The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S3 Ep. 16: Exploring Metaphysics, Personal Journeys, and the Idea of Time with the Skeptic Metaphysician

Lynna K Teer Season 3 Episode 16

Ever pondered the connection between metaphysics and personal journeys? Wondered how our thoughts, emotions, and reactions shape our reality? Then this episode is your perfect match! We welcome the fascinating duo, Will and Karen from the Skeptic Metaphysicians show, as they unravel the intriguing mysteries of the metaphysical world. Their riveting tales of spiritual awakening, spurred on by mental health struggles, will leave you astounded.

Our conversation delves into the unexplored realms of past lives, astral projection, and the spiritual growth that followed their encounters with the supernatural. Picture this - a revealing connection with a monarch butterfly during a daring rafting adventure, and an encounter with a ghost named Lila. Will and Karen's first-hand experiences weave a captivating narrative of their spiritual evolution, the power of connection, and unity with the world around us.

As we traverse the winding paths of their personal journeys, we unearth the concept of time and energy from a metaphysical context. Can you imagine a reality where everything that has ever happened, or will happen, has already occurred? We delve into this mind-bending notion with Will and Karen, exploring its implications on our understanding of life's peculiarities. Join us, as we conclude this thought-provoking episode with an appreciation for our guests, emphasizing the power of an open mindset and its role in crafting our reality. This episode promises an enthralling exploration of metaphysics and personal journeys, guaranteed to leave you pondering long after!

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome to the mindset and manifesting podcast. Today I have with me two very special guests from the Skeptic Metaphysician show. I have Karen and Will with me. Karen is a TV show host and producer, and Will is the executive producer of a mental health podcast called Com Cool and Connected, and he is also the producer and host of the Skeptic Metaphysicians. So, karen, I guess I will let you take it away if you guys want to tell me a little bit more about yourselves and then what prompted you to start on this journey that you are both on.

Speaker 2:

Well, first of all, thank you so much for inviting us onto your show. We're very excited to be here talking with you today.

Speaker 3:

Super excited. Yes, thank you.

Speaker 2:

And gosh, let me see. Well, what prompted us to start our show actually was Will. Will was the prompter.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I said you are going to do a show.

Speaker 2:

He actually started the show on his own.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's true.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's true, you were the Skeptic Metaphysician singular and I came on a few times as like a guest co-host and we just had so much fun doing it together that we decided that I'd stick around and become an additional, just regular host.

Speaker 3:

Not just that, but she made the show so much better. Right, let's just face it, I was OK, but when Karen came on, then that's when we really blew up.

Speaker 1:

She's so much better. I appreciate that. That's true, you know it's true. Can you tell me a little bit? I mean, I know a little bit about your show because I've checked it out but can you guys explain a little bit about your show and just what prompted you to actually start the show? Because, well, I know that you have in the past, have undergone some of your own mental health challenges. We have that in common. So when I actually started not necessarily my podcast, because that came up from my YouTube channel, but way back right before my awakening I thought I was only going to talk about overcoming anxiety and depression. And then my awakening happened and then things changed because it's a journey. So it sounds like that and I could be wrong, but it sounds like maybe you had some of that similar type of trajectory right Overcoming mental health challenges, things like that. Now you guys have been on this spiritual journey. So how did the show come about?

Speaker 3:

We're not wrong, there was a very similar trajectory in the past. So, to answer your first question, the show is meant to be a jump on point for people who are interested in this stuff or don't know a lot about this stuff but are curious about it or aren't 100% sure they believe in this stuff. It's a way for we call ourselves. Metaphysics. 101 is our tagline, because we focus on different modalities. Each show, each episode is a different modality and we dive deeper, deeply into each one of those in order to provide as much information as we can about that modality to the audience. But we do it in a way where it comes from a pragmatic viewpoint. So I always needed to have, I always have to see it, feel it, taste it, touch it, whatever you want to call it. I had to know that it was real before I could see it to believe it.

Speaker 3:

I had to see it to believe it. See, I think this thing's better. She just made that whole thing into one little thing, one little phrase, and she said much better than me. So we don't debunk anything. Instead, we look at it from a pragmatic point of view and explore whether or not we can find a way to wrap our mind around it. We come from two different avenues in schools of thought in a way, because Karen has she's got a very deep knowing inside her about this stuff, she's on board with a lot of it. I, on the other hand, need a little bit of coaxing, a little bit of convincing. So it's two different perspectives in a show.

Speaker 3:

Now, right when COVID took over, I had what people call the night dark, night of the soul kind of thing, where I had a breakdown and ended up having to go to a psychologist, had to go to a professional mental health professional to try to get my mind right and, oh boy, I got super lucky because it turns out that my doctor was into mindfulness and that kind of stuff and she started me on meditating and I had studied a lot of this stuff back in my 20s when I was in Miami, florida at the time, but life got in the way and I forgot about this kind of stuff. So in the middle of my meditation, suddenly I started remembering these things and I have a book called Conversations with God that I've carried around with me since my 20s. And when I meditate these days, what I'll do is I'll meditate for a while and then when I come out of it, I'll read a passage from either that book or another one of my spiritual books I have, and at the very beginning I would start, I would read a passage and then I would record into my phone my thoughts, right and just free association things. I was thinking about that, how this passage touched me or whatever, and I was putting them out there into the world so I could use them like affirmations, like the act of me sending it out there into the world helped me to wrap my head around what I was going through. And then they started getting so personal, so personal that I ended up stopping doing that, because then, when people started actually listening to it, I got a little nervous.

Speaker 3:

So I took them down and I started instead having conversations with some of these people that I knew back in Miami, who are Reiki practitioners or psychic mediums or channelers and things like that and just asking the questions, because I knew that my psychology trip was super important and very beneficial. But I needed more than that. I need to find out who I truly was, because when I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't like who I was, and so this has been a journey of discovery for me, so that I can see who I truly am and get back in touch with the person that I know we are, or the soul that I know we are, in a way that I can wrap my head around it. And that's really, in a very long story, the story of the origin of the show.

Speaker 1:

Nice. You know, I think a lot of us who go through, or a lot of individuals who go through a lot of trauma and stuff it's my belief and I could be wrong, but I think, especially given in this lifetime you know that we're currently in and what we're perceiving, because, again, everything is just a reflection that many of the people in this lifetime who go through a lot of mental health issues and stuff I'm of the belief that many of them are old souls, right, and those who have gone through that trauma and then awakened in this lifetime. You know, obviously we all chose to be here but, again, a lot of people going through that trauma and stuff is really the catalyst for awakening for many people, right. I mean, in near-death experiences, things like that are catalysts for many as well. But I think trauma really is to especially like mental health issues and things like that.

Speaker 1:

Karen, do you want to talk a little bit about kind of what brought you to this idea of you know metaphysics and things like past, like regression, astral travels, whole contracts. You know the meditation techniques. There's a whole list of things.

Speaker 2:

There is, and it's a long list. Sure, yeah, and I agree with you what you're saying, that a lot of people do have this trauma. That kind of helps them when they're going through it. It helps them connect. And I think there are other people that have more of an ability to remember, to keep you know. When you're born, you seem so much more connected. The memories of past lives and everything are much more fresh and clear and I think for some people it's a little bit easier to hold on to that.

Speaker 2:

Now I guess that's kind of more of my route and I can't say I really held on to a lot of it, but just little bits and pieces have always stayed with me. So I've always known, I've always felt that there's something more. I've had experience, I've felt connections, I've felt energies, so it's something that to me was never a question. Now I am through a podcast, I'm learning about so many different modalities and ways that different people connect and heal and communicate, and it's been wonderful. But for me it's something that I've just kind of always known was there and different parts of my life. You know, you get more involved and more connected and then you get busy working or you have a kid and life kind of gets in the way. So the wonderful thing about this podcast with Will is it's allowed me to come back to this life path that I had explored back in my college days and when I was younger.

Speaker 1:

Oh nice, it sounds like you guys make a really compatible I don't even know how to say it. The compatibility and the contrast in your stories, right, would make for a very interesting set. Okay, I'm not even trying to say it. I'm trying to get my words together and I can't. But, anyway, just different perspectives, right, Different perspectives. That's what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 2:

And that's true, and I think that we do compliment each other very well because during our podcast, when we're speaking with different people and getting their stories and their experiences, we're able to get two different answers or types of answers for our audience. So you know whereas Will might be, you know. How do you know this actually happened? What's the evidence for you drinking? What was going on? My questions are more like what did it feel like? You know? How did it sound in your mind? How did you have the energy feeling in your hands? How did you know that sort of thing? We have a different type, different types of questions, kind of getting the same, you know the same question, but getting different answers. I don't know if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

No, actually it does Just kind of two sides of the coin. Yeah, it makes perfect sense and that, okay, I'm just going to say that we have a different perspective on the audience and the audience and the audience, that the idea of having both of you on and those different perspectives, it's gonna reach a wider audience, right?

Speaker 3:

That's what we're hoping for, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like that. All right, so there was a question I wanted to ask about the butterfly, so I don't know which one of you this pertains to, but this question about the butterfly. And how did the butterfly teach you that we are all connected? So whose story is that?

Speaker 3:

Guilty that's.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it's a fun story. A while back my brother was getting married in Colorado and we went to the whitewater rafting the day after his wedding because of course we would right Well, who wouldn't do that the day after getting horribly drunk the night before? So we went whitewater rafting. We had two rafts and a bunch of people on each raft and this particular part of the river was really rough. The categories we were cat four and cat five, the highest categories of whitewater you can do and they scared to be Jesus out of us, right that someone had just drowned the night day before in the river right where we were. So they were doing these trainings with us, making sure we knew exactly what we're doing. And so when we hit the rapids we were, they took pictures of us. We were so focused, like you could. I'm sure some diamonds were made that day because we were so focused on what we're doing, because we didn't want to die, right.

Speaker 3:

And then, after the rapids would pass, things would just kind of calm down and the river would just be so beautiful and quiet and calm. And just when you started getting used to that quiet and calm, oh my God, here we go again and the rapids start going again in here we go back to our very focused looks and scared to death that we're gonna fall off and die and all that kind of stuff. That happened. On occasion we go for rapids to calm, rapids to calm, and after several of those, we had just come upon this. We just pass an extra difficult set of white water and they opened up into the calm water and there was nothing around us but the canyon walls and things like that. But out of nowhere this monarch butterfly just started flipping around our boats and everybody on the boats were like putting their finger up in the air and going oh, land on my finger, land on my finger. And I'm like, oh God, these kids, these people are crazy. There's no way this butterfly's gonna land on anywhere fingers, because you know. But then I don't know what happened. But something inside me said raise your hand, it's going to land on your finger. And before I even realized what I was doing, my hand was up and right then and there that butterfly. I'll be damned if it didn't land on my finger. So everybody in the other boats were like, oh my gosh, how'd you get to do that? And that kind of like.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't hearing any of it because at that moment, when I was looking at the butterfly, their only thing that was in existence was that butterfly and me. We were so connected because that butterfly had come and landed on my finger without my even realizing it was gonna do that. We were so connected that everything else faded away. All I heard was like the peanuts, that kind of thing. And in just as fast as that connection happened, the butterfly just flew away and the connection was severed. And in that moment, when the butterfly left and that connection was gone, I suddenly realized what I was missing. And that is when the butterfly and I connected. It gave me an absolute knowledge that the butterfly and I were one. I was one with the water, I was one with the canyon walls, I was one with the boats, the people on the boats. We were all connected completely through this field that we don't understand. And that feeling I've been searching for since that day, because it was just absolutely magical.

Speaker 1:

Wow, wow. I've had a couple of moments like that in my life and, yeah, sometimes you wish you could stay like that. Like even recently, over the past few weeks, I have those moments of kind of like bliss, right, where you feel so connected and then it's like, okay, this feels great, and then you have to get back to it, right, yeah, absolutely. And then you wait for the or I would say wait. You don't necessarily wait the moment. I think the moment's just come right, can't really force something Absolutely.

Speaker 3:

And I don't know how long that butterfly was on my finger. It could have been a second, it could have been five minutes, I have no idea, but it was. You know how it when it talks about the fact that you know when you cross over, it's just timeless. There's no time. That's how it felt. It was completely timeless. I have no idea how long we were connected, but it seemed like an eternity and that same time it seemed like a second. It was. It's incredible, it was absolutely incredible.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's beautiful. All right. So, Karen, have you had any kind of any stories like that that you wanna share?

Speaker 2:

Well, I've had a few stories, not quite not like that, but I guess probably my best story. Well, I was probably sick of it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Well, you know who I'm gonna talk about Lila.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, of course. Yeah, you know you're gonna get sick of the butterfly story.

Speaker 2:

No, because I love your voice. In fact, I just listened to it. Oh, thank you. It's like brain tickling. He's got those low notes. I love it.

Speaker 3:

It's like your natural DSMR, right? Oh no, ASMR, DSMR is like a copyright thing, right? I have no idea.

Speaker 2:

But anyways, we're from Florida. Well, I'm from Florida originally and when I was in my late oh, what part.

Speaker 1:

I was born in Orlando, but I grew up on Dairy Farm, so I was all over the place.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was born at Merritt Island, right there on Cocoa Beach.

Speaker 3:

But we met in Orlando we met in Orlando.

Speaker 2:

So my story happened in Orlando because I lived there forever. I went to UCF but I bought a house in the downtown area right by Lake Eola. It was built in 1925, and it's a triplex and I lived in different apartments of it and rented out the other ones and there was always something there. I had a dog and sometimes my dog would look into the hallway and just sit there and bark at nothing, or in the bathroom, but I never felt really afraid. A lot of really interesting things happened, but probably the most, I guess, proof-wise, for Will was so my ghost. I decided to name her Lila. The house, the property, had only ever been owned by women and I don't think there was a Lila in there. But that's just the name that I felt she should be named. So you had to acknowledge Lila from time to time or things would happen. So I did that and I said okay, you're welcome to stay here, Just be nice, don't freak me out, and we're good.

Speaker 2:

So Will and I started dating and for Christmas he gave me a beautiful diamond bracelet and I loved it. I wore it all the time and I was driving to work one day and I get to the office and I sit down and I notice the bracelet's not on. I'm like, well, that's weird, because I know I put it on this morning. And I'm like, well, I better go get it. My work was just a few minutes from my house, so I'm like I'm just gonna go get it, just to make sure I haven't dropped it anywhere. So I get home, there's a guy mowing the lawn. I'm like, oh my God, it probably was in the grass. Now it's all mown up, you know. So I asked him. He's like no, I haven't heard any weird motor chewing metal sounds.

Speaker 2:

So I went inside and I'm looking everywhere. It's nowhere to be found. I'm looking on the floor, I'm looking on the porch, I'm looking in the couch cushions even though I hadn't been to the couch that morning but just anywhere you can imagine. I'm thinking, oh my God, I'm gonna have to buy myself a new bracelet, because we hadn't been dating long enough for me to own up to the fact that I had lost it. I gotta buy myself a new bracelet.

Speaker 2:

So after about probably maybe 45 minutes, I'm like, all right, lila, I need your help, I've gotta find this bracelet. So I look around the house a little bit more. I'm in everywhere. I go back outside on the porch, retrace my steps a million times and then finally I give up. So I opened the door to go back outside and I take a step out onto the milk Welcome Matt. And there, in a perfect spiral shape, is my bracelet Like, and this was like within minutes after I had asked Lila to help me so, and I had been in and out that door I don't know how many times and there's no way if it fell, if I dropped it, it would have fallen in an exact perfect spiral shape. But yeah, that's probably my most like instant sort of communication.

Speaker 3:

And it wasn't like you hadn't walked through that threshold a hundred times.

Speaker 2:

Been in and out of the house.

Speaker 3:

I think you would have noticed a spiral.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I was looking on the floor, I was constantly.

Speaker 1:

You know, if it fell it would be on the ground, so yeah, so if that had something like that happened now, what would your first thought be? For me, it would be oh, I just shifted timelines. That was a glitch, because I have things that happen like that Time now, right, we're, because we're always shifting really from moment to moment and sometimes we're some people aren't even aware of it. I'm very aware of it now, like I'm very aware of kind of what's going on my surroundings and time and space is wonky, things like that. So, with that, how would you perceive something like that happening now? Would you look at that as sort of like a glitch in the matrix?

Speaker 2:

No, you know, it's funny because we've spoken with all of these people and we've heard so many different stories and different experiences and I honestly believe each and every one of them happened. They're valid. I think it's that person's truth. I am still figuring it out for myself. What exactly do I believe in? You know, I don't believe in time being linear, like we think, you know, but there's a lot I believe in. I don't believe in hell. I don't believe in, you know, these really dark entities and some people do, and that's fine for them, but for me, I still believe in the truth. I still believe in love and spirits and energy, so that to me would be like, oh, someone's helping me out.

Speaker 3:

There's so many rabbit holes. We could fall down, Justin. Just one topic alone.

Speaker 2:

That's not much day you asked me what I believe, but right now, in this moment, I would think it was just a wonderful loving spirit helping me out.

Speaker 1:

Not well, I mean, we do have spirits helping us out all of the time, right, our teeth and guides and things like that are always there to help us out, especially if we ask. So I know that you guys have a lot of folks on your show and you guys discuss different like modalities and stuff of healing right, and there are many there's. You can do past, like regression, energy healing, just practicing things like mindfulness, even if you're not in meditation, right, just being still. Reiki is another one right Energy work. I actually just finished my Reiki one and two certifications because I was Congratulations.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. I, you know I've been so into the energy and I could feel like feel it right in my hands and stuff. And I actually one time I touched somebody my boyfriend. I touched his hand and I actually felt the shock right and some, and I'll just feel the. I was like I got to take a class and kind of figure out what I can do with this energy. So you know there are different ways to work with energy and stuff. So For both of you, have you both tried like a bunch of different modalities? Have you found certain things that really work for you? I know you're, you know, having different people on your show, you probably open to, you know everything really that's that's out there, because there are so many things that we can learn from so many different things. But are there any specific that you want to talk about that you have found like super interesting that have really helped the two of you on your either individual journey or your journey together?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know which one is Karen's and so I'll let her speak to that. I think I know anyway, but for me it's interesting. I have, I have, this syndrome that is social butterfly. Talk about butterflies, I have social butterfly syndrome, so I like to dabble in a whole lot of different ones and try all the different ones. I have done a lot of experiential stuff because I want to see for myself whether it's real or not in my mind, so much so that I just got called. We just released an episode with Dr Teresa Bullard earlier today and in that show she called me out specifically because I wasn't committing to one particular path. It was it's all fine and data to look into all the different paths, but as soon as you find one that resonates with you, she says you're supposed to dive into it. Right, commit to it, because that's the only way to truly get anywhere in the spiritual awakening.

Speaker 2:

I don't think she was calling you out for not choosing one path. I think she was calling it for just touching the surface of a bunch of them. That's not going further.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I mean.

Speaker 3:

I haven't gone any further than that, but and it was in all, it was a good call out right, it wasn't being spirited or anything, and I got the message.

Speaker 3:

And so when I talk, when people ask me what is the one modality that really touched you the most, I think probably what's touched me the most is the learnings that I've done, the growth that I've experienced while talking to these people who are so wise and so advanced in your spirituality, that that's really what's gotten me further on my path, not a particular modality per se, because, to Dr Teresa's point, astral projection, energy healing, past life regression, all these kinds of things these are tools that we're meant to use to help to get to know ourselves, not specifically do out and experience it because we want to experience it. In my past, I've always been like everyone who listens to the show knows how badly I want to ask for a project, I want to go out of my body so badly. So, because that, to me, will be proof that there's something else beyond this three-dimensional world that we're living in, right?

Speaker 2:

If you believe it when it happens.

Speaker 3:

If I get to say mm-hmm there is a kind of 22.

Speaker 3:

But then she said that she used that specifically as an example, because doing that once, I do it once, I'm gonna want to do it again and again and again. It's not gonna be enough. And suddenly that modality will become what I get caught up in rather than look into myself, find myself and, as a result of getting in tune with myself, I will leave my body in order for me to further explore who I was as a soul, right, so I'm going at it backwards. So when I, when you ask me those questions, it's hard for me to, I would say astral projection, but I would say it's more the learning, the growth that I've done by talking to these wonderful people, and then interesting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and you know you have a point, because all of these, I'm a firm believer that every bit of information, all the shit we come across right by teaching, we're already aware of that information. It's already within our DNA, right, and it's just being brought into our awareness and different things resonate with us at different points on the journey. So I think it's important for us to try different things. The astral travel thing I've accidentally done it and I'm afraid to intentionally do it.

Speaker 3:

I have a lot of stuff.

Speaker 1:

I do it. There I am. I mean, I know I've done it because I've woken up in dreams. I've never intentionally done it, but it's happened. I'm a little I'm kind of afraid to intentionally do it because I don't want to. You know, I hear these stories like people there's that fine line, okay, what's real and what's not real. Right, it already gets pretty crazy, like in my, in my dream state. I'm really afraid to to astral travel. So I commend you for wanting to do that, because that's, I mean, that kind of freaks me out a little bit, which is strange, because I've had so many crazy dreams and mystical experiences. You would think I'd be all willing to do astral travel. But I'm like, no, let me just deal with what's going on now in the astral world, while I'm not trying to intentionally do anything and don't get me wrong.

Speaker 1:

I'm in space.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, don't get me wrong, If I, if I went out of my body and saw some crazy thing coming at me, I would, I'm, I'm, I'm pretty nervous about it, and that's probably why they say I've not been able to do it, that and wanting it too much. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

But I think if you intentionally astral travel and you get really good at it, that will help with some of your skepticism. Maybe right.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. Yeah, that's exactly why I wanted to astral project, because that would give me the proof. But when Karen mentioned earlier on that her belief system is that the dark and these aren't there, hell doesn't exist, that kind of thing. In that we're kind of aligned in that way, because and Karen and I don't agree on everything, but on this we kind of do, because I really feel that we create our own reality. Right, if we are these higher dimensional beings that are on this world and we manifest things and your show is all about manifesting and things like that why would, why would reality not be crafted completely by our thoughts and our emotions and our intentions? And so in our world, karen and I, you also you also mentioned dimension hopping and things like that quantum time jumping.

Speaker 3:

I am of a mindset that Karen and I choose to hop from dimension to dimension where this stuff doesn't exist. In others this stuff does exist because it has been created by those that are living in those realities. So we choose to live in realities that don't have those beings, those things in them, and so we haven't knock on wood and experience anything negative like that, because that's our intent, that's our intention. So we're putting that intent out to the universe. At least, that's kind of what we, I think about it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that.

Speaker 2:

I love that. I also think that I also think that some of these entities that people see as demons or, you know, negative, might be entities Of people that are just very afraid, you know, scared, angry, frustrated, and the appearance of that can look very ugly, it can look menacing, but whenever I've had, if you want to call it, dreams with someone like that, there's usually been a reason behind that and, you know, just a little help and guiding can change that that entity and maybe guide them to the light or guide them to a better place or help them understand where they are.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I would further to say if you are afraid of astral projecting, I would say maybe don't do it, because your fears what we think is what we attract. So if you are going out there with the thought I'm going to track something I don't want to see when I'm out of my body, well, likelihood is that that's what's going to happen, because that's what you have for most in your mind, where I'm trying to train myself to not be afraid so that when I go out there, whatever I encounter, I know they can't hurt me. So I'm willing to be open-minded about it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not afraid of encountering anything. I'm afraid of like getting stuck in some weird loop. But I like what you mentioned about creating our reality, because I'm very well aware that we create our reality and what we put our thoughts, our emotions right, our reactions to life all of that creates. So you brought up a good point my belief or intention and I should know better, but I'm so glad you said that so my intention or my belief around astral travel, all I have to do is have a shift in mindset about it.

Speaker 1:

So it's so interesting Even sometimes, all this stuff, that we know somebody can say something that's like, oh yes.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely yes, no question. We've been doing this show for a while now. We've got 130 so-much shows in our back pocket and every single show we learn so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So, karen, what about the different? Do you want astral travel or do you have, like? Are there certain things that you feel really called to?

Speaker 2:

I think I have astral traveled before and I have this need to show love. I think that's what I'm called is to help people feel loved and to express that and to get that message out and to get that emotion out and that energy out. It's interesting, when you were asking what was maybe our favorite modalities, will didn't mention something that, to me, has been huge in this process. So about two and a half years ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer. All of these wonderful people that we've been interviewing have all so generously offered energy, healing and sent the energy and the love and everything his way, and he's been in the harmonic egg and just you name it. It's happened.

Speaker 2:

So we were waiting. The doctors had told us to wait before we made decisions as far as which route we were going to take, and he has not been on any medications. I think we had kind of landed on surgery. So he went in for a biopsy. It had been about a year. They had done an MRI and found a couple more suspicious areas, so we just were not in a good place. They're going for the biopsy, checked out all the areas cancer's gone. So which modality I don't know, but I love them all because they cured Will, so I love them all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's true, and it's something that I just, it's just not something I think about. Right, I, at this time, a year and a half ago, I was struggling with the fact that I had cancer Somewhere along the lines. Someone, maybe all of them put together, I think it was the community.

Speaker 3:

All of them put together, all the thoughts, the vibrations, the energies that were being sent to us by the people that are in our community, whatever it was. I am eternally grateful because when I got those second biopsy results and I opened them up and I mean I I hope no one that's listening ever gets diagnosed with this, but there's a there's an unreal nest that comes over you when you look at results to say you have cancer. That when you go back the second time for another test, when you open up those results, it's a traumatic experience. So when I opened up those results for the second time, the second results, I had a hard time understanding what I was reading because it didn't make sense to me because every single one they had 18 boars right Biopsy spots. They tested every single one, one after another, kept reading benign, benign, benign, benign, benign, all of them.

Speaker 3:

And I couldn't. I couldn't wrap my head around. How is this possible? I'm not reading this right. So I had to run into Karen and say, hey, can you tell me if I'm reading this right?

Speaker 2:

Because I yeah, you're like look at this. You have this. Look on your face. I'm like, oh my God, this is the worst news. It's really bad.

Speaker 3:

I'm like this is the best news. Just because I was confused, I didn't, I couldn't understand it. But then, suddenly, yeah, once it, once it dawned on me that the cancer was gone. I got a call from the doctor a couple of days later saying, hey, well, you know, I guess what you're going to cancel your, your follow up because of the test results. Like no, no, no, I want to go into the office and have the doctor look me in the face and say you have no cancer.

Speaker 1:

I can really see now why your show is called the skeptic metaphysic.

Speaker 3:

Even in that I was skeptical.

Speaker 1:

Why am I?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You know, disease in our body is just manifestation, right Of, of energy, certain emotions, right, trauma, things like that. Now I know, once it's right, once it's manifested, right, we consider disease and it affects our body. But everything is energetic. So there's no surprise, right that you know well, sending that loving energy your way, and even when we do that for our own bodies, for our self-talk and and the way that we take care of our bodies from an energetic level, not just like a, you know, a physical level, by but we eat and consume and things like that but from an energetic level on how we live our lives and stuff. All of that plays a part. So congratulations on being cancer-free now, correct?

Speaker 3:

Correct. Yeah, thank you, I am. I am cancer-free. But something that you mentioned earlier struck a bell, and that's when you said that, depending on your, your thought processes, that's where that's. You know, you have to hit rock bottom or you have to go through a traumatic experience in order to awaken. A lot of people are feeling that way, and what I found was that I believe that the cancer came from the period of time where I was going through that dark night of the soul thing, that that was so traumatic that that's probably what developed. That disease started in my body. Then, from the time that I was diagnosed to the time I got my cancer-free diagnosis, that period of time I had spent in surrender, I had spent in right. When you get the first diagnosis and all of a sudden your world is over, your life is finished because you have cancer. I had resigned myself that okay, this is maybe the way that I'm going. But then, from that point till the time that I got my, till the time where I went in for my biopsy, because, you know, you kind of then start hoping again.

Speaker 3:

But I was living my life very differently. I was very non-judgmental, I was very kind, I was very loving, always thinking of others, to a large extent right, but I was. I was. My mindset was different, in a very positive way, and I think that, coupled with all the stuff that was coming on, that made a difference. The sad thing is that now I'm finding myself going back little by little to the not so great will and I'm trying to find my way back In, not in any terrible way, I'm just I'm getting angry again. Sometimes I'm getting impatient and judgmental. I forget that the person going slow in front of me, maybe there's something happening in the reason, that's the reason. Maybe I'm supposed to go slow, right. So I'm getting caught in the ego traps again and I need to find my way back to that blissful thought process in order, for I mean, that's, that's how I want to live. I was. I was incredibly happy then and I wanted to try to get back to that.

Speaker 1:

You'll find your way. It's part of the process because we've got. I mean, this has been a long journey, right, this lifetime, past lifetimes, it's been a long journey. So there's a lot of stuff to clear and heal from right and, as we awaken, then go through this ascension process, right, the letting go of all of that thing, the judgment, right, anger, fear, all of that stuff. Right, it takes time and it happens a little bit.

Speaker 1:

In my own experience it's happened a little bit at a time. Right, you'll get, you'll go up stuff and then you'll think it's, it's gone, you've, it's gone, and then it'll come up again and then, but it's not as bad, right, it's just a journey. It's like, oh, I have a little bit more work to do, and then a little while later, I have a little bit more work to do and I have found it's just really I can appreciate the journey now. Right, it's such a beautiful journey because you realize, like, first of all, choosing this life right, like how brave it is to choose this life and to go through the things that you've gone through in this life, to overcome them. It's such a beautiful journey I can't. I wanted to ask you something, because I was getting this kind of the sense from you as well was talking, and it's where sometimes I pick up on. I just pick up on different things, right. Sometimes I'll channel different things and do you do any healing work?

Speaker 2:

I don't, I need to. How many?

Speaker 1:

people told you that you are a healer, or probably a healer.

Speaker 2:

I've been told that before a couple of times.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually getting chills as I'm saying that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Listen, she is my healer. Just being around her, when I wake up in the morning to look over her when she's still sleeping, that to me, is incredibly healing, incredibly soothing. I am the absolutely luckiest man in the world because Karen has chosen to spend her life with me. We've gone through this a lot and I'm going to embarrass her now, but I'm sorry. Karen, she is an angel walking on this planet right now. It has been confirmed by several different people who have quite powerful skill sets when she mentioned that her lot in life was to share love. This is why she's literally an angel walking on this world and the fact that I'm who she chose to spend this lifetime with and many lifetimes with, because we've been together many times. Just by being around her her touch, her look, her voice, her presence it is unbelievably healing to me. She is a healer. If she went into a healing modality, this world is not ready for her.

Speaker 1:

I can see that because I can feel it. There's just this really kind of I know what sounds weird like being on the other side of the screen, but this really beautiful, calm, peaceful, loving energy from you, yes, it's really kind of like this rarely happens. I think there's been one other person where I got such a strong energy from, but it's like this peaceful little bubble. Now we all have spiritual gifts that come online at different points in time on a journey. I would hope that at some point, if something really resonates with you, and if it doesn't, that's fine, because even our light alone, our energy, our presence alone, assists in the healing of Gaia and humanity as a whole. Even just walking in a room, your light is healing. But I was just getting the sense that, however, if you choose to do it in the future, or even if you don't, but you could yeah you just have this really beautiful healing type energy.

Speaker 3:

Would you say it's like angelic yeah, energy.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you.

Speaker 3:

How many does that make now, Karen? Six, seven, eight, 12, 15. But people then have said yeah, yeah, a lot of people have said the same thing, so thank you for confirming what we already know, karen.

Speaker 1:

Well, I've gone to the point now where first I was like do I express kind of what this energy that I'm feeling or whatever? But I've sort of learned to start owning my own gifts and what I pick up on, things like that be as my spiritual gifts come online. So now I'm like now, if it was something horrible comes through. I'm not going to flirt that out, but I would think loving, peaceful energy is such a wonderful thing. Why not mention that? Definitely I appreciate it. All right, so we have a few minutes left. Is there anything that you guys want to talk about? Oh, I, actually we can talk about anything you want, but if you do want to, kind of, there was this.

Speaker 1:

If I'm finding here I shouldn't have my glasses on there was this question On making sense, right, of the fact that make sense, how to make sense of the thought that everything that has ever happened and or will happen has already happened, because I know, so I know that creation is finished. Everything that exists, it exists, everything that ever did exist or will exist, exists now, right, because? And anything that comes into our awareness exists, because otherwise it wouldn't be in our awareness, even if we can't see it. So how did you guys come to? One or both of you, whoever this kind of came to first, how did you come to that realization?

Speaker 3:

You want to go, karen, you want me to go?

Speaker 2:

Gosh, you go first.

Speaker 3:

Easy For me. It's quantum physics, quantum mechanics. Science has already proven that time is nonlinear. It is a construct, and so I liken it to a I'm going to date myself, but a CD-ROM. Back in the day, when you had a CD-ROM in your computer, you put in a CD-ROM in your computer and it had all the floppy disks like it would read all the data.

Speaker 3:

All of the data is on that floppy disk and that CD-ROM. All of it's there, it's just wherever you drop the needle, that's where you're experiencing it at that particular point in time. That's how I liken our world, our realities. It's all been written, it's all in a CD-ROM, somewhere happening at the same time. We're just experiencing just that one particular point in time, and that's been a tenet in quantum mechanics for a while, and more and more regular scientists are starting to get hip to that. We had Dr Eben Alexander, who wrote Proof of Heaven, on the show and he was talking about this, specifically the fact that more and more scientists Dr Teresa Bullard also. She's a physicist who's bridging physics and metaphysics it's being discovered that this quantum realm that we are all living in is more mysterious than we ever could have thought possible but also explains a lot of the idiosyncrasies that regular Newtonian physics can't explain.

Speaker 2:

Like when you see someone and you know they look so familiar but you've never met them. Or if people are predicting the future, are they really predicting the future or are they just remembering something that's already happened but that hasn't happened yet?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm guessing you guys have had people on your show that have talked about the Akashic records before correct.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely yeah. Have you ever heard of the Indian palm leaf readings?

Speaker 1:

Of the what.

Speaker 3:

Indian palm leaf readings.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, okay, so interesting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So for those of you listening who haven't heard about it, I guess 3,000 years ago the Maharishis wrote on a palm leaf readings for all of us, for every single person on this planet, with a caveat, because how can a Maharishi possibly have written a reading for every single human being on the planet? Well, this is where this question comes in, where everything is happening at the exact same time. The tenet is that when you want to get your palm leaf reading, you have to fill out this form and put your thumbprint on this form for them to start looking for your thumbprint in India. This is these libraries in India. But it's not until you put your thumb on that form that 3,000 years ago, my Maharishi said oh, I got to do a reading for Will because he just put his thumbprint down on this form. So if you don't put your thumbprint down, you're not going to find a reading in these libraries, but the minute you put that thumbprint down, that's the cue for the Maharishi to write it down for you. So if that is the case, how can you not see that everything happens at the exact same time? Everything is happening concurrently with each other.

Speaker 3:

The Maharishi lived 3,000 years ago. How did he know to write my darn reading on that palm leaf? How did he know that I was going to ask for it from this guy and how did he know that eventually, 3,000 years later, I would be looking for it? I would say it wasn't 3,000 years ago, it's right now. This second. We're just separated by 3,000 years of constructive time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right, karen. Is there anything else that you want to add?

Speaker 2:

No, just that. I mean, I think that that's pretty much, it's Everything. What was that movie? Everything. I haven't seen it yet.

Speaker 3:

Everything ever well at once. That's a great movie. Yeah, everything ever we're gonna eat a. Watch it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it explains so much it's so hard to understand, but it explains so much it really does.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have to look. I mean, I've heard of it, but I haven't like actually like looked into it. Like I just heard about it, right, but I didn't know, I didn't, I wasn't aware of that, so it's. It's interesting Thing is, when I hear something like if somebody tells me something, I'm like oh, that's interesting, then I'll go look at it, and then I end up going down a rabbit hole.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah there are a lot of rabbit holes.

Speaker 1:

All right. So anything else will that you want to add before we close out this episode?

Speaker 3:

Just one thing, and I'll make it quick. I I want people listening to Understand that, coming from a pragmatist like me, someone who didn't believe any any of this stuff before, who is now opening his eyes and learning things and Thinking to himself, how could I possibly have not believed in this stuff when it's so evident, so obvious it is? I Think the reason why there's so many of us here is because, like this, is because we're being programmed Not to believe these things. We the fact. If we were to wake up, if all of us were to wake up at one time Boom, we're awake and realize the power of who we actually are, the institutions that we're living in would crumble immediately. There's a lot of people out there who's do not, who that is not in their best interest of, and so they're working very hard to keep us from realizing who we are.

Speaker 3:

My entire education, my religion, my upbringing it was all based on Thought processes that are meant to keep us in fear and keep us not awake to who we really are. I would say Allow yourself to take your power back, understand and question everything. The questions everything, anything you take absolutely for granted right now. Throw it away, open your mind and look at it from a perspective up. Is it meant to control me, is it meant in fear, or is it in my highest good? And you're gonna find that the more you open yourself up to that kind of Experience, you're going to be leaving behind your old programming and finding your way to this wonderful new experience, which is really a remembrance of who we actually are.

Speaker 1:

Exactly beautiful and I that's what I share with my clients my coaching Right is really that alignment and taking your power back and being aware of kind of what's going on right and Creating your own reality. Yes all right. So thank you so much, both of you, for coming on. I appreciate having you guys and inviting us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thanks for having us.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, everybody, I will leave the information for Karen and wills show the skeptic, but as metaphysician, in the description box, this will be up on my YouTube channel as well and then you guys can check them. Check out their show. All right, thank you so much, and we'll see in the next episode. All right by now. All right, did I stop recording?

Speaker 3:

don't think so says, still says recording.