The Mindset and Manifesting Podcast

S5E1 Manifestation and Neville Goddard's Core Principles

Lynna K Teer Season 5 Episode 1

🎙️ Episode Description:

"Unlocking Neville Goddard's Core Principles for Powerful Manifestation"

Join Lynna K Teer, Conscious Manifestation Coach and spiritual teacher, as she delves deep into the foundational teachings of Neville Goddard. In this transformative episode, discover the essential principles that form the backbone of conscious reality creation and learn how to apply these timeless teachings in your daily life.

FREE OFFER: Get Your FREE COPY of the Neville Goddard Core Principles Guide:

🌟 In This Episode:
• The fundamental principle of "I AM" consciousness
• Understanding the Law of Assumption
• The power of living from the end
• Practical techniques for entering the state of the wish fulfilled
• How to bridge the gap between imagination and reality
• Real-world applications of Goddard's teachings

Whether you're new to Neville Goddard's work or seeking to deepen your practice, this episode provides clear, actionable insights to enhance your manifestation journey.

✨ Key Takeaways:
• Master the art of conscious imagination
• Learn to effectively use the state akin to sleep
• Understand the role of feeling in manifestation
• Discover how to persist in your desired state

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Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the mindset and manifesting podcast. If you are new, thank you so much for joining me. If you are returning, I know that it has been a while I wasn't sure if I was going to continue recording for this podcast. I had gotten to the point where I was really kind of starting to share more about the souls journey, the awakening journey, talking about energy and the chakra system and dimensions and things like that. So I wanted to take a step back and really kind of figure out what the direction of this podcast would be, since it's titled The mindset and manifesting podcast, and when I originally started the podcast, that was my intention was to just talk about manifestation and mindset, right? And then that transform transformational process that happens when you when you do the mindset work to change your reality, to shift your self concept, and then the manifestation techniques that really allow that really allow us to do that when we understand how to consciously manifest, because manifestation is natural. So we're always manifesting everything in our awareness, everything in our existence, is a manifestation, including us, this physical body, right, including us. So I'm going to start by sharing some definitions, and I'm going to refer to the Bible, which is, what, 2700 years old. That is the Bible mentions the word manifest. And it's then about 37 verses that I have found so far in the Bible that specifically mentioned the word manifest. So if there are earlier text before the Bible that mention it. I'm not aware of it, but the Bible was originally written in Hebrew so and please understand that when i So, when I speak about, when I reference the Bible, it is not from a secular point of view, from the point of view of what we're what we're taught in the churches and stuff. So there's nothing wrong with those teachings. I was in the church for a while, and, you know, I believed everything. I was told. There's nothing wrong with that, and because it is just a point on the journey. Okay, speaking of the journey, I started the another podcast, the journey of awakening, I'll leave the description down below that is where I get into talking more about awakening, ascension, the soul's journey. And this lifetime, parallel lives, things like that. But for the sake of this podcast, I really want to stick to manifestation mindset and that transform that transformative process. So I'm going to provide some definitions that are relative to understanding manifestation, and even I'm going to show the definition of the word attraction, because so many people correlate manifestation with the law of attraction, but we're not really attracting anything. We're aligning with the energy of what we're we are setting our intentions on manifesting on those desires, right, that come into our our and to our awareness our minds. So I'm going to give you guys some definitions. If you have a pen and a piece of paper and you want to write them down, feel free. If not, then, I mean, you can reference them on your own if you're interested. But I just wanted to give you guys some definitions. Give you guys something to think about as when it comes to manifestation. Okay, in Hebrew, the word manifest means to demonstrate, to exhibit, to discover, to reveal. Ill and to disclose. So remember, if you're when we begin talk, when I start talking about neville goddard teachings and the core principles when it comes to manifestation, then it's often mentioned, right? Imagination creates reality. We are bringing the unseen into the scene. What is in our subconscious mind as we are matching into our conscious reality. So that desire, when it manifests. It's been revealed. It's been disclosed, right? So just give that some thought. Now, what is your what is, what is your definition of manifestation? So before I go any further, giving you these other definitions. When you think of the word manifest or manifestation, what definition, without looking it up anywhere, would you have? Would you have given that word or those words? Just give that some thought too. Alright, so the word manifestation and the dictionary, it means an events, an action or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea. And the word manifest in the dictionary, the adjective means clear or obvious to the eye or mind, and the verb to display or show a quality which equality or feeling by one's acts or appearance, and to demonstrate. And what's interesting, if the Bible was written 2700 years ago, and the word manifest is in the Bible written in Hebrew, and we have the Hebrew definition, and now we've got the definition of manifestation the dictionary and the definition of manifest in the dictionary. There's some similarities, but isn't it interesting, how the I just think that the definitions are the definitions are interesting. As words from the Bible, written in Hebrew, get translated into English and the and like the subtle differences in some of the in the definitions, I just find, I find that fascinating. So let's see. The next definition I want to give you guys is the word attraction. And I had this up on my computer, and I minimized it so the word attraction in Hebrew. So think law of attraction, right? Because we're because so many people, again, when they think of manifestation, they think law of attraction. So attraction in Hebrew is attractiveness, withdrawal, pull, appeal and Hall, the dictionary definition, and again, I think, was the Oxford dictionary that, that I found these definitions, the relationship existing between things or persons that are naturally or involuntarily drawn together. I'll say that again, the relationship existing between things or persons that are naturally or involuntarily drawn together. Okay? Now, since everything is energy, let me give you guys the definitions of energy. And again, I'm just sharing this for you guys to give some thought to it. Um, and then kind of, as we get further along, especially when we get into novels like core teachings and stuff and some. The as we get into talk about manna, manifesting further, just kind of maybe keep these definitions in mind, is all I will say. So energy and Hebrew means power and strength and the Strong's Concordance, which is a translation of the word in the Bible, of course, is power and strength. The dictionary definition is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. All right, so that's all I want to say about that. Now let's go into Neville's core principles and the reason so, the reason I bring up Neville's work is because they really are so fun, like they're it's so fundamental what novel talks about in regard, in regards to what I consider some of the primary core principles that he talks about in his or he taught in his lectures. And so many people now have taken those teachings, and, you know, some people teach them pretty matter of factly, some people kind of twisted the teachings a little bit and and so many things have been added on, like different techniques and stuff. Oh my goodness, there's so many different techniques now, when it comes to manifestation, it's just, it's just wow, but there, I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, because there, I mean, it's permission slip. Is somebody believes something is going to work for them. If they have that belief, then chances are it's going to work for them. So if you find a technique that works for you and you believe that it, that it's going to work for you, then hey, whatever, whatever is going to help you, right? Whatever is going to help you manifest your desires, whatever you find the easiest to believe in, right? Then you do you, you do you, because they're your desires, right? So everybody's a little bit different, right? So for some people, visualization really works. Some people, scripting really works there. You know people who there are people who swear by like the 369 method into just different things. So anyway, let's talk about neville goddard score principles. So for those of you who don't know who Neville Goddard is, you can he was a teacher that he gave like 300 and about 398 well lectures that I know of, those are the ones that I have copies up. He probably gave more than that. So he grew up on board Barbados. He lived in New York. He had at the had entered the army. Are the army, I actually, I think he came over to the United States. He was a dancer in the end of the army. Got out of the army by using visualization. Feeling is the secret, right? So a couple of the things that he teaches, right? He that's how he was able to get out of the the army. So he passed away in 1972 but he taught for many, many, many, many years, primarily in in New York City. So he had a mentor who taught him Hebrew, who and he taught him through the Kabbalah. And again, his teacher was named Abdullah. That was kind of a mystical encounter, really, if you were to read the story. So. Yeah, Neville started having experiences. First, he was mentored by Abdullah, he was taught by Abdullah, and then he began having his his these mystical experiences, and he embarked on his own journey of awakening. But a lot of what he teaches really comes down to these core principles and these techniques that you can use to manifest. He taught a lot about, I mean, manifestation was a these principles were a big part of his teachings, but they weren't the primary they weren't really the primary goal of his teachings, especially later on in his lectures, he was really teaching us about the underlying symbolism in Scripture and about awakening to the nature of who we truly are as divine beings, etc. So the one of his t1, of his primary teachings as core, I call him there, this core principles was that imagination creates reality. So he taught that imagination is God. It's consciousness, and that what you imagine is what you will experience. It is what you will manifest onto the screen of space, meaning your third dimensional reality. Because those mental images that you imagine eventually will manifest physically. And there are, I mean, I could bring up some of the, some of the things that he says regarding Scripture as it relates to this, but again, that be a little bit kind of maybe too, too esoteric for for some people. So I'll kind of leave it there, because this is what I'm going to try to, just cover the basics. So imagination creates reality. Imagination is God, which is consciousness. Our imagination is God, right? Would you imagine it? Would you imagine you experience those mental images? They'll manifest physically. He also taught to live. He taught us to live in the end. So meaning, whatever you desire, feel that you have it real right now. You're not looking off into the future for something. Act as if you have it right now, meaning, if you, if you wanted to manifest, like$1,000 right into your bank account right now. And that is like, that's your desire. You want to manifest$1,000 well, when you are you going to, right now, look at your bank account and say, you know, I don't have, I don't have $1,000 of my bank account that's not living in the end, that's not feeling it real now, even though it may seem like you're telling yourself a lie, feel it real, because you're creating, you're manifesting moment to moment. So what you're thinking, what you're imagining right now, is what proceeds into the future, even though, technically the future is an illusion, because everything is happening simultaneously. But feel it real now that is living in the end, if you are happy, if you are desiring to be happily married, when you go when you go to sleep at night, then imagine you're lying next to your husband, not that you're going to bed alone and waking up alone. Just imagine that you're going to bed happily next to the person that you love, right? That you're happily married. So living it, living in the end, is feeling it real now it is a present tense embodiment, and that's an emotional alignment with that thing. So alignment, alignment, aligning with the energy, because everything is energy, and what you're manifesting is essentially energy. And then. It manifests into physical form, right? If you're manifesting a new car before you, even before you even think about it, or before you even like visualize it, think I want this new car, it's like, it's energy, and you manifest. And then it's it's tangible within your awareness, right? So it's that emotional alignment with your desire that's part of living. In the end, everyone is you pushed out. He talks about that a lot. So all consciousness is a one, and others reflect your consciousness. And as you change yourself, then your outer world changes. People treat you differently. You encounter different situations with people. So if you have a if you have a self concept that you know everywhere you go, people are rude, then guess what's going to happen everywhere you go, people are going to be rude. If you have a belief that you're respected everywhere you go, then you're going to experience that respect everywhere you go. So let's see. There's so and another way that novel, another phrase he uses to kind of, I'm trying, all right, I lost my train of thought there for a second. So, as it relates to that last thing that I said, Change self to change others, Neville has a lecture titled, no one to change but self, so you don't change anybody outside of you without first changing your beliefs and assumptions within and it's getting Late. It's like 1030 at night, so perhaps a little tired, so I apologize for losing my train of thought. All right, so another core principle is the law of assumption. So assume your desire is true. Assume that you can have it, know that it exists, just assume the best, right? Um, I think we're a lot of people, and even myself included, right? When, when you grow up with certain beliefs, certain assumptions about things, and then you start doing this mindset work and being intentional about manifestation, because you've come across information to inform you that You are the creator of real reality. You're responsible for your creations, what you're experiencing, right? So it, I mean to it, it can take some time to change those assumptions. That's the internal work that we do. And I talk more about the internal work, I'll talk quite a bit about that on the other podcast. I'll talk about it some here too, because, again, this is really about a mindset work and that transformational process and manifesting the things that we desire to manifest, right? So assume your desire is true no matter what the external world is showing you, because the external world is just a reflection, right? And again, some of you, many of you, may already know some of this stuff, but I wanted to go back and really start with the basics, because I know people still get stuck when it comes to manifestation. So we're going to start with the basics, and then kind of move through and hopefully, what I'd like is for this podcast, in it of itself, to really go through a transformation. In regards to assisting those of you that are are listening so kind of going through and helping you transform, helping you shift your mindset. So in doing so, the podcast and enough itself will transform from just me sharing the basics to me kind of getting into more of the detailed stuff when it comes to consciously manifesting. Alright, so the law of assumption persist no matter what you see in your external reality, persist in your new assumption. It's not always going to be easy. That's part of the process, because you are learning to shift your perception, okay, and to have faith in the unseen reality. And the unseen is your desire that is not yet materialized. It has not yet manifested, right? So we'll go back to that Hebrew definition of manifest, to reveal, to disclose. So have faith in the unseen reality so that it can reveal itself. It can be disclosed to you. It can manifest. All right? Neville also taught revision. Got a few more minutes here, so we're going to go over. Revision is the last one we'll go over today. So revision, rewrite past events. If something negative comes up, you realize, Okay, I am wanting to change this assumption. I want this new belief about this thing. I want to believe that I always have money in the bank. Plus, if something comes up that tells you, no, you can't have this, right? Well, why not? So? Then perhaps a memory comes up. So for me, it would be my childhood and growing up in poverty and never feeling like there would be enough, or whenever we had something, it wouldn't last. So I mean, to this day, I've been on my this journey and knowing about manifestation, understanding manifestation on a deep core level. But things still come up. And right now it's it's really about shifting that mindset around around money. For me, it's really more about receiving and knowing that there's always enough, there'll always be enough. Because I didn't have that. I didn't believe that as as a child. I mean, I've and I talked about this on the other podcast. I've done a ton of work, appeal, back, many, many layers, done so much healing. There's really very, very, very little left. But this is an instance to rewrite the past, and you could do the same thing. Okay, so it's going back and telling a new story about for me, it would be, it would be my childhood. So, and I've done that with and I've done that with certain things. But this, this realization about the receiving and there never being enough, is something that literally, like, just because I've done so much of the other work, layer upon layer, that now, that I now like I have no doubt, I may not have manifested $50,000 I've manifested 10,000 I've manifested 16,000 about to manifest another 13,000 so like so I can manifest money, but it's it's really being able to, how do I feel when I receive it, and how do I feel about it and like, like, as soon as I receive it, it, it goes away pretty quickly, right towards bills or, you know, spending it or whatever, because that's and that has to do With my nervous system and being able to receive because of what I experienced growing up. So that's kind of all just come to the surface recently, because it was one of those deep, deep layers that had to be uncovered. So now I knew I need to do the revision practices just like I've done revision with other things. So, I mean, I'm still there. I mean, there's very little honestly left for me to work through, but I'm being transparent that with you guys, that you know even those of us who really understood. And manifestation, right? We're still, we are on, everybody's on a journey. That's and again, that's why I started the other podcast. So there's more to it than just, hey, I'm going to, I want to manifest a car. I want to manifest money. You've got, there are assumptions involved. There are beliefs. And there are layers and layers of assumptions, of beliefs that we carry and and even trauma that we have to get through, that care that and we hold on to certain emotions and certain beliefs about ourselves, sometimes due to trauma, right? So we, so we have to get through all of that, and it can take months or sometimes years to get through some of that. And that's just, I mean, that's part of the journey, but you can, when you learn to manifest, understand that you're that it's natural. We're always manifesting. But when you learn to get really intentional about it, then you can start shifting your mindset. You can start rewriting your story, creating new assumptions, formulating new beliefs, right, rewriting past events. So for instance, in my case, it's and I need to do that this week. I don't need to do it because I understand where to go from here now that this layer has been uncovered, but rewriting it is just going to be icing on the cake for me. So it's about going back in my it's about going back to my childhood and and rewriting those events, right? So instead of, you know, having to having to eat day old food, right that the stores would put out, or my dad having me and my brother and my sister crawled into dumpsters to find packaged food so that we would be able to eat. I can go back and rewrite that there was always food on the table, right? We always had enough. So you can do that in your own life. So if there was, if there was something in your life that has created resistance, right, a negative belief or assumption that you want to change. Simply go back and rewrite that, and you can do it throughout the day. So when you wake up in the morning, and I do this when I'm scripting, I will send an intention for the day. Express, I literally will tell my I'll write a story, like a page, sometimes two pages in the morning, of how my day went before it's even happened. And then if, if something goes, something happens that kind of a one off experience that wasn't pleasant or whatever. Then in the evenings, I go back and I rewrite that, or I'll visualize it at the end of the day, right, that it went differently. So you can do that. And it's easy to do, it's easy to write a new story, and that when you do that, it helps you to feel emotion. And that's a point of it, to get you in, to move you into that, that that new state of consciousness, okay? And by using revision, it begins to change your memory patterns. And I'll give you an example. So last year, I think, was the year before. It was a year before, and I was I was scripting, and I wrote, I wrote a story about what I experienced during that Christmas. So now what now when I think about that Christmas a couple of years ago, so I was writing so that two years ago, one i i was scripting and I wrote a story about it was actually the Christmas before. So how do I explain. This? No, it wasn't about the Christmas sport, because I was writing it in the now. So let me try to explain this. So two years ago, I've scripted and I wrote down a story thinking about the future, a future Christmas, as if it was happening now, so meaning this Christmas, this and this happen, and and so and so was here, and these were the gifts that we were able to give. So I had scripted that I was able to give my children a gift of like, $10,000 a piece, so that would apply, or at least have$30,000 to give away, right? No problem. So. So I scripted that as as if that was happening right in that moment, but now, when I think about that and this. So this goes back to what I just said about changing memory patterns. So when I think about that now, when I wrote it, it's now, when I think about it, it's like a memory that happened in the past, not something that's going to happen in the future, but it will manifest. It will manifest because I felt it real, right? I create, I changed. I created this new memory pattern. So because I essentially, in that moment, revised what was happening on Christmas day, that day, but things we see, they don't recede into the past. They project into the future. I hope you're following me, so anyway, you can change your memory patterns. There are things I think about now, my honeymoon, when I get married, that now, when I think about it, it's not like looking into the future as if it's going to happen, like it's like it already happened. So I've, and I've, I've, I've changed memory patterns of other things too, all right, so it's as if things have already happened. I it, but they'll project themselves. They won't manifest like, I have no doubt about that. So try revision, because it works, and it really helps to create new like neural pathways in your brain. So again, when you think about certain things, it it's like, oh, that's already, that's already happened. You've literally shifted, you've you've created those new neural pathways. So alright, I am a little bit over. I wanted this to be about 30 minutes long. It's gone a little bit over. So that's, that's all I have for you. Today. I am going to leave a link for I have a free eBook, a free little guy titled Neville Goddard's core principle. So these core principles that I've discussed today are in the eBook, and there's an implementation guide so, and there's space to write notes and stuff. So you guys can try some of these practices if you'd like. And I think I've got, I think I've got room in here. It's about 19 pages, completely free. And you guys can, you guys can do these practices, I think, for, yeah, day, three days. So if you want to kind of focus on on these core principles for three days, and just like you would journal, you've got room in here to do it, if not. If you want to grab a notebook and just take some of the prompt prompts and write in a notebook, you can do that as well. There may not be enough room in the eBook for you to write things down, depending on how much you want to write, so but again, I'll leave a link the description below, completely free copy of this neville goddard score principles guide. So that is all for now. Thank you so much for joining me, and I will see you guys in the next video. If you want to reach out to me, if you have. Questions. I won't answer them individually via email, but I will. I'd be happy to take questions and then answer them here on the podcast, when I start to go live on my YouTube channel or Instagram, eventually I'll be answering questions there as well, but feel free to reach out to me, to email me if you DM me on Instagram. Not great about DMing back on Instagram or Facebook. I get a lot of spam, but if you, if you, I mean, you can't DM me or reach out to me on Facebook, but on my Facebook page, but emailing me would probably be better if you have specific questions, and I'd be happy to take those questions and then answer them here on a podcast episode. Okay, I think I need to go because I'm getting to the point where I can't really speak anymore and and formulate a full sentence appropriately. I need to go to I need to get some sleep so I will see you guys in the next episode. All right, you guys, have a great evening, day, morning, wherever you are, and I'll talk to you guys next time. All right. Bye, now bye.

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