The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast
Welcome to the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast, where we explore the transformative power of mindset and manifesting to create a life of purpose, abundance, and self-realization. I'm your host, Lynna K Teer, a spiritual teacher and coach dedicated to guiding you on this empowering journey.
In each episode, we dive deep into the realm of mindset and manifesting, uncovering practical tools, profound insights, and actionable strategies that will help you unlock your full potential. Whether you're seeking to overcome limiting beliefs, cultivate a positive mindset, or manifest your dreams into reality, this podcast is here to support and inspire you every step of the way.
As we explore the art of manifesting, we also delve into the realms of awakening and awareness, recognizing the interconnectedness between our inner transformation and the world around us. Through engaging discussions and thought-provoking interviews, we uncover the secrets of personal growth, spiritual awakening, and conscious living.
Join me as I share my own experiences, lessons learned, and wisdom gained from years of dedicated practice and study. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of the human mind, harness the power of intention, and align ourselves with the abundant flow of the universe.
Whether you're new to the concepts of mindset and manifesting or a seasoned practitioner, this podcast offers something for everyone. Each episode provides valuable insights, practical exercises, and inspiring stories to help you cultivate a mindset of success, abundance, and joy.
Are you ready to tap into your inner power and create a life that truly aligns with your desires? Then subscribe to the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast and join our community of like-minded individuals committed to personal growth and transformation.
Remember, your mindset is the key to unlocking the limitless possibilities that exist within you. Together, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, conscious creation, and spiritual awakening. Get ready to manifest your dreams and live a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.
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The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast
S4E21 Awakening the Spiritual Body: Shifting Into and Embracing Higher Frequencies
What if your spiritual awakening could supercharge your manifestation abilities? Join me, Lena, as I recount my profound journey of spiritual integration and how it reshaped my understanding of manifestation. By shedding old layers and aligning with our true divine essence, we unlock the potential to positively influence others through our creative powers. I'll share insights into the importance of thinking lovingly of others, the transformative role of imagination in shaping our reality, and my vivid experiences with dreams and astral travel that deepened my comprehension of an awakened manifestation.
Discover how to elevate your vibration and embrace higher states of consciousness by releasing fear, judgment, and anxiety. In this heartfelt episode, I guide you through practices like sound healing, meditation, and Reiki, which have been pivotal in my spiritual evolution. Learn about my personal experiences with these modalities, my aspirations to master Reiki, and even my lifestyle changes like eliminating caffeine to maintain alignment with my intentions. With practical tips and reflections from my own journey, this episode offers valuable tools to support your path to higher consciousness and vibrant living.
If you want additional content on awakening, mindset, manifesting, and mystical experiences, check out my blog or YouTube channel.
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Mindset and Manifesting Podcast. My name is Lena, I am a spiritual teacher and a conscious manifestation coach and today we are continuing the series on awakening the spiritual body. We have two episodes left. Episodes left, so I have actually I've been away for a while and I've come to some new realizations, right, I was gone for for several months, kind of in this ebb, if you will, and that was a period of deep integration and transmuting intense energies and, rather than just push through and always try to make things happen, to force anything to happen and of course that's easy to do right, to get caught up in the external reality and it's a virtual loop of creating, observing and reacting without really slowing down. So it was an important time for me and part of what I came to understand in that period of integration, transmitting energies, etc. Receiving was receiving a lot of downloads, a lot of information coming in, and one thing that became very clear to me and that I had been struggling with right as a, as a spiritual teacher and a manifestation coach, is and being on this awakening journey, right. So, because not everybody a majority of the manifestation coaches out there, from what I've observed, are not in, the do not appear to be, and the I don't know how to say this. Let's just let's put this way Not everybody is at the same point on their awakening journey as as other people, right? So for me, I was honestly struggling with Okay, I, I understand manifestation, but from an awakened perspective. So for me, it's not just about manifesting a house, a car, a specific person, money, things like that, right, shedding the old layers of the self and really truly awakening to, um, to who I am right, and really aligning with my soul. So what I've come to realize is that, for me, as a spiritual teacher and a conscious manifestation coach, I'm here to assist individuals and navigating their reality and understanding the shedding of old layers of the self, and to remember and to align to their true nature as divine beings and as creators and co-creators of reality. Because I have been down that path, um, so I just wanted to put that, put that out there.
Speaker 1:That was, that was important for me to kind of to really define, and part of the reason, part of the reason that I did take such a long step back, is because I was, I've had gotten kind of caught up and I felt like I was between two worlds the awakening community, if you will, and then the manifesting community, right? So for me I was like Well, how do I integrate? How do I integrate the two, right? How do I integrate that and really be of assistance for those that are drawn to whatever I have to share? And how can I be of service to to humanity? Really, right, because, as individuals, right, as we awaken and again, this, this whole series, has been about awakening the spiritual body. So, as we awaken, then we, I mean we can assist humanity in different ways, right, rather than just, it's more than just going out and like feeding the hungry, right, or doing charitable work.
Speaker 1:There's so much more to it because, um, and disciplining the mind right, and getting rid of all those old layers and really coming into this place of non-judgment and love, right. So, um, and neville goddard, um, talked about this a lot is thinking the lovely thing, the lovely things of others, right? So, instead of you know, you driving down the road, right, and you come to a stoplight and there's somebody, um, uh, a homeless person, um, standing at the corner with a sign, right, and they're hungry, they need money or whatever, instead of just giving that individual spare change, or if you have food in your car, or giving them food or whatever, instead of just doing that. If you could take a second. So this is what I do is I will just take a brief second and I would just think to myself that individual has a place to live, has a place to live they, they always have food, right, and they're well taken care of, something along those lines.
Speaker 1:Okay, years ago, years ago, before my awakening experience, what, and especially when I was in an actual church setting, going to church, I thought that, okay, just giving to the poor, helping the homeless, just giving right tangibly, was really more than enough. And now I realize that there's so much more that we can do. We can because we are creators, right, we are creating our reality and we are all one, right, we're all connected, if we can imagine the by imagine, I mean even just exercising. A simple thought Again, that individual is they have a roof over their head, right, they always have enough to eat, etc. That is creative. Everything we do is creative.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, I kind of got off on a little tangent there, if you will, um, but that's kind of, that's kind of where I've, I've, I've, I've been and why I haven't come forth to share anything. It's because I really wanted to figure out how do I merge these two experiences, if you will, because they felt certain teaching and sharing. Uh, a lot of the times it felt um, it felt it felt separate. I'm stumbling on my words a lot aren't I? Um part of it's. I need another cup of coffee. I think I didn't.
Speaker 1:Um, I've been having a lot of, lot of vivid dreams the past couple of weeks. I haven't been sleeping very well, but I'm actually. I kind of love that because I'll go for periods of time where I don't have a lot of dreams, or at least I don't remember them, but I'll wake up, or at least I don't remember them, but I'll wake up feeling so tired. So I know that I astral travel right, we all do and I know that there is work that I'm doing in the astral world. I'm here for a purpose. I have a purpose in the astral realm and many of my dreams have been in a setting where I'm teaching or being taught. So, so a lot of times I wake up in the morning. I'll be tired. It's because I'm not necessarily actually fully resting when I'm asleep, but anyway.
Speaker 1:So let's get. Let's get back on topic. So. So, yeah, it's a. So it's important for me to listen to my soul, right? I prefer to stay aligned rather than forcing myself to put stuff out there Just for the sake of of doing it or thinking that I have to do this, I have to do that, right? You don't have to do anything that you do not feel inclined to do in a given moment, right? So, that being said, I kind of I want to jump right back into where we left off in the last episode here, 10 minutes into this episode, so we were nearing the end of the series on awakening the spiritual body. So today's episode is episode nine of 10 in this 10 part series.
Speaker 1:So let's dive into talking about embracing the higher vibrational frequencies for balance and alignment, and, again, this is just a continuation of the previous eight episodes. So our vibrational frequency is like, or it is it's not even just like, it's a cosmic signature, and we all have a core vibrational frequency that is unique to our soul. We each have a unique soul song. Okay, it's a unique resonance that emanates from our being and it doesn't change, right?
Speaker 1:Raising one's frequency is really about embracing higher states of consciousness. When I say higher, I really mean deeper. That doesn't sound right. How do I say this? Higher states of consciousness occurs by really going deeper within, right, and drawing out any of the stuff that is no longer in alignment fear, judgment, anxiety, sadness, like a perpetual sadness. I'm not. I mean we, we all get sad on occasion, right, but, um, like depression, right, that kind of sadness, so, um, so it's about going deeper within and drawing out all of the things that are not part of, are not aligned with that core frequency, right, the things that we've taken on in our life, um, through childhood, adolescence, childhood adolescence, um, and you know work, environments being around, um, you know other other people that maybe we weren't necessarily in alignment with, and taking on other people's energies and things like that.
Speaker 1:So, raising one's frequency, it's really about aligning with your states of consciousness, really Moving into states of consciousness that align with your core frequency. So coming into balance, going deeper within and allowing what is in alignment to come in right into your energetic field and then letting go of what is not in alignment Okay, just absolutely letting it go. So everything is energy and your frequency is a key element in the shaping of your reality. You can choose to accept in a body lower frequencies or states of consciousness consciousness right such as fear or worry, judgment, self-doubt, etc. Or you can choose to go within, to, to understand and transmute and release those, uh, denser energies. Okay, as you do this, you transcend the lower states of consciousness and you move into the higher states of consciousness, thereby essentially raising your vibration.
Speaker 1:So, because your soul's core frequency is already high, if you will, right, and you may not feel it, you may not think that it is because you could be steeped in these other frequencies, right, um, in your life. If you have things going on, um, you know, that are, um, not ideal, right? Um, you not be, may not be able to feel the jerk that your core vibration is high, your soul's core frequency, um, but it is all right, you remember you are, you are a multi-dimensional being. You are a divine, beautiful, unlimited being. You're an aspect of God, okay, so, because your soul score frequency is already high, you, really, what happens is you really just emerge from the shadows shadows, right, as you do the work of going within, etc.
Speaker 1:And um, and then you end up peeling back the layers, the layers and layers of conditioning, old belief systems, anything that is not in alignment for you, part of why I was absent for several months, and every once in a while that'll happen or it has happened. I don't know if that will continue, because I've literally released so much, I've transmuted so much over the years on my own journey that there is really there's really not much left that I have to deal with and transmute um from uh the my old self, if you will right, the anxiety is gone, the depression's gone, um fear is gone. I would say probably 99.9% of any kind of self-doubt, anything like that, is gone. There may be some little shards, shreds of these frequencies deep within um, but I've, but I have peeled back so many layers upon layers upon layers that um, aside from needing to, just needing to rest, right, um and um maybe channel more information, right, I mean I, I could see that happening, going through a period of time where I'm um channeling even more information, I'm remembering more information of uh past, of my past lives, uh, things like that, tapping into the akashic records, etc. But as far as like, dealing with all the old stuff, um, I'm 99.999 sure that um, that I have really dealt with that stuff, so, so I can't imagine another period happening like I just went through with transmuting that much energy and the thing is, it was really only around one core issue from childhood, that was a pattern that played out in my life. So I had worked through so much of it already, and then there was this one little thing left, um, that I really had to to transmute. So, um, so, yeah, hopefully I won't, uh, I won't have to to back away from my content for again for for several months, so, but you know, if I'm called to do that, then then I'll do that. So those of you guys who listen to the podcast or watch my YouTube channel and um, and are subscribed to my channel and are subscribed to my channel, you continue to tune into the podcast. I really appreciate that. Even you know if I'm absent for weeks at a time or months at a time, I really appreciate that, all right. So I thought I was going to say something else and I wasn't. All right, excuse me. So, uh, I had some notes here, all right.
Speaker 1:So raising, oh, so, raising your vibration is a conscious choice on the path of spiritual evolution. So the choice to raise your, uh, your frequency accelerates your journey into and through higher states of consciousness, and the journey isn't easy. Right, there will be ebbs and flow, um, but it's. It's really a beautiful journey, even in the challenging moment, if you can see it from a perspective of gratitude and and love, especially of self-love. Right, loving yourself and forgiving yourself, um, being grateful for all that you do have in your life, right, right, because there's I mean, there's beauty and abundance all around us, if you choose to see it, and especially if you choose to see it in the difficult times. Okay, because in that moment you are transmuting energy.
Speaker 1:Okay, so here are some practices for tuning into higher frequencies. You know things like sound healing, meditation and energy work such as Reiki. So, all right. So the various, these various practices can serve as gateways to embodying higher frequencies, which are just states of consciousness. Okay, example would be moving out of fear and into excitement. Okay, each practice that you exercise, um can be a unique experience.
Speaker 1:Okay, so some of the. You know, some of the things you can do are sound healing, right, the, the power of sound. Um, you can use sound to elevate your vibration. Right, you could use singing bowls, tuning forks, chants. Sound can really help to recalibrate your energy and promote healing.
Speaker 1:Meditation is a great practice that can help you to align with higher realms of consciousness, if you will, and it can serve as a bridge to higher frequencies. Okay, from where you are now, right, if being in an awake like physically awake state, right, in an awake like physically awake state, right. And as you calm your mind and you move into these, these deeper states of consciousness, right, where you kind of enter the void, your thoughts slow down, etc. That that space acts as a bridge to this higher frequencies. And in meditation you can gain profound insights and inner peace. Sometimes, right, if you have a difficult time meditating, just keep practicing, it gets easier over time.
Speaker 1:All right, energy work that's another technique. You know things like Reiki, qigong I think that's how you pronounce it and other modalities, right, that facilitate the flow of life force, energy. Okay. Now, when I decided to take Reiki, I wanted to do that because I wanted to understand the energy and stuff that I was feeling in my own body after my Kundalini awakening. Right, because I was feeling all of that energy, and not only that, but getting visions and tuning into other energies, like feeling other energies, and things like that. I wanted to be able to work with the energy and understand it. So that's why I became a Reiki 2 practitioner.
Speaker 1:At some point I may take additional classes and I'd like to possibly become a Reiki master one day, but I don't see that happening for several years, so we'll see how that goes. But right now I do do distance Reiki sessions and when I do Reiki I always ask the individual if if they want to know what comes through, because a lot of times I'll get if they want to know what comes through, because a lot of times I'll get um I'll get uh insight into something, I'll see a vision, or I'll get um information that comes through. So so when I do Reiki, then then I I like to communicate if, uh, those things, things, if whoever I'm doing a session on, if they're open to that. Some people don't want to know, and that's okay too. And then Qui Gong that is something I have been wanting to try lately. I have it in my planner. In my planner, um, along with exercising and stretching, is to try quick on, and I haven't done it yet, but I keep writing it down because that is a goal of mine.
Speaker 1:I have begun to part of what came out of this last um period, of this hiatus, if you will is I started. I started back up with my routine of journaling or scripting in the morning, revising, so I'll go back to my journal in the evening and I'll revise anything throughout the day, um, writing my manifestation list, and um, and stretching, and, uh, I've been walking a lot. So the next thing for me is getting back into weight training, which I have always loved. And then, um, quick on, so I got away from my, uh, my routine for a long time because I was in such a place of, like, just peace and knowing that you know, I'm the creator of my reality, right, I'm, I, um, I can't blame anybody else for anything happening in my life. I take full control, full ownership of what I've created. If, if, something is not going my way, then what is that teaching me? How did I create that, etc. So, and I'm still in a really good place, right? So as so, I don't need like I don't need to to script or write my manifestation list to try to manifest anything.
Speaker 1:I went back to doing it because I realized that I love the it was. I love the routine of it, right, I love getting up in the morning having a cup of coffee. That's another thing. I switched to decaf, I took all caffeine, so a lot of things have happened. I've eliminated caffeine, um, yeah, but just getting up in the morning and sitting and and scripting, because what I do is that is really my time for visualization. So I use it more like a daydream, right To visualize, and and then what I'll do after that is, I'll go into into meditation for not always journaling.
Speaker 1:I had did that pretty much every day for for quite a while, for I would say a couple years, and then and then I would just do it sporadically because I got to a really good place. I didn't feel like I needed it. But now I'm like you know what, I love the routine of it. I love the routine of it and I've created a course on spiritual discipline. So why not incorporate that back into my life? Right, if I'm going to teach it because I've done it, because it's helped me on my spiritual journey, then why not incorporate it back in?
Speaker 1:And I've had fun? And I've had fun with it, um, even with the manifestation list. So there's really nothing that I absolutely like, feel like I need to manifest, right, um, the, the bigger things, if you will. Um, I've visualized those, written them down um many times done all the affirmations. Things have unfolded, things are still unfolding, so I'm not really stressed about like anything at all. I'm not worried about anything not coming um to fruition, etc.
Speaker 1:But I'm having fun with the manifestation list and I write down random stuff um, like seeing a double rainbow or uh, what else, seeing a? Uh, oh, I wrote down I know I'm kind of rambling now. Oh, I wrote down. I know I'm kind of rambling now. I wrote down that I saw a. Um, so I wrote down that I saw a blue tesla, I think it was. But as I was writing down that I saw a blue tesla in my mind, I was thinking I should write down that I see a green Tesla. So guess what I saw a couple days later. I didn't see the blue Tesla, first I saw the green Tesla, because that's what I thought in my mind. Right, I'm writing down blue Tesla, but I should write down I see a green Tesla. So I saw the green Tesla first and then, a couple days later, I saw the blue Tesla. I did see a double rainbow about two weeks after. I wrote that down. What else? There were a couple of other things that I wrote down that that I that I that I've seen so normally and I don't know why this is. But, um, a lot of times things will take like, maybe, like at the most, like maybe two days, and then there are other things. That is that, and maybe this is a belief that I've had, because it's happened a couple times that usually within about a two-week time frame, most of the stuff that I've written down on my list will have happened. So, anyway, all right, so I've incorporated those things back into my daily routine. So it's been kind of fun writing down a manifestation list and I love this scripting Because, again, I just visualize, right, and I imagine, but I'm not stressed about anything, I'm not forcing anything to happen.
Speaker 1:So how do higher frequencies contribute to our overall well-being? And then I'm going to close this episode out. I know I've been rambling, but I've been gone for a while, so if you stuck with me this long, thank you so much. I appreciate it. All right, so as we embrace higher frequencies, we can experience a holistic transformation, if you will, that really extends to every aspect of our being. These elevated frequencies contribute to our overall well-being, our state of mind, etc. Well-being, our state of mind, etc. Right through elevated consciousness, which Are again are these are the higher frequencies right, as they expand our consciousness, leading to a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with all of existence. And Then there's emotional harmony.
Speaker 1:So raising our vibrational frequency brings emotional balance, and that's sort of what I was just talking about, right, Getting to a place where I didn't feel like I needed to manifestations every day because I was really in this state of um, emotional balance. Now there was still that, look, that little bit of dense energy, right, that I still had to work through. That's part of the the process. But I was really in a state where I didn't feel like I needed to repeat affirmations all day, right, to manifest anything. I just moved into a state of knowing um, and that took work, but it by raising my um, by doing the work, releasing all those layers right, I essentially moved further into alignment with my core frequency, I guess is the best way to put it. And then, of course, physical vitality, right.
Speaker 1:So raising your vibrational frequency increases the vitality of your physical body, right, you may want to not eat junk food, or if you don't eat junk food right now, you may want to switch your diet up. You may want to start exercising, as you raise your vibration, releasing all this old stuff that's no longer in alignment, things in your life will change and you may find yourself wanting to take better care of yourself, right, if you don't already. Like, for me, I mean, I started stretching again, right, and, and walking, because if I felt like that, I want to do this for me. Right, I want to get back into doing this Because I want to be able to continue to handle these frequencies, right, that I'm integrating and I don't want to know it's. I already feel tired and I, um, and I know I can manifest, I can state otherwise, um, tired a lot of times, waking up, right, um, because of the astral travel, you know, things like that, the work I'm doing in the astral realm. But I don't need to feel like that all throughout the day, right? So, when I take care of my body and and that's kind of come about by, just again, all the work that I've got and and releasing those old aspects of the self, right, so, anyway, that is it for for this episode on embracing higher vibrational frequencies for balance and alignment.
Speaker 1:So the next episode is I don't know. Let me look and see what the next episode is. They pull this up so that all the next episode, the final episode, is living in alignment, integrating wisdom into daily life. So we'll talk about that in the next episode. All right, thank you so much for joining me and thanks for letting me chit chat. It's been a while. I kind of miss doing this, but I'm glad to be back. And yeah, and then I don't know all of know. Oh, I do have an interview, I'm doing an interview this month and then I haven't decided what the next 10 part series is. So if you have a suggestion and you want to reach out and let me know, I am open to suggestions. Alright, thanks so much. I'll see you guys in the next episode. Bye now.