higher self, and navigate your spiritual journey with greater ease and living greater harmony with really with yourself and the world around you.

Speaker 1:

If you are in tune with what you need, okay, and not necessarily what everybody else tells you that you should be doing. Alright, now you'll gain insight from others, right, but and I'm not saying like, having a sleep routine like you know, getting up at four am in the morning, exercising first thing in the morning, you know, drinking eight ounces of water a day, etc. Right, having a regimented routine is not going to be helpful, right, like you know, a lot of people in the business world, like CEOs and stuff like that, have certain routines, right, that help them to be very productive. But on your spiritual journey, you're going to find that it is a spiritual journey and you'll get to a certain point where you'll realize that everything in the outer world is just a reflection anyway and you get to choose what you're observing, right, whatever you're observing, get to choose what you want to experience. Okay. So if you want to have a strict daily routine, you can have it, but don't forget to be in tune with what your body actually needs on your spiritual journey.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, let's talk about breath work. Okay, so conscious breathing exercises, right, or Pana Yama, can be really, really helpful and can serve as powerful tools for relaxation, right, stress reduction and spiritual attunement. Breathwork practices can help regulate the body's energy flow and can clear blockages, which can enhance, kind of, your vibrational frequency. And by focusing on the breath, it can help you to access altered states of consciousness, right, connect with your higher selves and experience profound moments of clarity and peace. Right, so there are different breathwork techniques and stuff that you can try that can be helpful in fostering a deeper connection to the spiritual realm.

Speaker 1:

For me, I'm not an expert on breathwork because for the longest time I was not able to incorporate deep, meditative breathwork into my meditations. I'm still able to access higher states of consciousness and meditation, but I struggled with the breathwork, and part of that was because believe it or not because of coffee. So drinking coffee was causing congestion, so I found it hard to take deep, full breaths and it took me a while to figure it out. I mean, I did after a while because I was asking what is causing this and I was told in meditation you need to cut out coffee. Well, took me a while to actually do it and then when I did, I realized, oh, the congestion has gone away, all the coughing has gone away. Okay, so now it's just a matter of incorporating that deep breathwork. But again, I can still access higher states of consciousness without the deep breathwork because I, because I wasn't able to do it for so long.

Speaker 1:

So, alright, now let's talk about nature. Okay, the connection with nature and kind of rejuvenating the spirit. So spending time in nature it's not just a way to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life. Okay, it's really, it really can be a powerful practice to ground yourselves right we connect with the Earth's energy and to rejuvenate our spiritual essence, our soul. So nature's inherent harmony and balance can help realign our energy, it can promote healing and it can inspire sense of awe and wonder. That is deeply spiritual, right, if you spend enough time in nature. So, and there are things you can do right, like hiking, walking in the park, simply sitting under a tree, and and you can connect with nature, connect with your higher self. In these moments, which can be pretty profound and happy, to gain deeper insight into anything that you may be, may need answers on right inside, for I lost my train of thought. Give me one second.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking about nature I, when I was a kid, I used to go. I lived on dairy farm and I used to walk down this long dirt road. So there was a dirt road between the two pastures, from my house to the main road that led to the dairy farm. So there was a main main road and then there was a gravel, gravel, gravel, an asphalt, like a side road right that led to the dairy farm and then the dirt road that led to my house I used, and there was a willow tree. I Used to go when I was young and sit under this willow tree I love sitting under the willow tree and I would ask about God and I would ask about my life. Why was I, why would think so hard and why was I dealing with the things. I would question everything. So that's why I lost my train of thought. I was thinking about that, you know. But you, I mean you can walk in the park, hike in the mountains, you know things like that and really connect with nature and and Connect with your higher self.

Speaker 1:

And the winter time it may be harder, you know, to get out nature. It is, for me, right. I live in Colorado, so I don't like going outside when it's cold, but for me the Kundalini energy is so intense sometimes that I have to ground, especially around those times of, like eclipses and full moons, etc. So I bought a couple of grounding mats. I have one for my bed and I have one that I put under my feet on the ottoman when I'm sitting in my chair in my living room. Internally, when it's warm, though, I make it a habit to go outside and sit in the sand and meditate or just to put my bare feet on the ground. So All right.

Speaker 1:

Now, finally, let's talk about some integrating, some practices right for holistic well-being. So by weaving mindful movement breathwork, like mindful movement, exercise, dance, yoga, etc. Breathwork and a connection with nature into the fabric of your lives, you can create a holistic approach to enhancing physical vitality and supporting spiritual growth. So these practices encourage us to live with intention, to foster a deep, deeper understanding of the self right and to cultivate a sense of balance and harmony within the spiritual and physical realms. So, again, find what works for you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the most, that's the most important thing that I can stress, is to find what works best for you. So don't worry about what other people are doing or for, don't worry about finding the perfect practice. What you require in the form of nourishment, of exercise and sleep Is going to change on your awakening journey. It will change, okay, as you start to develop as, and become aware of Ascension symptoms. Right, your body may need different needs. Okay, as you. If you start developing a version to certain food, your body may have different needs. So it's really important to be in tune with yourself. You can do that through meditation. You can ask what does my body need? Does my body need rest? Well, exercise help. You can ask anything in meditation and your higher self Will give you the answers. Okay, they may not come right away, but they will come if you are Intune enough to listen. All right, so that's it for today's episode.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to the mindset manifesting podcast. So, for more insight and resources, be sure to Visit my website, subscribe To the podcast. If you're listening on YouTube, subscribe to my channel and and may your journey be blessed, okay, with light, with love and with endless growth. There's so much to experience on this journey. So much to experience. I don't know where each of you are on your journey, but I can tell you that it is a A beautiful journey, right, if you can see through Some of the things, the more unpleasant things that we have to go through sometimes.

Speaker 1:

You know some of the ascension symptoms, kind of purging out all of the old dense energy, all of the old limiting beliefs, etc. There's beauty in that as well, even if it may seem difficult. So you know, I just I wish you well and you know I'm here for you if you need, if you need guidance, if you want to work with me, like I said, you can Book a session with me. So alright, so I will see you guys in the next episode and and that and the next episode we're gonna talk about Let me bring up my notes Nurturing this, the spiritual aspect of, of the self. So you know, diving into the essence of spirituality, practical tools that we can use, connecting to the inner self, for spiritual growth.

Speaker 1:

You know things along that line, so I Guess, thank you for joining me today. See, even now I'm feeling it's like noon and I feel like I need a nap. I didn't I Sleep very well last night? No, I woke up a couple times in the middle of the night last night. I don't don't remember my dreams, but I woke up a couple of times. So, yeah, I feel like I need a nap now. All right, so I will see, go see all of you guys in the next episode. All right, bye now.