The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S4 Ep. 19: Awakening the Spiritual Body: Awakening the Kundalini - A Journey of Spiritual Transformation

Lynna K Teer Season 4 Episode 19

As your spiritual teacher and guide, I've walked the  path of awakening, where dreams of serpents whispered of the profound changes within. Today, we're venturing into the realm of kundalini energy, a force that lies dormant at our spine's base, ready to rise and revolutionize our being. Our conversation takes flight with a nod to the late Neville Goddard, whose journey from doubt to profound kundalini encounters showcases the transformative power of belief and the inner divinity waiting to be awakened.

Embark with me on a journey through the signs and wonders of spiritual awakening, where cosmic rhythms and inner shifts weave the tapestry of transformation. From the emotional roller coasters to the quiet blossoming of intuition, we explore how the awakening process reshapes our essence. The discussion isn't shy about the hurdles, either—the tug-of-war between blissful states and the material world and how the energetic body's metamorphosis can bolster our immune system and silence the doubting voices in our heads.

In the final leg of our exploration, we delve into the raw sensations of kundalini integration, the tingling and heat that herald the rising energy through our chakras. Through personal stories and shared experiences, we examine how this powerful force can even leave its mark on the environment and consider the inherent spiritual technology in our DNA, aiding our healing and unlocking wisdom. As we prepare to navigate the signs of ascension in future episodes, I invite you to join this transformative journey, seeking the divine nature that lies within us all.

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If you want additional content on awakening, mindset, manifesting, and mystical experiences, check out my blog or YouTube channel.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to today's episode of the Mindset and Manifesting podcast, where we have now for a while ventured into the journey of awakening. You know I'll still talk about manifesting on the podcast episodes, but we're going. We're diving a little bit deeper into some of the things that we experience on the journey of awakening and then going through the ascension process. So, for those of you who don't know, my name is Lena. I'm a spiritual teacher and a coach and in today's episode I want to talk about the significance of kundalini energy and spiritual awakening. So first of all, let's explain what kundalini is, all right, so it is often referred to as the serpent energy and it's a pretty potent force that lies dormant at the base of the spine. The concept of kundalini energy is rooted in ancient Indian traditions, particularly yoga and tantra. So in Hindu, kundalini represents rebirth, death and mortality. So in my experience and understanding, based on the dreams and visions that I've had, in addition to in-depth understanding of scripture and the teachings of the late mystic Neville Goddard, the serpent represents spirit and, yes, of course, rebirth, death and mortality, and in a spiritual sense. So I've had many dreams and visions of snakes and those dreams and visions have represented a pattern in my own life and my own journey of awakening. So there's been a progression in the significance of the dreams. So I've shared those dreams and visions on my YouTube channel. I have a mystical dreams playlist and and on my blog. So some individuals have a spontaneous Kundalini awakening. I did not have a spontaneous awakening. Mine has been gradual. Neville Goddard mentioned his experience with this energy in several of his lectures Many of his lectures he would. So his journey progressed as well. So he would give the similar lectures year after year. But if you go back and listen to or read his lectures you can see his progression and his journey as well. His understanding of certain things progressed, his experiences progressed. So again he mentioned, you know, his experience with Kundalini energy and several of his lectures. He mentioned seeing a pool of golden liquid light at the base of his spine and as he looked down at it he knew that it was him Spirit right, because we're all spirit essentially. So as he, he merged with this golden liquid light right that was at the base of his spine and as he merged with it he ascended up in a spiral motion up the spine like a serpent into the skull. It represented his merging with spirit and ascension and, ultimately, his birth from above, which he talks about in his lectures as well.

Speaker 1:

So the interesting thing is, in one of his lectures one of his earlier lectures, I believe he mentioned Kundalini and he called it nonsense, just with um, along with like tarot cards and things like that. Uh, he actually said. He actually said Kundalini, uh, kundalini, nonsense. So he was talking about other things as well. Um, the premise of that was you know, looking outside of us for change or you know, the power of the spirit outside of ourself. God is not outside of us, it is within. So that was kind of the context of it. Right, you don't need to look out the side of yourself at tarot cards or psychics or um, you know things like that or um, or new age kind of movement type stuff that he was talking about at the time.

Speaker 1:

Now, although his lectures were powerful and he had a lot of experiences and stuff, we're in a different time now. Um and um, you know, some of us who has, who have experienced this energy awakening and arising within us, know what it is. I don't think at the time that he realized that Kundalini, that that's what he was experiencing or would experience, because he called Kundalini nonsense in his earlier lectures and then had the experience, um, had the experience later. So they're on. I mean that shows you the progression right there. Right, I mean you cannot believe in something. At one point, like years ago, I didn't believe in, I thought the this whole talk about energy and you know and things like that was, was nonsense. And now I've, now I I've had enough experiences and I and I work with energies all day long, you know with, because everything is energy, our thoughts, et cetera. So I'm always alchemizing it and I'm always working with it and understanding what's going on in my own physical body, et cetera. So everything is for progression, so, anyway, so I just found it interesting when I came across that in his lecture and then later saw that he actually had this experience of merging with this golden liquid light the base of his spine and ascending up in a spiral motion like a serpent, I was like, oh, kundalini energy. But anyway.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the significance in the realm of spiritual awakening, right, so this energy, this kundalini energy, it's often symbolized as a coiled serpent, which represents potential energy that is awaiting activation. So when the serpent is coiled, right, um, it's awaiting activation. Um, and there, one of the first dreams that I had, or the first dream that I had involving a snake I did, I it was before my awakening experience, but that was the. The first serpent that I saw Was it was a coiled snake, and it was actually. So I approached this tree and I saw this coiled snake and at the time I thought it was trying to keep me from, because I saw snakes representing evil. Back then, right, my daughter was between the snake and the tree and I thought the snake was trying to keep me from my daughter.

Speaker 1:

Further along in my journey and I started, and I, you know, had several other dreams and a couple of visions involving snakes. Then I had my awakening experience and I'm going through the ascension process and I'm like, oh, that's, that's not what that was at all. Here was this coiled serpent representing this potential energy right Awaiting activation. So it was really, I believe now, an adumbration of a foretelling of what was, what was to come, and I believe the tree was representative, possibly the tree of knowledge. And then my daughter. The dream really coincided with what I was experiencing at the time, with my daughter and her anxiety and and things like that.

Speaker 1:

Um, and being in the church, um, but what we, the individuals we come come across in dreams, aren't necessary, don't necessarily actually represent that particular individual, but for us to better understand things, sometimes, um, people, uh, in dreams, show up in a familiar way so that we're able to recognize them. So, um, so yeah, so that was the first dream that, uh. I had the second dream I had involving a snake I was bitten by the snake. But anyway, I've shared those on my blog etc. And my YouTube channel. So if you want to go to that, if you want to check that out, just go to my YouTube channel and check out the mystical dreams playlist, and I've got several videos about those dreams and visions.

Speaker 1:

All right, now let's talk about exploring. Did I miss anything? Excuse me. Sometimes I'll make oh. So yeah, kundalini is symbolized as this coiled serpent, right, and then this energy is a. It's a catalyst, you know, for spiritual experiences and self-realization. So, just so you know, if you start having dreams about snakes and stuff, pay attention. I would highly recommend keeping track of them. I write down all of my dreams and visions now, what I experience in meditation, etc. So then I'm able, over time, to understand the patterns that are unfolding. I mentioned in the last video that I have a conscious manifestation guide and a journal available for digital download on my on the shop on my website. I also have a digital dream journal available. If you're interested in downloading that and keeping track of your dreams, you can also just buy a journal or a spiral notebook. That works well too.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let's talk about the stages of Kundalini activation and its impact really on consciousness. So the awakening of Kundalini unfolds in distinct stages. So, even though some people have a spontaneous kundalini awakening, um, there still may be stages um to that right, and each of those stages are accompanied by unique experiences and shifts in consciousness. So the first stage is awakening right, this initial stage where the Kundalini begins to occur. Now, with the spontaneous Kundalini awakening, people have had things like near-death experiences, severely traumatic experiences which just kind of jolt them into their awakening may. With that, this Kundalini energy may be activated, and I've heard stories of this happening to people and not really.

Speaker 1:

It can be difficult to kind of manage this energy and this experience with me and, it being more gradual, it's been easier for me for the most part to to manage it now from a physical perspective, well, physical and energetic perspective. You know there have been some intense moments where the energy has been really palpable and kind of intense, but again I have learned to manage it really, really well. So I say that. But then we have things like retrograde and the full moons, eclipses, things like that, where, yeah, the energies are a little bit more intense for me. So the, so some of the signs, right, increased energy in the body, maybe a feeling of goosebumps or waves of energy moving through the body at times, and this is in this first stage, the awakening, um, you know for some, their physical sensation like tingling, shaking, heat, headaches, you know, uh, tearing up for no apparent reason, vomiting for no real apparent reason, you know, cold tremors, things like that, because you've got this energy moving in you, so it's going to cause, it could cause these physical symptoms.

Speaker 1:

Powerful emotions and thoughts and relief from negative thoughts, you know, that cause suffering, you know begin to occur in the initial phases of awakening. There are changes of perception, you know, even hallucinations, or you know visions, right, that you may not understand, feeling more creative or inspired. You may not understand feeling more creative or inspired. There's also, maybe a greater sense of spiritual awareness or connection to things, increased intuition and even easy, and maybe an easier time connecting with your intuition and your inner guidance. Okay, you may begin to have more vivid dreams or lucid dreaming. You know, sometimes there's disturbed sleep involved from the energy becoming strong at night, even waking you up. I've plenty of those, plenty of those nights, um, out-of-body experiences, uh, increased psychic abilities, uh, many your uh spiritual gifts, your clairs, are beginning to come online.

Speaker 1:

Um, maybe increased sensitivity, both emotionally and physically, uh, the for me it's resulted in a lot of digestive issues. I'm not able to eat, um, certain things that I was able to eat, you know, several years ago. Let's see. You know there's maybe this desire to not be as like, if you're impatient, or like would not give thought to you know, harming, like a spider or like a cockroach, or you know something or something like that, right, maybe you're not an animal person, but then you begin to feel more connected, not an animal person, but then you begin to feel more connected, and then you know, and then maybe you begin to love animals more, or maybe love to be out in nature more, or, um, you know, you come across a spider and instead of stepping on it, maybe, and how you, you feel like, oh, you know, maybe I should just find a way to get this thing outside right. So your initial reactions to, um, uh, of things like that man, I'm just trying to figure out a word um, um, the initiative to practice non-violence. Let's just say that, right, so you would that old adage, you wouldn't hurt a fly. Well, during this process now it's like, whereas you know you're really not going to harm you know a little insect now because you're just feeling, uh, um, you're feeling different now about things. So let's just put it that way.

Speaker 1:

You may have a deep sense of interconnectedness with all things plants, trees, people, animals, like I said, et cetera. You may also, at times, have an overwhelming sense of bliss and profound contentment, which comes and goes. So I've experienced this as well and, yes, it comes in, goes it because it's to hold that frequency, to hold that overwhelming bliss and the sense of contentment and peace for extended period periods of time at such a high frequency when you're living in in a really third dimensional, fourth dimensional world, it's, it can be really challenging to sustain that. Okay, because we have, you know, things around us that we have to tend to.

Speaker 1:

All right, you may also have a sudden urge for incredible change, like seeing through misperceptions or delusions you know of the past. You may not be able to remember past memories and things like that, because you're, you're changing your, your energetic body is changing, you're shifting, and then doing so, you're shifting frequencies and timelines, so you may not be able to remember certain things from your past, or if you do, they're just they don't have the same effect on you. Okay, you may experience a profound acceptance of what is what is now, and then seeing the truth, or or reality for what it is, and no longer arguing with your outside reality. You observe it and then, if there's something you need to shift or change, you go within, you work on yourself and then allow that to manifest and then be projected back to you. Okay, all right, you may experience a recognition of oneness with the desire to serve others altruistically. You may not, right, some people really feel it to go out and be of service to people in different ways. For me, I teach. Others may, you know, decide to do humanitarian type projects. Right, we're all different, so your desire to assist others may not look the same as another person's.

Speaker 1:

Okay, as, um, as another person's Okay, um, you may begin to experience a deep compassion for all life. Um, you may find that you have a more robust immune response as the body begins to be strengthened by the energy within, um, um, and the inner, and that inner like critic voice, it stops attacking you, it kind of fades away. Right, that inner voice that, um, you know, maybe in the past has told you you aren't worthy, um, you aren't loved, things like that it go, it goes. It because it goes away, just begins to fade. You may find that you have the ability to communicate more freely and honestly and say no and yes to what is true to you. In life, you may experience again a sense of deeper connection to nature. Uh, in life, uh, you may experience again a sense of deeper connection to nature, uh, and a divinity right, or to a higher universal power. Uh, you may feel a deep sense of peace and calm and you may spontaneously, um, at times feel tears, right of indescribable joy or, all you know, gratitude or devotion. You know those types of feelings. So that's the first stage.

Speaker 1:

Now, as Kundalini begins to rise, so Kundalini rising right. As Kundalini begins to rise, so kundalini rising right. As kundalini ascends through the energy centers, the chakras, then even more profound shifts occur of tapping into that energy. And yes, I said technology in a spiritual sense. Right, we contain technology within us, within our DNA, a spiritual technology that we can tap into to assist us. Healing technology, wisdom, knowledge, et cetera are spiritual gifts. Okay, so this k Kundalini energy is a powerful energy and you have to learn to work with it and stabilize it, because if you don't, it can be overwhelming.

Speaker 1:

Now I have had moments where I have felt the energy in my entire body and have not been able to sleep and thus having this incredible urge to just ground my body. So I ended up, um, probably a couple of years ago now, I bought grounding mats for, you know, my bed, and I've actually I have two of them one for, uh, my bed and one for to put to plug in and put underneath my feet. You know, either when I'm sitting and meditating in a chair or you know when I'm sitting here in my, in my office. The energy has also, you know, been so strong at times that it's actually affected the lighting in my home, which might sound kind of weird, but sometimes I can be sitting here and the lights in my office will flicker. It doesn't happen all the time. Or there've been a few times I've walked into my bathroom and the lights, the lights flicker.

Speaker 1:

The first time it happened, I remember like I thought to myself I wonder. I thought I wonder why my lights are flickering, and I immediately got this, this. It was like a telepathic message, you know, coming from my intuition, that said that was you silly. So like, okay, that was you, your energy, um, I mean, we all, we know telekinesis is a thing, right, um, so your, your body, your, the, your energy, um, affects other people around you. So why not affect the electricity in your home as a Kundalini arises? Why wouldn't it? So yeah, I've had a few experiences like that. It also sometimes feels like I'm floating out of my body. Okay, that had that experience. My palms will sometimes get really hot and I can feel the energy in the center, in the center of my palm. I remember when I touched somebody one time and I literally feel the energy. I felt the energy transfer from my hand into their hand.

Speaker 1:

So I'd say I get lots of headaches and you know, and I can often feel this pulsing sensation the center of my forehead, right, sometimes on the crown of my head. It's just lots of different things. You know some things that you may feel as a kundalini energy rises within you. We may feel tingling, shaking, heat, headaches, tears, vomiting, as I mentioned before, right, um, and even a cold tremors could be a thing, um. And then, of course, as I mentioned previously, powerful emotions, um may also arise within you and you may not realize why, um. So let's see another uh, an unusual sign, actually, that you have awakened the kundalini energy, um is the ability to remain calm when, uh, catastrophic or negative type conditions, stressful conditions, present themselves, and I can attest to this as well, a negative situations really no longer affect me like they used to.

Speaker 1:

Every once in a while, I'll have a moment where, um, you know, something will arise and I'm like, why, like, why do I feel this, like this um, this um flicker, if you will, of like, stress or whatever, um, and then it it'll go away, but what it comes up, because it's it comes up to be observed, right, because, as this kundalini energy arises within you, okay, every little bit of thing that is not in alignment with who you are, um, your divine nature, is going to rise and it's going to come out um, and that's a yeah, that's a process that happens over time. That's layer by layer, right? So at the beginning of your journey you may have, uh, things arise and you may react to them, and then maybe the next time it comes up you don't react as much, the next time you're like really calm about it. And then, and then maybe something it happens again and for a brief second, like with me, I was like that really, like that really affected me. Why did it affect me? And it's because it's like I see it like this, it's, it's coming up and, depending on my reaction to it, it shows me where I am on my spiritual journey, right? Am I going to let it affect me? And if something does affect me, why? And I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

So I there are some things with my home right now that you know that I just I have to take care of and I have to have somebody come in and assist me to take care of these things. And I'm trying to think of how to word this. So there was one thing occurred and I was like, okay, I need to, I need to take care of this. It was a 10 grand kind of thing expense um was one of the quotes I got and then literally like, uh, a couple of days later, something else uh occurred right just with my doorbell I to replace the, the transform and stuff. But as that happened like my initially I had I felt this like tinge of like stress, like kind of like oh, all out, like it would have a few years ago, where I would have been really upset, et cetera. Um, but what these things are showing me is that I am really at this point on my journey where I'm not super upset and totally stressed about it like I would have been a couple of years ago. It's just like you know what.

Speaker 1:

I know how to manifest right. I know how to. I know how to manifest the repair of whatever it is needs to be repaired. I know how to manifest the money, um, that I, you know I need um to take care of the repairs. Um, if, uh, if that is in fact the case, you know I could very well manifest things being taken care of without needing all that money.

Speaker 1:

So everything will arise. Everything will arise to show you. Everything will arise to show you over and over on the journey, to show you where you are on the journey till eventually. Things like that don't happen as often. Things like this used to happen all the time. I used to get so upset and so stressed out kind of like woe is me, how am I going to take care of this? Now, those things hardly ever happen, okay, um.

Speaker 1:

So again, those are just um an example of how, um, as this energy awakens and rises within you, you, um, you develop this ability to remain more calm and more grounded and at peace, no matter what arises. Okay, there's, there's this peace, if you will, that kind of settles in and it's pretty steady. That's been my experience. Yeah, but that's not to say that you know, it's a perfect 100% of the time, because how interesting would life be if everything was perfect 100% of the time? Right, where would the lesson be in that?

Speaker 1:

Alright, so now we've talked about the, the awakening phase, the rising phase. Now let's talk about the integration. So the process of integrating the experiences of this Kundalini energy into daily life is what we're going to talk about. So, as you begin to work with and integrate this energy, as it rises, as I just mentioned, it's going to push out these denser energies like every last bit of it. Okay, every last bit, okay, every last bit. But remember that this energy represents the spirit, your true divine nature. Okay, and it's powerful, course it's going to push out anything that is not in alignment with your highest good, with your highest self, your soul. Right um, because as you ascend, you don't need to hold on to those things, right um.

Speaker 1:

You may experience, though, an intensification of unresolved psychological conflict, fear, overwhelming mood swings, heightened sensitivity, old traumas may arise because, again, they have to be released. So it's important to ground yourself. That could include connecting with nature, meditation, moving your body, most importantly, understanding what is occurring and not being fearful of it. It can be intense, but as the denser energies arise and you release them, you begin to feel calmer and more at peace over time. And, again you know, if negative things arise, you're able to just observe and handle things much better and not let them affect you so much. Now, from a physical perspective, once you understand the sensations that occur, it can feel quite incredible that occur. It can feel quite incredible Because, as you understand the significance of the journey of awakening and ascension, the, and begin to really use your discernment, you know and being able to understand things, life really does feel it. It just feels more peaceful. Yeah, I was trying to. There's another word more, just, more peaceful.

Speaker 1:

So all right, now let's talk about safely and consciously navigating the Kundalini journey, and this is going to be brief, but because this is a really sacred and powerful journey, it requires conscious navigation journey. It requires conscious navigation. Okay, so you can absolutely safely traverse this path and harness this energy, and you can do that in a few ways. So I'll give you three primary ways that you can can harness this energy. One is through mindful practices, incorporating mindfulness and awareness into daily life to navigate the energetic shifts and being able to do that with presence, right and grace and gratitude. There's energetic grounding, so establishing grounding practices to anchor the heightened energy, which then ensures balance and stability. Right, you can buy a grounding mat, which I use mainly in the winter. You can go outside in nature right, walk in the grass with your shoes off, go hug a tree.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a tree hugger. I've talked to trees but I've never hugged a tree, and there's nothing wrong with anybody who hugs trees. I totally get it now, I really do. Yeah, I've had full on. I have sat in my backyard not in the winter but when it's nice outside and meditated and had full on conversation with this huge pine tree in my backyard and being able to see it move differently, and things, which was kind of cool. You know, at the time I thought I really thought part of me was like this is crazy and then part of me was like this is cool.

Speaker 1:

Now, the one of the last ways I'm going to talk about is just seeking guidance right from spiritual traditions, traditions drawing wisdom from traditions that have long explored kundalini awakening, right, and that again includes yoga, um, tantra exercises, etc. Um, you'll, you'll be drawn to different, uh, types of knowledge on your journey. So take, always just take, what resonates with you, okay, all right, so that is it for today's episode. So, as we conclude the episode, as I should say I there's nobody here but me just remember, or I should say we, because all of you are included, right, um, remember that this is a journey and it's sacred, right, it's a sacred dance with the divine within you. So approach it with reverence, mindfulness and an open heart. All right, reverence, mindfulness and an open heart, alright.

Speaker 1:

So if you haven't listened to the other episodes again, this is Episode seven I would recommend going back and checking those out and then join me on the next episode, as we continue to talk about the, the spiritual, about the spiritual body. What are we talking about in the next episode? So the next episode, let's see, is about ascension symptoms. So I'm going to talk about the various ascension symptoms in the next episode. All right, thank you so much for joining me and make your own Kundalini journey, your own awakening journey, um be a source of profound transformation, uh, on your own path of self-release, of self-discovery, because it really is, um, it really is pretty magical. All right, I'll see you guys all next time. Bye now.