The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S3 Ep. 22: The Healing Impact of Reiki: A Discussion with Julie Speetjens, Psychic Medium and Reiki Master

Lynna K Teer Season 3 Episode 22

Imagine being able to channel the healing power of energy to assist with physical ailments and emotional pain. Our guest for today, Julie, an accomplished Reiki Master and Psychic Medium, lets us in on her intriguing journey into the mystical realms of Reiki and Mediumship. Yearning for solace amidst corporate burnout, she discovered Reiki, a practice more and more hospitals are incorporating. Today, she unveils the extraordinary narrative of Raven Keys, who administered Reiki right in an operating room alongside Dr. Oz, and shares her personal anecdotes of employing Reiki during her sons' wisdom teeth surgeries.

Dive into the enthralling world of psychic mediumship and energy healing as Julie explains her transformational experience. Her Reiki training opened doorways into psychic mediumship, enabling her to channel insightful messages for others with utmost discernment. Be inspired by the tale of her professor, Ed Pasarini, who collaborated with other brilliant minds to decipher the power of quantum mechanics and our interconnectedness. We'll also learn how to separate intuition from imagination and the critical role of nurturing awareness.

In the final segment of our conversation, Julie underscores the profound physiological impact of energy healing. Not only is it a potent tool for personal growth and development, but it also has empirical data supporting its effectiveness. Julie shares empowering instances of Reiki being implemented in hospitals and other medical settings, emphasizing the importance of patients feeling empowered and the role of integrative therapies like Reiki in facilitating healing. Whether you're a novice to Reiki or a seasoned practitioner, get ready to be inspired, and educated, and to gain fresh perspectives on this powerful healing modality.

Please visit Julie's page: Soaring Heart Energies for more information.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Mindset and Manifesting podcast. My name is Lena and I have a special guest today. Her name is Spooli Julie's speeches. You know sometimes I get so excited that I mispronounce my words. It is what it is. So Julie is a Rakey Master and Teacher and she is also a psychic medium. She actually has a lot of titles because she practices several different types of Rakey. So I can have her talk about that if she'd like. But I wanted to have her on today. She's such a beautiful soul and I wanted to just talk to her about kind of her experience with Rakey, how she got into it, and then really want to talk about medical Rakey, Because that is something that's becoming more and more available in hospitals and stuff and I think it's important to get that information out there and just kind of how that works in the medical setting. I guess you could say All right. So, Julie, I'm going to let you take it away.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you, Lena, I appreciate you having me on. Yeah, so, as you mentioned, there's a lot of alphabet soup going on after my name. These days. I seem to be sort of passionate. Is the positive word right? Obsessed might be the word judge, mental word, but I just kind of. I want to learn all the things and do all the things and, honestly, Rakey's been such a powerful tool in my life that I just can't seem to stop going down that rabbit hole and it's bottomless, really it's infinite. There's so many different kinds of Rakey and different lineages and different energies you connect with and, like you mentioned, the medical Rakey, of course, is a personal passion of mine. Really, I get really excited about it because, as you mentioned, it's coming, it's something that's growing, it's gaining speed. There's this wonderful pioneer in medical Rakey. Honestly, her name is Raven Keys and she wrote this incredible book called Medical Rakey and her story is fascinating. It gives me goosebumps just to talk about it. She was actually on the ground after 9-11 for eight months giving Rakey to the first responders Talk about a group that needed energetic and emotional support and her story led her into the OR with Dr Oz you may have heard of him as he was doing open heart surgery on one of her Rakey clients and she was able to administer Rakey throughout the procedure and the phenomenal experience she had with that really just led her on this incredible journey to create these gold standards of medical Rakey practice that she taught for years. Sadly, she recently passed away but she has other teachers now in her stead who are continuing her work and her program.

Speaker 2:

And what I love about medical Rakey? My background is environmental science. I was an environmental consultant. I was an IT project manager we're talking left brain. I like the science of things. I don't want to just believe in something because someone else told me they experienced it, that it's real, that it worked for them. Okay, that's excellent. Now I want to feel it for myself, which is why I love Rakey, Because I can feel it working. I can feel the tingling. I can feel the heaviness, the floatiness, the heat, the cold, the peacefulness. For me it really opened everything up.

Speaker 2:

I went searching for Rakey, as most healers do.

Speaker 2:

I got into it first off for myself. I never thought I would ever treat anybody or have a studio or a teacher, any of this stuff. The universe was just giggling at me in the background as I felt my way through it all. But for me I found Rakey because I was dealing with all of the human stuff we're all dealing with. I had corporate burnout, I had physical pain. The universe literally put me in a wheelchair to try to get me to tune in and slow down and pay attention to my energetic and emotional health. At the same time, my dear friend from college was in a horrible car accident and her eight-year-old son was killed. I didn't know, I was an empath. Here I am walking through that grief journey with her, on top of everything else I was feeling. I tell you there were days I was just numb. I was in full robot mode. I was just desperately trying to find a way to connect to something more, something bigger, some purpose and passion in my life. That's why I went looking for Rakey and thank goodness I found it.

Speaker 1:

It's been you know what for me? I had tried Rakey years ago because I was trying to figure out how to…. I was trying to figure out if it would help me with my anxiety and depression, right. And the gentleman I saw at the time I walked away and I thought, oh, this is it for me. That was way before my awakening experience, right, way before that, way before I realized that I was perhaps more, I was sensitive to energy, right. That's probably why I was dealing with anxiety and depression, because I wasn't understanding what I was feeling and seeing. And then now I'm at a different point in my journey, right, and I wasn't really looking for one of the girls I was coaching. She was like this lady I see she does my readings because she's also a second medium and she does Ricky. So that's how I found you. And when I found you, I was trying to figure out what do I do with this energy that I'm feeling now in my body, right, and these downloads and these kind of visions I'm getting because I'm in tune with energy that's not really mine. So how do I figure all of this out? So that's how I found you.

Speaker 1:

And with the Soul Journey Sundays that you do and we could talk a little bit about that too, some of the things that you offer. It was really nice to connect with other people right, and insight from other people and kind of in the smaller groups. Some people are wanting to connect with loved ones that have passed on. Some people are just kind of wanting other information, right, kind of wondering about ailments in their body and things like that. So it's really interesting to connect with other people who are sort of going through the same things or wanting answers to certain questions, because I never I've never really connected to a group of people like that until I found you and remember my first session with you and being able being on the table and then being able to feel the energy right, and then being able to connect to my guides and stuff at the same time.

Speaker 1:

I was used to doing that a little bit in meditation, but it was so interesting being on the table and being able to feel that in my body. And again, I think a lot of people like years ago I thought it was kind of woo I was like, yeah, energy, yeah, right, that's going to work. And now I have you know, now I have a completely different feeling about it, which is why I took your Reiki level one and two classes, because I wanted to figure out okay, what can I, what can I do with this? Only for myself, but can I help other people as well? So do you want to talk about a little bit about what you do as far as the other things that you offer?

Speaker 2:

Sure, yeah. And before I do that, I'm going to backtrack a little bit and just build on something you said, because it's so common, you know I'll say that right, I mean this all sounds like madness. I get it, but this is normal in my world. A lot of people receiving Reiki, certainly, but even more so when they take the Reiki classes, they do what's called the attunements, which for to our human minds, to our left frame, it looks and feels like a guided meditation. You know, I'll let people peek behind the curtain here a little bit who are wondering well, what happens in a Reiki class? What's all this about attunements and whatnot? Looks and feels like a guided meditation, but in the background, what's really happening? I call it like an energy infrastructure upgrade. That's one way to think about it. It's like putting in a bigger water main to your house or putting in higher speed internet to get that better connection.

Speaker 2:

To me, reiki is not something we're learning. It's something we're dusting off and remembering. It's something that's innate, it's part of all of us, it's gee, it's prana, it's life force, energy. It's unconditional love from God's source universe, however you see it to be and learning how to tap into that, how to amplify it, how to use it for ourselves and for other people is huge. And specifically for me, one of the reasons I get so excited about Reiki and why it's completely changed my life 180 degrees is because six weeks after I took my master class, my psychic mediumship opened up. I had a friend, a Reiki guinea pig, on the table and all of a sudden, I'm about midway through her session and I just I become aware of her mother in spirit, who I never knew on the earthly plane. But I knew her name started with a P and had two syllables, I knew she loved houseplants and I knew she'd given my friend a necklace for her 16th birthday. But then, of course, I'm arguing with myself. Right, I'm not a psychic medium. What if I'm making this up? What if I mention it and it hurts my friend's feelings? I'm going to need someone new to get my toes done with. You know what if she thinks I'm nuts? Right, as the humans do? I'm doubting myself and questioning myself the whole rest of the session. But what really gave me the confidence and the courage? Frankly, let's be honest, it's a trust fall.

Speaker 2:

The courageous thing I had to do to mention it to her was that her mother washed me in the most incredible feeling of unconditional love, and I mean like that, that nurturing motherly, just wash me with it. It was Emerald Green. Before that moment I wouldn't have told you, emotions had a color, but the feeling of unconditional, nurturing love from the other side to me in that moment felt Emerald Green and I just had tears streaming down my face. I'm standing at my friend's feet like man. If she opens her eyes she's going to think I lost it.

Speaker 2:

But in that moment when I felt that love, I knew A, I'm not manufacturing this, this is not my imagination. I cannot produce that feeling of love within me. If I could, I would do it every second of every day. I would live in heaven on earth, right. And I thought how dare I, how dare I deny them the opportunity to have this reunion, to have this moment that will reinstall within her the faith that, yeah, we do have an eternal soul, that your mother hasn't gone or disappeared, that she is still with her, is still part of her life. And so, of course, when we exchanged notes afterwards, I said I know this sounds crazy, but did your mom's name start with a P? Did it have two syllables? Did she love houseplants, did she give you a necklace for your 16th birthday? And she just started sobbing. God bless her. Her mother's name was Pauline and she had a whole room in her house dedicated to houseplants, and my friend was wearing the necklace that her mother had given her for her 16th birthday Irrefutable evidence. You know it just.

Speaker 2:

And since then I've been in every workshop and seminar and practice circle. I've read every book, I've done all the mentorships, I've done all the workshops, because, god, what greater healing can there possibly be to know that our loved ones are not lost to us? They're still around, they're still part of our lives. And anyone I truly believe this, anyone can learn to become a psychic medium. I didn't grow up having experiences where I had ghosts and angels visiting my bed at night. I didn't know anything about my neighbors or who was gonna cross over in our family. I didn't have any of those beautiful experiences that so many people talk about. For me, 100%, I can draw a direct line my psychic mediumship opened up with my Reiki training.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what? I believe that Because since I've done Reiki sessions with you and Ben and the groups Sojourney Sundays a few times, and also I have another coach who was doing past life healing with me. So I have the same thing happen to me With a couple of people in particular. I get really strong messages for it and I was apprehensive too at first. Do I share this, right? But the messages come through so strong. So for me as a teacher, as a spiritual teacher, the messages that come through for me are really not necessarily about loved ones and stuff there's a lot of past life stuff but it's really about teaching. It's like these little bits of information that come through for the other person, as though I'm a messenger meant to share the information so that it like awakens something within their DNA, because we all have this dormant DNA that awakens at different points on our spiritual journey.

Speaker 1:

Now I don't hesitate, I share it because I'm like you know what, if I'm? And I have to ask is this really for this individual? And it comes through so strong. And now I don't hesitate to share it because I feel like if I don't share it, then I'm not. I'm doing a disservice, right? Because if I'm not meant to share it, why would it come through in the first place? And, of course, there's discernment there Is this really meant for this person or is it meant for me? And sometimes a message is for both right, because we're masters or we're teachers and we're students always right. So, yeah, reiki's helped me in that aspect as well. And when I do distance healing now and I don't do in person sessions yet, but when I do distance there's so much stuff that comes through. It's just fascinating. So I'm looking forward to actually expanding and doing more classes and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, well, and you raised a couple of good points. The distant healing I know our human minds, our left brain, struggle with that. That's our hurdle for a lot of people. First off, energy healing is real. Come on, give me a break. It sounds woo but it is. I always say just be skeptical but receptive, it may change your life. But second off, this idea of distant healing and it can be more powerful, like you said, I think part of the reason that that's true is because all of the human stuff is out of the way. As a practitioner or a master, we call ourselves healers, even though we recognize it's the energy that's flowing through us that's doing the healing. It's not that we're doing anything. We're not actually healing anyone. We're, like you said, igniting their ability to heal themselves, right To tune back in, to tap into their own soul energy. But all the human stuff is out of the way. In a distant session, we're not worried. Oh, did I brush my teeth? Did I remember deodorant? Are they comfortable? Yeah, they're comfortable. They're in their own home, hopefully.

Speaker 2:

And I have a really fun story about distant healing and I'll be brief. But I had this wonderful professor in college, my mentor, my advisor in my environmental science degree. His name was Dr Ed Pasarini and honestly, he was the smartest man I ever knew. He had a degree in physics from Harvard. He had a degree in literature from Virginia. He wrote all the books for all of our courses. I mean really brilliant, brilliant man. And it was a couple of years ago now. I was trading practice sessions with a reader who didn't know me at all, of course, didn't know anything about my college. That was long, long time ago. And she starts describing my professor coming through as a mediumistic contact, and I said, gosh, it sounds like him, but I don't even know if he's crossed over, if he's passed. And so, as she's talking, I'm Googling it and sure enough, I pull up his obituary He'd crossed over two months before. So even that a lovely piece of evidence, for starters, that she wasn't reading my energy. I didn't know he'd passed, you know, and hadn't thought about him honestly in a few years.

Speaker 2:

And she says to me Ed's saying, you've stepped into a healing role and you're struggling with the idea of distant healing, which of course I was, you know, left brain, left, brain, right. How can this possibly be real? How can this work? And she said and to this day. I don't know how you get a medium to say quantum mechanics. But she said Ed is working with brilliant minds on the other side probably Einstein, because that was his caliber, legitimately. She said he's working with brilliant minds on the other side. The science checks out.

Speaker 2:

Quantum mechanics is amazing. Just trust it. I mean, that was it. For me, that's straight. I don't know what is that? Second hand, third hand, how does that work exactly? But I mean from the smartest man I ever knew in spirit, telling us to just trust it, that quantum mechanics is amazing. We are all energetic fields, our consciousness, our soul, whatever you want to call it and we are connected to everybody else. We are all within one big energetic field of consciousness and it's fueled by pure and conditional love and so we can tap into that.

Speaker 2:

And as you mentioned those first couple of years of development, man, it was like a drum beat in my head patience and trust, patience and trust, patience and trust. I needed relentless validation A that people could feel the energy healing that I was offering them. Like no, really, tell me, this is real right, I needed that. I can't feel it when I do Reiki on myself to this day. It's my own energy. It harmonizes with me perfectly. I can't feel it. I always say it's sort of like washing your hair yeah, you can do it yourself, and you should. I'm not going to excuse you, but man, it feels so much better when someone else does it. So even to this day, and really especially with the readings, I have needed relentless validation confirming the information I'm coming through. And I always tell all my students this you will feel like you're making it up.

Speaker 2:

So if you imagine an image of an apple, let's say the place in your mind. If you envision it like a TV screen, let's say where you see that apple. Maybe it's green, maybe it's red, maybe it has a leaf. Take a bite out of that apple. Do you see the juice running down the outside of your apple? That screen, that TV screen in your mind, where you're imagining that or remembering that, is the same place that you receive impressions, perceptions from spirit. When you hear it frequently, it's going to sound as if it's in your own voice, because how else could it possibly get through to you when physical body, your physical senses are energy transformers, energy interpreters and for your physical mind to perceive these impressions? Those are the facilities. The faculty use the senses that spirit is going to use that energy has to come through that transformer, that interpreter, just like any other piece of mechanical equipment that works with electricity or with Wi-Fi signals or TV signals or whatever. We have to receive it and translate it so that we can talk about it, so we can share our experience. So I think that's one of the biggest hurdles we have is we all go.

Speaker 2:

How can I tell if it's imagination or intuition? For me, I always say imagination. It's like that movie Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio, if you remember it. But when he's talking about how he knows whether or not he's in the dream is because suddenly he finds himself in a restaurant and he has no recollection of how he got to the restaurant. There was no train of thought, there was no train of experience. He just had a sudden awareness he was in the restaurant. It's like that with intuition. There's no train of thought. You don't know where that thought came from. Why do I need to talk about pink bunny slippers or the blue car that you painted green when you were 16 was spray paint. Whatever the evidence is, there's no train of thought. It just pops in there, it just made you aware of it, you've just felt it, you've just seen it, you've just heard it. Whatever it might be, that's one of the ways we know it's intuition, not imagination.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, I'm so used to, and you know what I talk about cultivating awareness a lot and observing, right, I'm trying to turn around. My foot was falling asleep and being in that observer mode. So for me, I have conversations telepathic I call them telepathic conversations throughout the day, now, just a continual conversation with spirit. Things will come in because I've cultivated that awareness, right, Become the observer of my thoughts. So I'm constantly aware now of these internal conversations in the manifesting community. For those who know Neville Goddard's work, which I talk about a lot, it's called mental diet. Right, Be aware of your thoughts.

Speaker 1:

So I'm constantly having these conversations with myself, with my higher self, throughout the day, and every once in a while something else will pop in and I'm like where did that come from? And then I know that's not mine, Is this somebody else's energy? Is this coming in? Because I'm tuning into somebody else's energy? What is this? I think it really takes practice, right, and as you start to, as this information starts to come through for you, if you start to sense that the thought is not yours, well, where is it coming from? And if you're not sure, ask the question. You'll receive the answer right Now. Cultivating that awareness and becoming the observer of your thoughts, instead of just kind of being like, well, I don't know where this came from and then just kind of dismissing it right, I mean, you don't have to attach to it, but just cultivating the awareness of your thoughts. And then eventually, hopefully because it's kind of cool you'll just find yourself having these conversations with your higher self throughout the day. But it's really, it's kind of fun. I love it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah absolutely Well and a lot of it's really subtle. So, learning to trust in the subtlety, we all want it to be this big booming voice of Billboard in our minds. This is God, take a left. It's not how it works. It's this nudge, it's an inkling, it's a wondering, it's just sort of a guiding feeling.

Speaker 2:

And I will say, because it comes up a lot, the voice of spirit to me, of myself, the voice of God, our spirit, guides whatever however you perceive it to be, always, always, without, without fail, sounds loving, sounds supportive, sounds, calm. You know it's never going to tell you to do something harmful. It is always, only and ever to uplift, to enlighten, to empower, period. It comes from a space of love, anything less. That's your wounded ego, that's your subconscious programming, that's your fears, perhaps a mental illness, I mean. You know the voice of spirit will never tell you to do anything harmful or dark or scary. You know I've never went into anything dark or scary in any of this work, ever. You know if you are focused on the light, if you are living the light, you're living love, you're living your truth. You know, for the highest good for everybody involved, it will always lead you in a very comforting, sustaining, nourishing, loving way. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

On that note, any thought that comes up that is not that feeling of right love, or you're being taught something that's enlightening, that loving feeling then you can choose not to accept it. Right, because I've dealt with that Anxiety, depression, things like that, or feeling not worthy or whatever. When that stuff comes in, it's allowing you to look at that and then in that moment you can choose Is this really who I want to be? Is this really an aspect of myself that I want to hold on to? And then that moment you choose no, this is no longer something that I want to claim for myself. So we're constantly choosing, moment to moment of what we're going to accept is true for ourselves. And if something dark comes in, I've noticed that I'll get and it happens a lot around portals and stuff. I'll have some dark stuff that comes in sometimes and I automatically know that's not my energy and then I can just kind of release it, so I don't hold on to any of that.

Speaker 2:

Well, and it's like you said, becoming the observer. We all get so invested and entrenched in our human story, in the earthly experience. There is so much more to each and every one of us than just the physical, than just this earthly story, than just the roles we're playing. We are eternal soul beings. We don't get a soul when we die. We are a soul where, temporarily housed in this physical body for the purpose of experience, of co-creation, of joy. Believe it or not, I believe life is supposed to be good, life is supposed to be joyful. We are here to co-create.

Speaker 2:

You mentioned some of the works that you follow. I'm a huge proponent of Esther Hicks, her work, the Law of Attraction, books, her YouTube videos, man, they are fantastic. They have really empowered me and they helped me catch myself in those thought and emotion loops, those patterns we all get into that just feed it. There's a wonderful book called the Inner Matrix by Joey Klein where he talks about the neurochemistry of our emotions. If we feel a wave of sadness, the neurochemical reaction of that emotion will only last for the last 90 seconds If and it's a big if, right If we don't start feeding it and nurturing it with all the thoughts to defend it, to explain it to ourselves. Oh well, yeah, I'm sad because of this, because of this, because of this, and this made me mad. Well, there goes the day. We're all so excellent at doing that. We get stuck in these destructive thought-emotion patterns. Yeah, we may be right, but it's not constructive, it doesn't serve us. Sometimes we're able to step back, take a breath, view it as an observer and say you know what? Yes, that happened, but I don't want to promote it and propagate it and nourish it and keep it coming. I want to flip the script. I want to take my power back from my energy. All of the thoughts, all of the emotions are choices we're making all day long.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually in a meditation. I call it the intermingle girl. There are lots of words we could call it. I've actually had to put it to slice the duct tape across her mouth in a meditation like stop, I've heard enough, it doesn't serve me. You've had 40-plus years, you've been running the show and it's mostly not-kind things.

Speaker 2:

We're all very critical of ourselves, right? We're never good enough or worthy enough, as you mentioned. Just flipping the script, taking the power back, is so important, just accepting this idea that we are innately worthy. We are perfectly imperfect. We are enough. You don't have to listen to that. By all means. If we can make our own heads a nice place to be, we've already won.

Speaker 2:

I think that maybe one of the greatest lessons we're here to learn, one of the greatest victories, is to reject other people's limiting beliefs, other people's fears and doubts and insecurities, because we project them on each other all the time. We just do we all do it. We do it to our kids, we do it to our friends, we do it to ourselves perpetually. I think any tool you can find and by all means explore them all. For me, it's Reiki that was really what opened up my energetic awareness but there's Qigong, biofeedback, emdr, tapping, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture you name it. There's a million things out there, and keep exploring until you find what works for you, because it's different for everybody. Think God, how boring would it be.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, I mean, it's really the basis of it all. It's really energetic anyway, Right, Everything's energy. Yeah, we're really doing it. Yeah. So I know now everybody listening knows that you are psychic medium. So I want to go back to medical Reiki. Sure, Quick, Yep. So when you do because I know you do distance healing and things like that and I know you've been in hospitals doing medical Reiki Do you do medical Reiki when you do? I'm trying to figure out how to ask. It's really a simple question, but when you do so, when you do distance healing, are you able to do? Here's a question are you able to do medical Reiki or do you do medical Reiki outside of a hospital study?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, good question. So medical Reiki, the certification for it, it's another Reiki attunement, guided meditation, energy upgrade. Certainly it was also a lot about more the left brain stuff how to work in a clinical setting within the standards and expectations of that profession, what to touch, what not to touch, when to speak, where to stand, what to wear, what not to wear A lot of the basic OR type rules that otherwise we wouldn't necessarily know. I mean, that's kind of an alien environment and thank goodness it needs to be that way. They have a lot of rules and they have to be so careful about germs and everything else. All of those standards are in place for good reason. So a lot of the medical Reiki certification is more about that. So of course, you're able to apply all of the other Reiki training in that moment. It's just making sure that you show up and behave properly in a clinical setting.

Speaker 2:

So I have a couple of fun stories about medical Reiki. But what really got me interested in it personally? I have two sons. They're both in college now and when my older son needed to have his wisdom teeth out, it was before all my Reiki training. He had four dry sockets. He swelled up like a watermelon. He needed special medication. It was just really traumatic for everybody. He was in terrible pain. It went on and on Fast forward.

Speaker 2:

A few years later I now have all my Reiki training and I was able to be in the surgical suite with my younger son. He had the same procedure, done with the same doctor in the same building, 100% same genetics. Here we are an experiment with a control, with a variable right we're talking. The only significant difference was that I was able to attend his procedure and administer Reiki throughout, and his experience could not have been more different. He had no dry sockets, no infection, no swelling. He took nothing but Advil. He was rock climbing three days later and eating almonds within the week and I thought, oh, there's something too that surely other people have noticed. And that's when I found Raven Keys. And there's this wonderful book by Ann Baldwin called Reiki in Clinical Practice, and God bless her. It's a big collection of all this wonderful empirical data explaining, documenting the efficacy of Reiki in clinical settings.

Speaker 2:

So of course we know in Reiki what we're doing partially is we're stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. It helps people shift out of that busy beta brainwave, that fight or flight response that's dumping cortisol in their bodies and wreaking all sorts of havoc, and we can actually measure how it is stabilizing their vital stats. So it improves heart rate variability, it stabilizes blood pressure. It tends to reduce pain, reduce muscle tension, tends to relieve a lot of the complications. People tend to heal faster. They need shorter hospital stays, all these wonderful things.

Speaker 2:

And I say, gosh, whatever works, it's not an either, or it's an and it's. Let's use all of the tools at our disposal. This is not taking anything away from the miracles of modern medicine. God bless them. What a genius, incredible bunch of earth angels we have working for us in the modern medical setting. I'm not taking anything away from it.

Speaker 2:

And let's use some of these integrative therapies, whether it's Reiki, sound healing, any of the other wonderful stuff I mentioned. Everything we can do, especially these days when everyone's worried about the opioid crisis, if we can help people feel somewhat empowered in their own care, in their own healing, that's something we step into a medical setting, especially into the OR. When we're under anesthesia, we feel powerless, like we've utterly given away our power, and we're just trusting in these wonderful people to do their best work, and so anytime we can feel empowered, it aids our healing immensely. So that's part of the reason I get really excited about Reiki in clinical settings, and there's over 800 facilities across the US right now who are using it in their integrative medical departments. A lot of the time it's still volunteer. There is an insurance code for energy medicine but none of the insurance companies recognize it yet. It's coming with more and more of these empirical studies, but lots of big name places use it. So MD Anderson, sloan Kettering, the Mayo Clinic, harvard, duke, yale they're all realizing and coming to understand that this isn't just placebo effect.

Speaker 2:

There's something else going on here and I recently actually had an experience where I was able to see this in action at the hospital. So I had a friend who, blessed him, had a widow maker heart attack I mean by all means, came very, very close to transitioning to the other side, made it to the hospital, drove himself crazy, stubborn man. But he texted me that morning and said hey, I'm in the hospital, I've had a heart attack, can you come see me and give me some Reiki? And it just worked out beautifully. You know there are no coincidences. That was a morning.

Speaker 2:

I was at the hospital working in the oncology infusion center giving Reiki to people as they received their chemotherapy infusions, because it helps offset the side effects of chemotherapy. And I said, yeah, I'm right here, I'll be right up. And this was so amazing and, thank goodness, I'm so grateful. He had a heart attack. He's fine, by the way, I can say that because he was hooked up to 8,000 different machines monitoring his heart rate, his blood pressure, his, all of this wonderful stuff. And as I administered the Reiki, I watched his vital statistics change on the monitors. What a cool opportunity, right? I mean, here I am. My left brain loves to see this stuff. I love to read the empirical analytical data and understand the science behind this. I love understanding as much as I can in my limited, you know, intellectual capacity for some of this stuff to see the actual physiological effects of energy healing. And that just it's profound, it stuns me and I'm so grateful.

Speaker 1:

There was your validation.

Speaker 2:

Right, beautiful yeah. So it's definitely coming yeah.

Speaker 1:

So now you have to get into your studio because you have some folks coming to see you today for some Reiki, and stuff Is there. I'm going to leave your information, the description box, right to your website, because you have so many wonderful offerings, and then, of course, up on my YouTube channel as well. So people want to reach out. Reach out to you. I really, for anybody listening, I promise you Reiki is not some woo woo modality.

Speaker 1:

I used to think that it's very, very valid. Of course, if you don't believe that it's going to work, right, our beliefs really trump you know, can trump a lot of things in our life if we don't really believe in something. But if you're interested in it, give it a try, right. If you don't feel comfortable doing it in person, try distance Reiki. That is just as profound for me. I like doing distance Reiki more than I enjoy doing it in person. I think that's just my personality. For me, I can really tap in more. So distance healing is available and Julie has something called Soul Journey Sundays, which I would like for you if you could just talk about that just for a couple of minutes before we leave, because that I think that's so. It's so wonderful what you've done with that and getting groups of people together Sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks, talk about that, yeah, yeah. So Soul Journey Sundays gosh. I started that about two years ago. We do it once a month and it just began as a collection of my colleagues, my friends, that were giving me amazing readings as we swapped in our classes, in our workshops, in seminars, in mentorships, and of course, it was a spirit nudge, it was an inspired thing and it's grown from, I think, six or seven readers at our first event several years ago now to over 50 readers, and so everyone who comes, all the ticketed participants, are guaranteed two readings from two different intuitive artists, and it's everything from psychic and mediumship to Oracle and Tarot, to shamanic Akashic records readings to spirit art, you name it. It's this incredible collection of people who are showcasing their gifts and talents and skills, and we have people who come back month after month after month because they want to work with every person and experience their different modalities and how they're working. It's only $45. It's a scream and deal, really. We lead everyone in a guided meditation, we go into breakout rooms, so it's personal, it's not in front of the whole group. That's how we're able to guarantee everyone two readings and the feedback we get is pretty amazing.

Speaker 2:

The website is souljourneysundayscom. You can go in. There's a bio there for each and every one of the readers. So say, you got to work with someone, but it was just a 15-minute reading and wow, I would really like to do a follow-up, one-on-one session with them. You can do that. At the bottom of the page. We have this wonderful events calendar so you don't have to go to 50 different websites to see what's out there. I'm fascinated. I want to learn this, I want to try that. I want to get to the point against this. We've got everything from classes and workshops to book clubs and retreats and demonstrations and guided meditations everything in between to support you on your soul's journey, on your enlightenment and development. So there's a ton of great stuff, great opportunities and wonderful gifted people all over the world who are working with Soul Journey Sunbays. Now I think our readers stretch from Hawaii to England currently and everything in between. So our next event is September 24th.

Speaker 2:

As I mentioned, we do it monthly and you can always go to the website and we sell tickets via Eventbrite and, yeah, I would encourage anyone to come. It's a nice monthly check-in. It's just a little dip your toes in. Maybe you've never done it before. These are highly trained, heart-centered, soul-abundant, vetted, experienced readers. When you go to someone, I always say be skeptical about receptive. You need discernment across our lives, of course, and especially in this work, in this arena. You know, I've never run into anyone who wasn't doing it for the right reasons, but our goal is always to heal. That's at the basis of everything we do. Like I mentioned, uplift, enlighten and empower. No one's ever going to tell you anything dark or scary or doom or gloom or any of that. We're here to serve, to serve our sitters and to serve spirit, and that's why we do it.

Speaker 1:

So you can get to that from my website too. Sorry, I've done a handful of, I've attended a handful of them and I've always had a wonderful experience. And then you offer Reiki right In your studio, and Distance Reiki correct, yeah. And then you offer readings, yeah, many readings. So you have a handful of things that you offer yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I do psychic readings and I do soul journey readings. That's where we're inviting glimpses of past lives and spirit guides and spirit animals. I never know where we're going, it's always a fun adventure. And, of course, mediumship readings, where we're reaching out to loved ones in spirit and you know, I teach year round. So you know, whether it's because you're interested in energy healing to heal yourself or others, after the first class you can offer it to others as well. Or if you're interested in Reiki to help open up your intuitive capacity, certainly I teach it with both of those intentions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and honestly, I have now been given the opportunity to teach at Lilydale, which is this wonderful little iconic community in upstate New York where the separate jet is, where the separate jet movement really started, and it's a town of mediums and it's just this lovely little whimsical place. So every summer now, hopefully going forward, I'll also be teaching Reiki in Lilydale and I offer, you know, several international retreats. I'm going to Costa Rica in December. I'm going to Japan in March, april. You know all these wonderful techniques that people can explore, whether it's Reiki or Qigong, or meditation or breath work or, you know, developing their own intuitive healing abilities, sound healing all of that. You know. I've just sort of said to the spirit hey, I've got a passport, let's go, let's make it amazing, let's heal the world one chakra at a time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Awesome, All right. Anything else you'd like to add before we?

Speaker 2:

before we close. Goodness, yeah, just you know. Come visit my website please. It's soaringheartenergiescom. You can read a little bit about me, if you're interested, and about all the stuff I'm offering and all the wonderful people I'm working with and anything we can do to support you in your own healing journey, in your own intuitive awareness. I do teach intuitive development as well, but, gosh, there's so much good stuff out there. If you feel like something's missing, if you feel like there should be something more, it shouldn't just be earn money, pay the bills, run the errands, take care of the kids, sleep repeat you know, there really is. It's a little bit magical and I think if we can find those modalities, those people, those groups, like you said, that we resonate with that, light us up, that bring us back to our spark and to the truth of our light and the love that we're made of, and if we can put that out into the world, then, man, we've done something good with our lives.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know what I found. If you're open to it, when you're ready, and you're open to it, you don't necessarily have to go searching. Right, I'll find you, they will find you. That's what happened to me with both my coaches, right with my, with you People, they will find you. You'll encounter people and you know if they resonate with you, you'll just know. Right, it's a right time for me, for me to try it All right.

Speaker 2:

Press the nudges and the signs and the synchronicities. Yeah, exactly, that's, that's how it works.

Speaker 1:

All right. Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day. I know you're going to be helping some people out today, so thank you so much and I'll be seeing you very soon, hopefully in the next month or two.

Speaker 2:

I hope so. Always good to see you, Linda. Thank you so much for having me, Linda.

Speaker 1:

All right, have a great day you too, bye, bye.